Nagoya Training School of Commercial Cookery - Nagoya

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagoya Training School of Commercial Cookery

住所 :

5-3 Shinkaicho, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0856, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 467-0856
Webサイト :

5-3 Shinkaicho, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0856, Japan
mr shi on Google

とりあえず先生達がヤバすぎる 生徒の悪口を平気で言う暴力をふるう 圧力をかけてくるこの学校は闇だらけです。 入学を希望している方々やめた方がいいですよ
For the time being, the teachers are too dangerous Use violence to speak ill of students This school that puts pressure is full of darkness. Those who want to enroll should quit
Giku Ito on Google

この学園を退職した者です。 まだ働いていらっしゃる職員の方のために書きます。 この学園は校長によるパワハラ、労働基準法違反の多発、サービス残業、無給休日出勤で、労働環境が酷く、辛かったです。 特に校長が独裁者のようにパワハラし、職員だけでなく生徒も被害を受けています。 労働基準監督署にも相談しましたが、動いてくれなかったため、投稿します。
I am a retired person from this school. I will write it for the staff who are still working. The school had a bad working environment due to the power harassment by the principal, frequent violations of the Labor Standards Act, overtime work, and paid holidays. In particular, the principal was so harassed as a dictator that not only the staff but also the students were damaged. I also consulted with the Labor Standards Inspection Office, but since it did not work, I will post it.
矢野清治 on Google

師範代の経歴、調理の腕前は一流の方々が揃っていると思いますが、一部は指導者として見たらいまいちと感じました。 一度に沢山の人数の前で指導するので全部を見通すというのは難しいですが 積極的にわからないとこ出来ないとこを聞かないと置いてきぼりを喰らうのでどんどん聞いた方がよいです。 高圧的な人も一部はいますが、社会にはもっと高圧的な人もいるので慣れる機会にはなると思います。ただ、それは一部の先生で、大半は良い先生の方が多いと感じました。 社会に立つ前の最後の準備期間みたいなものなので、ここでの経験を生かすも殺すも生徒次第です。
I think that there are top-notch people with a career as a teacher and cooking skills, but I felt that some of them were not so good when I saw them as instructors. It is difficult to see all of them because I teach in front of a large number of people at a time, but if you don't know if you don't know what to do, you'll need to listen to more and more because you'll be left behind. There are some people with high pressure, but there are more people in society, so I think it will be an opportunity to get used to it. However, I felt that it was some teachers and most of them were good teachers. It's like the final preparation period before standing in society, so it's up to the student to make the best use of or kill the experience here.
Chiara on Google

名調は不自由のない設備に現場経験が豊富な先生達が揃っていて、料理が好きで調理を学びたい自分からしたらすごい魅力的な学校でした。 卒業したくないと思うほど充実した学校生活が送れました!
It was a very attractive school for me, who loves cooking and wants to learn cooking, with teachers who have a lot of experience in the field and equipment that is not inconvenient. I had a fulfilling school life that I didn't want to graduate!
sky on Google

この学校では2年間を通して西洋、日本、中国、製菓幅広く料理を学べるところが魅力だと思います。 料理に興味がある人、やる気がある人にとって大きく成長できる環境が整っている学校です! これから入学する人は楽しい学校生活をおくってください!!
I think the appeal of this school is that you can study a wide range of cooking in the West, Japan, China, and confectionery throughout the two years. It is a school with an environment where people who are interested in cooking and those who are motivated can grow greatly! If you are going to enroll, please have a good school life! !!
餅田大助 on Google

この学校で指導をする方々は各部門ごとに専門の方々がおり、経歴や実力は本当にすごい方々が揃っています。ただ調理の腕が凄かろうと必ずしも指導者としても優秀かと言えばそうとも言えないかなと思いました。 親身になって熱心に教えていただける人もいれば、何でこんなことが出来ないのかと呆れて指導が投げ槍気味になる人もいました。(今はどうかわかりません)どう言ったら上手く伝わるかという工夫が全く見られない人もいました、正直指導者としてどうかと思いますが、現場に出たら自分の力で仕事を覚えなければならないのでそういったことに慣れる機会にはなると思います。 ただ、大概の先生は丁寧に教えてくれるのでそこまで気にしなくても大丈夫です。 授業のスピードもある程度早いので、分からないことを放って置くと本当に分からないままで終わってしまいます、聞くは一時の恥聞かぬは一生の恥 恥ずかしくてもどんどん質問しましょう。 最後に、調理の仕事はとても大変ですが人に喜んでもらえて需要の無くならない仕事だと思っています。調理の仕事が合う合わないはやってみないとわかりませんが、調理学校で学んだ経験を無駄にしないようにして下さいね。
The people who teach at this school are specialized in each department, and they have really great backgrounds and abilities. However, I thought that even if I had great cooking skills, I wouldn't necessarily say that I was excellent as a leader. Some people were kind and enthusiastic about teaching, while others were wondering why they couldn't do this, and the guidance seemed like a spear. (I don't know how it is now) Some people couldn't see any idea how to convey it well. I think as an honest leader, but when I go to the scene, I have to learn the work by myself. So I think it will be an opportunity to get used to such things. However, most teachers will teach you carefully, so you don't have to worry about it. Classes are fast to some extent, so if you leave something you don't understand, you'll end up with something you don't really understand. Don't be ashamed for a while, but be ashamed for the rest of your life. Ask more and more questions. Lastly, the cooking job is very difficult, but I think it is a job that will keep people happy and demand will not disappear. I don't know if the cooking job doesn't fit, but don't waste the experience you learned at the cooking school.
Misokusikatu Nt on Google

卒業生(生徒)の女子の親 良くも悪くも技術系学校です。 やる気のある人の伸びは凄くありますが、ない人はなんとなく課題をこなしつつ卒業します。 ここに来るには様々な理由があると思いますが、キチンと進級、卒業させるように努力はされていると思います。 一応、社会に出るための力は養えるます。 専門学校としての力量はあるとは思いますが、お子さん達に校則など多くは一般的な学校より窮屈さを感じると思います。 また、高等課程の学生はある程度技術は学べますので、ここでも飛躍する子の伸びは凄いです。 卒業生のレストランなどにお邪魔すると、感じます。 ただ、就職支援に関してはあるにはありますが自主性重視だとなかなか動けない子もいます。 名店と言われるオーナーさんとお話の機会があり相談したときはもう少し学校側として情報を出したり、今どきのネット以外のマッチングも支援できると、、聞き、その通りだなと思いました。 ちなみに、写真の文化祭でのご飯はすごく美味しいです。 流石、料理学校!一般的な学校の模擬店とはレベルが桁違いでした。 ごちそうさまです。
Alumni (students) girls parents For better or worse, it is a technical school. The motivation of those who are motivated is tremendous, but those who do not graduate from doing some tasks. I think there are various reasons to come here, but I think you're working hard to advance and graduate. For the time being, you can develop the power to go to society. I think that there is competence as a vocational school, but I think that children feel more cramped than general schools, such as school rules. In addition, since the students of the high school can learn the technology to some extent, the growth of the leap child is also amazing here. I feel when I visit a graduate's restaurant. However, there are some employment support programs, but there are some children who cannot move easily if emphasis is placed on independence. When I had a chance to talk with the owner, which is said to be a well-known store, when I consulted, I heard that I could provide some more information as a school and support matching other than the Internet today, and I thought that was exactly the case. By the way, the rice in the cultural festival of photography is very delicious. As expected, cooking school! The level was orders of magnitude different from the general school simulation store. Thanks for the meal.
木村和雄 on Google

出来なくても免許取らせて卒業させてくれるよ。 でも自主的に勉強しないと通用する人間にはなれないかも… でも飲食業界ってどこもそうだから… いや、私は丁寧に教える方だけど。
Even if I can't do it, I'll let you get a license and graduate. But if you don't study independently, you may not be a good person ... But that's the case in the food and beverage industry ... No, I'm a polite teacher.

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