創作料理 厚工坊

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 創作料理 厚工坊

住所 :

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://atsukoubou-honatsugi.owst.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
上畑一樹 on Google

中国人の店長さんがとても良い人です。駅から少し離れているので静かですし、 料理も美味しくお手頃価格です。
The Chinese manager is a very good person. It ’s a bit far from the station so it ’s quiet, The food is also delicious and affordable.
貴彦山本 on Google

A shop with delicious Sichuan-style stick chicken.
Shift_Gymkhana on Google

麻婆豆腐、レトルトの質と味。きゅうりのニンニクタタキ、ニンニクの刻みが雑過ぎ(粗すぎではなく)。オーダーから料理が出てくる時間も長め。 期待して入ったが、残念。次はルーロー飯を食べたいなと思っていたが、たぶん来ません。ご馳走様でした。
Mapo tofu, quality and taste of retort. Cucumber garlic tataki, garlic chopped too coarse (not too coarse). The time when the food comes out from the order is also long. I expected it, but I'm sorry. I wanted to eat rouleaux rice next time, but I probably won't come. It was a treat.
黒鉄漆 on Google

全体的にリーズナブルで美味しいです。 個人的には汁物(定食につくスープや海鮮タンメンなど)は、白胡椒がかなり利いているので辛く感じます。 もう少し押さえられていれば☆5でしたが、料理は美味しいので今後もお世話になります(^-^)/
Overall it is reasonable and delicious. Personally, the soup (soup, seafood tanmen, etc. that comes with a set meal) feels spicy because the white pepper is quite effective. It would have been 5 if it was held down a little more, but the food is delicious so I will continue to take care of it (^-^) /
sk2 F. on Google

場所的に少し入り難いですが風俗?ビルのオーナーでもあるオーナーシェフが作る中華は濃い味好きには重宝される味の素料理でした。 因みに台湾ではなく大陸系中華料理です。 数回行きましたが大体空いていて入り易いです。 店内は中華あるあるですが床がオイリーです、、、 ただ奥さんかな?女将さんの接客は非常に丁寧で感じ良かったです
It's a little difficult to enter in terms of location, but is it customs? The Chinese food prepared by the owner chef, who is also the owner of the building, was an Ajinomoto dish that is useful for those who like strong taste. By the way, it is not Taiwanese but continental Chinese food. I went there several times, but it's mostly vacant and easy to enter. There is Chinese food in the store, but the floor is oily ... Is it just a wife? The customer service of the landlady was very polite and pleasant
atsushi suzuki on Google

Set meals can be eaten day and night, and the price is reasonable! Cooking with advanced rice is wonderful.
Hadano香草 on Google

今日は「中華料理 厚工坊」にやって来ました。(^O^)/ 以前ふらっと訪問したのですが、店内には誰もおらず声をかけても返事もないので「何て不用心な店なんだ・・・?」と思い、食べることが出来なかったので残念でした。 再び訪れると「ピンポーン、いらっしゃいませ~」とチャイムと共にスタッフの方に出迎えられました。 開店したばかりと言うこともあり先客はおらず広い店内に一人ぼっちはちょっとさみしいですね。(笑) テーブルにあったメニューを見ていると、お水と一緒にランチメニューが運ばれてきました。 表側の料理は定食になっていて裏側の料理は単品メニューとのことでした。 「台湾ルーロー飯定食 750円」は、ルーロー飯、スープ、漬物、自家製杏仁豆腐のセットになっています。 まず、スープは熱々でコクはあるものの薄味になっています。ルーロー飯のご飯はちょっとパサついた感じで味のないパラパラ炒飯と言う感じで「えっ、ちょっと苦手かも。。。」と思って食べ進めると「おっおっお~! うまい!」 パサついたご飯が肉と混ざった瞬間、汁を吸ったご飯が。。。肉と混ざったご飯が。。。大変身したんです。(^O^)/ 肉のピリッとした味付けと野菜とご飯のコラボレーションが抜群なんです。さらに燻製卵が加わり美味さ倍増です。 ピリ辛の口の中を癒やしてくれたのが先程の薄味のスープなんです。この薄さが絶妙な味わいで良いですね。 自家製の杏仁豆腐は、良い意味で杏仁豆腐臭くないナチュラルなところも食後のデザートして良い味わいでした。 訪問日:2018.03.13
Today I came to "Chinese cuisine Kobo". (^ O ^) / I visited briefly before, but since there was no one in the shop and I didn't reply to them, I thought, "What a careless shop ...?" .. When I visited again, the staff welcomed me with a chime saying "Welcome to Ping Pawn ~". Since it is said that it has just opened, there are no customers and it is a little lonely to be alone in the large store. (Lol) Looking at the menu that was on the table, the lunch menu was brought with water. The food on the front side was set and the food on the back side was a single item menu. "Taiwan Rouleau Rice Set Meal 750 Yen" is a set of rouleau rice, soup, pickles and homemade almond tofu. First of all, the soup is hot and rich, but thin. The rouleau rice is a little dry and has no taste. It's a fried rice with no taste. At the moment when the dry rice mixed with the meat, the rice sucked the juice. .. .. Rice mixed with meat. .. .. I've changed a lot. (^ O ^) / The spicy flavor of the meat and the collaboration of vegetables and rice are outstanding. In addition, smoked eggs are added to double the taste. It was the thin soup that healed the spicy mouth. This thinness gives it an exquisite taste. The homemade almond tofu, in a good sense, had a natural taste that didn't smell like almond tofu, and it tasted good as a dessert after eating. Visit Date: 2018.03.13
Hidemi A on Google

After 6 o'clock in the evening, we were the only customers, and we could have a quiet and slow meal. (Influence of Corona?) The reddish interior and the music unique to Chinese food, not the music, but the calm atmosphere and piano-like music. From the front, I thought it was a small shop, it had a depth, and there were many table seats, which made me feel comfortable. I don't like big, small shops, so for me, it's a place where I can enjoy Chinese food in a relaxed manner, the price is reasonable, and I want to visit again. At the à la carte, we had appetizers, meat, vegetables and fried rice. A good-looking man is sliced ​​up by himself and when it comes out, there is no persistence that any of the polite and greasy things will leave aftertaste, and the meal is completed smoothly.

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