
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MAGゴルフプラザ

住所 :

Nakaarai, Ageo, 〒362-0052 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887889
街 : Saitama

Nakaarai, Ageo, 〒362-0052 Saitama,Japan
yuichiro anazawa on Google

All-you-can-eat 2360 yen, maybe up to 400 balls. It's free and you can relax and practice ~
三浦ひとみ on Google

昔ながらな感じでアットホーム 価格もお安く、レッスンもコーチ達がとても教えるのが上手 おかげで、コンペも行けました 初心者さんにおすすめ
At home with a traditional feel The prices are low, and coaches are very good at teaching lessons. Thanks to that, I also had a competition Recommended for beginners
島村順一 on Google

土曜、日曜でも打ち放題サービスがあるのはありがたい。 他の練習場より割安。
I am grateful that there is an all-you-can-eat service on Saturdays and Sundays. Cheaper than other driving ranges.
久野木功 on Google

練習場の清潔さ、 従業員の対応の良さ感動しました。
The cleanliness of the driving range, I was impressed by the good response of the employees.
日進太郎 on Google

施設の設備やスタッフの対応は良いが、分煙されておらず、喫煙者が咥えタバコで打席に入ったり、火を付けっぱなしのタバコを放置していたり、練習よりタバコを吸ってる時間が多いヘビースモーカーが異常に多く、まるで喫煙室にいるかのように煙たい練習場。 昨今、ゴルフ場や練習場に限らず、完全禁煙や最低でも喫煙室を設けるなどの対策が当たり前の時代に、逆にある意味、喫煙者天国の練習場。 タバコ吸わない人は、絶対に行かない方が良いと思います。
The facilities of the facility and the staff are good, but the smoker has not smoked, the smoker holds a cigarette at the bat, leaves the cigarette left on fire, and has more time to smoke than practice There is an unusually large number of heavy smokers, and it is a practice field where you want to smoke as if you were in a smoking room. In recent times, not only golf courses and practice areas, but in the era when measures such as completely non-smoking and establishing a smoking room at least are commonplace, in the opposite sense, it is a practice area of ​​smoker heaven. People who don't smoke should definitely not go.
パゲジパゲジ on Google

練習によく使ってます☆ 打ち放題ってかセット料金みたいので400球打ててビジターでも2000円前後(土日祝とか午前午後とかサービスデーとかで多少値段違うけど)くらいだから「おっさんの遊びで行ってるつもりが部活みたいだね(笑)」って友達とも話ながらやってますが、まぁ打つの好きなひとには良いんじゃないでしょうか^_^ 多分、実測140ヤードも無いと思うけど、レンジボールとコースボールの差込でネットの1番深いとこの根本に届く位のクラブでコースだと140ちょい位のイメージでやってます☆(使用球で多少差はあるでしょうけど) 週に何回も行くわけじゃないですが、ホントに結構好きな場所であんまり混むと困るので、いいとこですよ〜☆最高ですよ〜♪ってつもりでくちこんでますが、読んだ人もほどほどに来て頂けると助かります(笑)
I often use it for practice ☆ It's like all-you-can-eat or set fee, so you can hit 400 balls and even a visitor is around 2000 yen (although the price is a little different depending on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, morning afternoon, service day, etc.) (Laughs) "I'm talking with my friends, but I think it's good for people who like to hit ^ _ ^ Probably, I don't think there is an actual measurement of 140 yards, but if it is a club that reaches the root of the net when the range ball and the course ball are inserted, the course is about 140 or so ☆ (ball used) There will be some difference) I don't go there many times a week, but it's a good place because it's a problem if it gets too crowded in a place I really like ~ ☆ It's the best ~ ♪ It would be great if you could come in moderation (laughs)
櫻井和博 on Google

All-you-can-eat is a great deal. Although it is a monthly pace, we will continue to use it.
T mitui on Google

It's free. It feels good at home. A little-known practice area. Maybe you don't want to be known too much. ww

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