
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コキアの谷

住所 :

Nagayoshi, Sodegaura, 〒299-0204 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.t-doitsumura.co.jp/flower03/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday 9:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5PM
Friday 9:30AM–5PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Nagayoshi, Sodegaura, 〒299-0204 Chiba,Japan
shinoV N on Google

ここには釣り堀があり、金魚と小さい錦鯉の2種が選べます。金魚は釣れたら1匹350円で持ち帰りできますが、錦鯉はダメです。 因みに金魚はほぼ釣れません。難しい……。
There is a fishing moat here, and you can choose 2 types of goldfish and small fish. If you can catch a goldfish, you can bring it back for 350 yen, but you should not use a salmon. By the way, goldfish can not catch almost. difficult…….
仁平吉晴 on Google

こんな時期(台風15号被害後)に行ったから、見れる所があまりなかった。 コキアは倒れ、修繕中の場所があったからかな。でも、村内は平らな所が少なくて、歩いているだけでも良い運動にもなるから日を改めてまた行きたいな。そうなれば☆?だね
I went there like this (after the damage of Typhoon # 15), so there wasn't much to see. Perhaps because Kokia fell down and there was a place under repair. However, there are not many flat places in the village, so just walking is a good exercise, so I want to go again. If that happens, it ’s ☆ ?
おおさかきよみ on Google

イルミネーションを見に行った 土曜日のお昼は、メインの駐車場は、ガラガラでしたが、夕方頃は満車になる勢いで車がいっぱいになりました
I went to see the illuminations The main parking lot was rattled at noon on Saturday, but the cars were full in the evening.
安部幸江 on Google

I went on a day tour with my friends to the illuminations in front of the German village. This time, I enjoyed going to the daytime with my daughters and grandchildren and having a lot of fun.
NORI M on Google

台風上陸の前日訪問(10/11)、私達の他には一組位しか人がおらず 貸切状態。コキアは前回の風台風で倒れているものもありましたが、綺麗に色付いて目を楽しませてくれました。80才を過ぎた高齢者連れだと、車で園内を回れるのはとても助かりました。
Visited the day before the landing of the typhoon (10/11). Although Kokia had fallen in the last typhoon, it was beautifully colored and delighted the eyes. It was very helpful to be able to go around the park with an elderly person who was over 80 years old by car.
ぽむこ on Google

最高に綺麗なイルミネーション! 見応え抜群です。 終始笑顔になれ、感動しました。
The most beautiful illuminations! It is outstandingly spectacular. I was impressed to be able to smile from beginning to end.
秀貴幸森 on Google

広くて家族向き。 無料で遊べるのが少なくて駐車料金と入場料以外になにをするにもお金を取られるのはちょっとイヤだった。
Large and suitable for families. I didn't want to be able to play for free, and I didn't want to be charged for anything other than parking and admission.
ふくゆみ on Google

今年は台風で斜めになってたりしているのもありましたが、頑張って紅葉してる姿が頼もしい感じでした! 毎年来てますが、ちょっと遅かったかな? でも、綺麗で癒されます
This year, there was a typhoon that made it slant, but it was a reliable feeling that I was doing my best and colored leaves! I come every year, was it a little late? But it ’s beautiful and healed

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