青山餃子房 本厚木店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 青山餃子房 本厚木店

住所 :

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
kouichi akiyama on Google

駅から メイン商店街をちょっと歩き ランチ探し チェーン店は いきたくないなぁ 中華屋さん 発見 って チェーン店だったけど いいかw 麺より 炒飯気分 エビ炒飯セットに 餃子房って名前だし 餃子もつけちゃいますか エビは プリッと してます 餃子も柔らか 肉汁プシュー ご馳走さまでした
From the station A short walk through the main shopping street Looking for lunch Chain stores I don't want to go Chinese restaurant Discovery What It was a chain store Okay w From noodles Fried rice mood For shrimp fried rice set The name is Gyoza Bunch Do you also add dumplings Shrimp Puri I'm doing Dumplings are also soft Gravy push It was a feast
A SGM on Google

夜も定食が安いです。定食にプラス200円で餃子が追加できます。定食はライスがおかわりできます。 水餃子は小籠包のようでおいしいし、焼餃子は大きくておいしいです。 熱々で料理が出てきますが、冬は寒いので早く食べないと冷めちゃいます。
Set meals are cheap at night. You can add gyoza to the set meal for an additional 200 yen. Rice can be changed for the set meal. Water dumplings are delicious like a small basket, and gyoza dumplings are large and delicious. The food comes out hot, but it's cold in winter, so if you don't eat it early, it will get cold.
Tetsurou Yokoyama (yooma) on Google

店名だけあって餃子。 特に水餃子が美味! 皮が手作り&手詰めで中の餡は野菜多目でジューシーです。 麻婆豆腐も美味しかったのでこれからも時々利用したいです。 全体的にリーズナブルなのに一品一品はしっかりしてるので満足感高め。 定食やランチがお得ですね。 店員さんは中国の人かな。 レジに慣れていない人もいましたがサービスも悪くなく、なかなか良いお店でした。 追記、昼定食700円にはプラス200円で焼餃子三個または水餃子五個をつけられます。 水餃子がおすすめです♪ 追記、何食べてもハズレがなく、その時々の野菜などで料理をお願いも出来るので、最近はかなりの頻度で利用しています。
There is only the store name and dumplings. Especially the dumplings are delicious! The skin is handmade and hand-stuffed, and the bean paste inside is juicy with a lot of vegetables. Mapo tofu was also delicious, so I would like to continue using it from time to time. Although it is reasonably priced overall, each item is solid, so satisfaction is enhanced. Set meals and lunch are great deals. The clerk is a Chinese person. Some people were not used to the cash register, but the service was not bad and it was a very good shop. Postscript, you can add 3 grilled dumplings or 5 water dumplings for an additional 200 yen for a lunch set meal of 700 yen. Water dumplings are recommended ♪ Addendum, no matter how much I eat, there is no loss, and I can ask for cooking with vegetables at that time, so I use it quite often these days.
きるひあいす on Google

麻婆豆腐定食と3個入り餃子を注文。まだ沸騰した状態の熱々の鉄鍋入り麻婆豆腐がとても美味しい。大きな餃子は3個でも満足。合計で920円。ご飯はおかわり無料。タオルのおしぼりで顔をふけば、キレイさっぱり、気分爽快( ^ω^ )。
Ordered mapo tofu set meal and 3 dumplings. The mapo tofu with hot iron pot still boiling is very delicious. Even three big dumplings are satisfactory. 920 yen in total. Rice is free and free. If you wipe your face with a towel, you will feel refreshed and refreshed (^ ω ^).
pin lu on Google

There is volume and it is reasonable. Grilled dumplings are full of vegetables and meat. The gyoza has a chewy skin, and you can eat as many as you like. Mapo tofu and the spicy taste of Japanese pepper that comes later are addictive. It's good to be able to take out!
幅口奈那子 on Google

メニューはすべて美味しく、店主も親切だと思いましたが、お会計後、レシートをみるとすべてのメニューが本の少しだけ上乗せされた額で打たれていました。手打ちのレジで、初めは500円近く上乗せされそうになり、私がおかしいと言うと打ち直しをしたため、いつもやっているのかと思います。 レシートも、こちらが言わないと渡してこず、前のお客さんのレシートが連なって出されたままになっていました。 お会計の際はきちんと計算してからレシートもしっかり貰うことをおすすめします。
I thought that all the menus were delicious and the owner was kind, but when I looked at the receipt after payment, all the menus were struck with a little extra for the book. At the hand-made cash register, I was about to add nearly 500 yen at first, and when I said something was wrong, I tried again, so I think I'm always doing it. I didn't hand over the receipts unless I told them, and the receipts of the previous customers were still being issued. We recommend that you make a proper calculation before making a payment and then receive a receipt.
長谷川美恵 on Google

今回は息子と夜に訪問しました。 海老チャーハンセットと水餃子6個入りを3皿(椎茸、海老、肉汁)頼み、半分づつシェア… 店員さんが全て店内で食べるんですか?と聞いてきましたが、それでも少し足りないくらいでした。(笑) 海老チャーハンセットが最初に運ばれてきて、パラパラチャーハンを息子とがっつきながら「美味しいね〜♥」と言っている最中、1番食べたかった水餃子が次々に運ばれてきて、小皿に3種類入れて息子にあげたら、直ぐに飛び付いて瞬く間にペロリと平らげ、更に3個投入して…別の店で悪夢の全て食べられてしまう感じに似ていたので、それは阻止すべく私も夢中で食べ、わずか店内に入って30分で完食! お手々のシワを合わせて幸せ〜?って事で何度も息子と美味しかったね〜と言って帰宅しました。 海老チャーハンも美味しかったし、水餃子も全て美味しかったけど、今日の1番は『海老水餃子』でした。ニラと海老が最高でした。 次回はまた、お一人様で麻婆豆腐セットと水餃子食べに行きます。☺
This time I visited with my son at night. Ask for 3 dishes (shiitake mushrooms, shrimp, meat juice) with shrimp fried rice set and 6 pieces of water dumplings, and share half each ... The clerk asked me if I would eat everything in the store, but it was still a little short. (Lol) The shrimp fried rice set was brought in first, and while he was sticking to his son and saying "It's delicious ~ ♥", the water dumplings that I wanted to eat the most were brought in one after another, and there were three types on a small plate. When I put it in and gave it to my son, I immediately jumped in and flattened it in a blink of an eye, and then put in three more ... It was like feeling that all the nightmares would be eaten at another store, so I was crazy to stop it. Eat at, just enter the store and finish in 30 minutes! I was happy with the wrinkles of my hands ~ ? It was delicious with my son many times ~ and I went home. The shrimp fried rice was delicious, and all the water dumplings were delicious, but today's number one was "Ebi water dumplings". Nira and shrimp were the best. Next time, I will go to eat Mao tofu set and water dumplings by myself. ☺
マツタケ社長のグルメチャンネル on Google

#町中華 #本厚木 【呑める町中華のお店】 本厚木駅北口にあるお店でランチのセットなど超お得なものもありますが、夜に訪店したのでジャンボ餃子や水餃子そして青椒肉絲などをつまみにお酒をたらふく呑みました?町中華呑みマジ最高ですね✨
#Chinese food #Hon-Atsugi [Drinking town Chinese shop] There are some super-value items such as lunch sets at the shop at the north exit of Hon-Atsugi Station, but since I visited the shop at night, I drank sake with jumbo dumplings, water dumplings, and green pepper steak ? It's really the best ✨

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