
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 品香亭

住所 :

Asahicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0014 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Asahicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0014 Kanagawa,Japan
奥津泰夫 on Google

昔からある歴史のあるお店です 若いころ何度かいきました あの頃が懐かしく思います
It is a shop with a long history I went several times when I was young I miss those days
テトteto on Google

店内が 汚ないです ラーメンは最悪
The inside of the shop is not dirty. Ramen is the worst
Lei on Google

味は良いんだけど、店に入ったとたん便所と漂白剤の臭いがきつい? 麺類はなんかカルキ臭い。 味が良かっただけに残念です。
The taste is good, but when you enter the store, the smell of the toilet and bleach is strong. The noodles have a bitter smell. I am sorry just because the taste was good.
小嶋正男 on Google

餃子もラーメンも定食も味付け美味しいです(*´∀`)♪ 真面目な店主に好感持てます!
Gyoza, ramen, and set meals are all seasoned and delicious (* ´∀`) ♪ I like the serious shop owner!
猪俣明洋 on Google

Ramen is delicious, this soup favorite taste. Dumplings are also delicious. The price is better than anything else.
yumi yumi on Google

昭和感溢れる通いたくなる中華料理店。 「孤独のグルメ」に出てきそうな雰囲気。とても良い意味で "きたな旨い" お店です。 厨房で中華鍋を振るう息子さんのお父様が今から51年前に始めたと言うので長い間地元で愛されている味なのかなと。 お店の見た目は古そうでドキドキ。入ってみて更にドキドキですが(笑)、お味はとても美味しく絶品でした!特にニラレバのレバーがぷりぷりの食感。よくスーパーでお惣菜などにもニラレバはありますがここのニラレバには到底敵いません。もやしでかさ増しとかもなく、レバーたっぷりで嬉しい限り。一緒にたのんだチャーハンもパラパラで美味しかったです。 主人はラーメンにしておりましたが、ラーメンの麺については不思議なあまりない味でした。スープは良かったですが。 雰囲気は店主さん含めとても優しく、ベビーカーでも大丈夫でした!客層は家族連れやガテン系で、素敵なデートの雰囲気ではないです。ここでは完全に昭和感と味を楽しむところかと。もう少し店内が綺麗でも良いのかな。 嬉しいことに持ち帰りも出来るとのことなので、夕飯の一品にもできそうです。 値段は駅前の中華料理店に比べたら安いです。あと、いつも日本語が通じるかドキドキしますが、店主さん含め安心の日本人のようです。 (笑)
A Chinese restaurant full of Showa era that makes you want to go. Atmosphere that seems to appear in "Gourmet of loneliness". In a very good sense, it's a "tasty" restaurant. My son's father, who shakes a wok in the kitchen, started it 51 years ago, so I wonder if it's a taste that has been loved by the locals for a long time. The shop looks old and throbbing. I was even more thrilled when I entered (laughs), but the taste was very delicious and exquisite! Especially, the liver of Nirareba has a plump texture. I often have Nirareba in supermarkets and side dishes, but I can't beat Nirareba here. As long as you are happy with plenty of liver, it may be sprouts and bulky. The fried rice that I enjoyed together was also delicious. My husband used ramen, but the ramen noodles had a strange taste. The soup was good. The atmosphere was very gentle, including the shopkeeper, and a stroller was fine! The customer base is family and gatten, and it doesn't have a nice date atmosphere. Here is a place where you can completely enjoy the Showa era and the taste. I wonder if the inside of the store may be a little cleaner. Fortunately, you can take it home with you, so it looks like you can make it as a supper dish. The price is cheaper than the Chinese restaurant in front of the station. Also, I'm always thrilled if I can speak Japanese, but he seems to be a Japanese person with peace of mind, including the shopkeeper. (Lol)
樋川たみ江 on Google

先代のエビチリとは少し変わりましたが、それも又 美味しかったです! チャーシューは58年前から変わらない味を引き継いでいて、絶品です!! それが何よりアリガタイ? オードブルやお弁当も受け付けています!
It was a little different from the previous shrimp chili, but it was also delicious! Char siu has inherited the same taste from 58 years ago and is excellent! ! Above all, Arigatai ? We also accept hors d'oeuvres and lunch boxes!
Machao O on Google

食事も建物もあじがあります? 星5個つけておきながら先に書きます。 建物や店内については決して綺麗とは 言えません。 でもね! 美味しかったです! 注文は古き良き食堂の定番『オムライス』 ウシジマくんを真似てケチャップ追加で いただきました。? 駐車場は2台ありますが、お店の車が あるので実質1台。空いてたらラッキー メニューは裏表ありますが、あれっ? 両面同じでした? エアコンは新しくなっていて、夏場涼し かったです。 またお伺いします。 ごちそうさまでした?
Both the food and the building have horse mackerel ? Write first with 5 stars attached. What is beautiful about buildings and stores? I can't say. But you know! It was delicious! Order the classic "omelet rice" from a good old dining room Imitate Ushijima and add ketchup I received it. ? There are two parking lots, but the car in the shop Since there is, it is actually one. Lucky if free There are two sides of the menu, but that ? Both sides were the same ? The air conditioner is new and cool in the summer It was good. I will visit you again. Thank you for your feast ?

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