Nagoshi Nishikasai

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagoshi Nishikasai

住所 :

Nishikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0088 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0088 Tokyo,Japan
今井宏典 on Google

以前テレビで拝見し、ずっと行ってみたかった場所に、やっと行くことができました? ランチメニューはたくさんあったのですが、ローストビーフ定食と、海鮮丼をいただきました。どちらも大変美味しく、しかもリーズナブル❗たくさん食べられる方は、ご飯の大盛りも無料でできます。 スタッフの対応、店の雰囲気、どれも素敵でした? また機会をつくり、是非行きたいと思います??
I saw it on TV before and finally I was able to go to the place I always wanted to go ? There were many lunch menus, but I had a roast beef set meal and a seafood bowl. Both are very delicious and reasonably priced ❗ If you can eat a lot, you can also make a large serving of rice for free. The staff's response and the atmosphere of the store were all wonderful ? I would like to create another opportunity and go ??
YUUKI TAI on Google

Visit alone. Although I ate at the counter, I was able to eat calmly without being spoken from the shop side. When speaking to you I coped with the pleasant impression and it is a good impression. Cooking is delicious. Sashimi is good, but beach grilling of shellfish is the best. Bombinos recommends COSPA well. Clams are also delicious. I regret that tartaru is too cold, as chicken soba is different from what I expected. However, the level of cooking is high. The pasta of the end was delicious. There is a variety of Japanese sake, so we can ask for it from a half, so it is good to be able to compare drinks! However, it is regrettable that there was no sake at this time.
jw jmapple on Google

Lunch is also gorgeous. Always a thriving store with drinks and desserts. Raw oysters are also delicious.
下垣三希子 on Google

基本的にホールで働いている方の感じがいい。お昼は飲み物もついてきてコスパがいいけど、海鮮丼は生臭くて美味しくなかった。 夜は浜焼きメニューを頼んだが味付けが塩辛く残念。忙しかったのだろうがオーダーから暫くして今日は置いてないと言われてそこも残念。
Basically, the feeling of those who work in the hall is good. Drinks came with me for lunch and the cospa was good, but the seafood bowl was fishy and not delicious. I ordered a beach grilled menu at night, but the seasoning is salty and unfortunate. It may have been busy, but it's a pity that I was told that I haven't put it today after a while from the order.
アリタリア璃子 on Google

友達のランチ行きつけのお店で初来店しました。年末で店内は満員御礼状態。団体客や家族連れ、職場の仲間等々来店者はそれぞれですが、会計時に皆、顔見知りのような感じで会計をされていました。店員さんも気さくな感じで、手際もよく地域に愛されてる感を感じました初めてでしたが、ランチもコスパも良く、尚且、 江戸川区の期間限定のpaypayキャッシュバック30%は大きいです!?味も良くてその上、キャッシュバックがあって食べれるなんて、こんなお得感ないですよね~☺️?️ 次回は、夜に行こうと思っています!
I visited my friend's lunch shop for the first time. At the end of the year, the store was full and thank you. There are different visitors such as group customers, families, and colleagues at work, but at the time of accounting, everyone was accounting as if they were acquainted with each other. The clerk was also friendly, and I felt that he was loved by the community for the first time, but the lunch and cospa were good, and yet, 30% of paypay cashback for a limited time in Edogawa Ward is big! ? It tastes good and you can eat it with cashback, isn't it? ☺️?️ Next time, I'm thinking of going at night!
さむ on Google

ランチで利用しました。 11:30頃の入店だったので2組ほどしか入っていませんでした。 ランチメニューが豊富で、何を注文しようか迷いましたが、メニューにデカデカと写真が載っている自家製ローストビーフ丼(980円)を注文。 ご飯の大盛りが無料とのことで、中盛り程度でお願いしました。 お肉は少し固いですが、ローストビーフだからまぁこんなもんでしょう。 大根おろしとわさびが添えられてます。 このわさびが鼻にツーンとくるほど辛い。でも美味い。 食後のデザートにマンゴープリンが出てきましたが、これがまた美味い。 1,000円以内でローストビーフ丼にデザートと飲み物が付いてくるなんてめっちゃお得だと思います。 今回はホットコーヒーを頼みましたが、ジュースはジョッキサイズで出てくると店員さんが言ってました。 店員さんは気さくな方で、とても気持ちの良い接客をされてました。
I used it for lunch. I entered the store around 11:30, so there were only about two groups. The lunch menu was abundant and I was wondering what to order, but I ordered a homemade roast beef bowl (980 yen) with a big deca and a photo on the menu. I heard that a large serving of rice is free, so I asked for a medium serving. The meat is a little hard, but it's roast beef, so it's probably like this. It is served with grated radish and wasabi. It's so spicy that this wasabi comes to my nose. But it's delicious. Mango pudding came out as a dessert after a meal, but this is also delicious. I think it's a great deal to have a roast beef bowl with dessert and drink for less than 1,000 yen. I ordered hot coffee this time, but the clerk said that the juice would come in a mug size. The clerk was a friendly person and was very pleasant to serve customers.
横瀬まさつぐ on Google

海鮮丼のランチ paypay 払い払うと20%返ってくるということをお店で食べた時は女店員人が教えてくれた。 何日か前 お弁当を頼み利用した時には 教えて貰えなかった 受けられるサービスを教えてもらい 得をした
Seafood bowl lunch paypay When I ate at the store, a female clerk told me that if I pay it, I get 20% back. When I asked for a lunch box a few days ago and used it Didn't tell me Please tell me the services you can receive Made a profit
007Decky on Google

Though they do not have English menu, we were pleasantly surprised by their staffers’ friendliness and gregariousness. They tried their best to explain the items in their menu to us. We ordered quite a bit of food. Most of them were delicious and and prepared with exceptionally fresh ingredients. The fried udon was a bit disappointed as it tasted somehow quite salty to us. Overall, we are pleased with the dining experience (especially the awesome service)!

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