Utsubuki Park - Kurayoshi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Utsubuki Park

住所 :

Nakanocho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0824, Japan

Postal code : 682-0824
Webサイト : http://www.city.kurayoshi.lg.jp/p/gyousei/div/kensetsu/kanri/5/
Description : Green space with a small zoo, known for its numerous azalea plants & cherry blossoms.

Nakanocho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0824, Japan
Mantan Jilin on Google

Where I was born and raised, the playground is also here. Even after many years, I am relieved to be able to return to my childhood with the unique scent of mountains.
2019 chouchou on Google

倉吉の中心地に位置する桜が素敵な公園です。 友人とその子どもたちと訪れました。 近隣には複数駐車場がありますが、 よく、市役所の駐車場を利用します。 そんなに遠くはないですよ。 公園には、散策ルートはもちろん、 猿舎やふれあい動物園、遊具があります。 猿舎は上から見下ろす感じで あまり綺麗ではありませんが 手軽にお猿さんが見られます。 遊具は普通の公園にある程度の高さの滑り台とブランコがあります。 あまり広くはないですが、散策ついでに子どもと立ち寄るならいいかな、と思います。
Cherry blossom park located in the center of Kurayoshi is a wonderful park. I visited with my friends and their children. There are multiple parking lots nearby, Well, use the city hall parking lot. It's not so far. In the park, of course, the walk route, There are monkey buildings and contact zoos, and playground equipment. It looks like it looks down from above It is not so beautiful You can easily see the monkey. The playground equipment has a slide and a swing of a certain height in a normal park. It is not very wide, but I think it would be nice to stop by with a child while taking a walk.
山下正雄 on Google

I went to see the cherry blossoms in the morning of March 29th. I like the cherry blossoms around the zoo ?. I think the weekend is good after that.
広岡恵子 on Google

The dumplings ? are delicious. I've been a fan since I became a treat from an acquaintance. Please appreciate it. We are ordering from Kanto! ️
よこyoko on Google

春になると桜が綺麗です 少し奥に動物がいて楽しめます! 小さい子供さんを連れて遊ぶのにおすすめです
The cherry blossoms are beautiful in spring There are animals in the back and you can enjoy it! Recommended for playing with small children
Z Jay on Google

標高204m、倉吉のシンボル打吹山のふもとに明治37年、時の皇太子殿下、後の大正天皇が山陰地方を行幸された際にその記念として開かれた公園です。 「さくら名所百選」にも選ばれた山陰随一のさくらの名所で、春になると多種多様のさくら、つつじが咲き誇ります。夏には新緑、秋には紅葉、冬は椿と、四季を通じて美しい公園は「日本の都市公園百選」にも選ばれた癒しのスポットです。 ちなみに、 打吹公園だんご(うつぶきこうえんだんご)は鳥取県の銘菓。 白餡、小豆餡、抹茶餡の三種の餡で包まれた餅を串に刺したものである。 一見、「坊っちゃん団子」に似ているが味は全く違う。 明治時代より作られている餅菓子で、倉吉市幸町に本店を構える石谷精華堂が製造、販売している。 地元では「公園だんご」の名で親しまれている。 また、石谷精華堂のウェブサイトには倉吉出身の元横綱・琴櫻もその味を故郷の味として好んでいたことが掲載されている。 石谷精華堂本店、打吹公園内の茶店、鳥取駅、倉吉駅、米子駅、大山口駅の各キヨスク、鳥取空港、米子空港の各売店、鳥取県内の百貨店、スーパーマーケット、土産物店などで販売している。 また、県外においても東京、大阪、名古屋などの有名百貨店で販売している。
At an altitude of 204m, at the foot of Mt. Utsubuki, the symbol of Kurayoshi, this park was opened in 1897 as a memorial to His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince and later Emperor Taisho when he visited the San'in region. It is one of the best cherry blossom spots in Sanin, which has been selected as one of the "100 Best Cherry Blossom Spots", and in the spring, a wide variety of cherry blossoms and azaleas are in full bloom. With fresh greenery in summer, autumn leaves in autumn, and camellia in winter, the beautiful park throughout the four seasons is a healing spot that has been selected as one of the "100 Best Urban Parks in Japan". by the way, Utsubuki Park Dango is a famous confectionery from Tottori prefecture. It is made by sticking mochi wrapped in three types of bean paste, white bean paste, red bean paste, and matcha bean paste. At first glance, it looks like "Botchan Dango", but the taste is completely different. This mochi confectionery has been made since the Meiji era and is manufactured and sold by Ishitani Seikado, which has its head office in Saiwaicho, Kurayoshi City. Locally known as "Park Dango". In addition, the website of Ishitani Seikado states that former yokozuna Kotozakura from Kurayoshi also liked the taste as his hometown. Sold at Ishitani Seikado Main Store, Tea Shop in Utsubuki Park, Tottori Station, Kurayoshi Station, Yonago Station, Daisenguchi Station Kiyosuku, Tottori Airport, Yonago Airport Shops, Department Stores in Tottori Prefecture, Supermarkets, Souvenir Shops, etc. There is. It is also sold outside the prefecture at famous department stores such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya.
So Ricky on Google

A very peaceful with good scenery and service Japanese garden! Worth visiting!
Guntur Sugira on Google

there's a lot of animals like monkeys, rabbits, peacock and more. well place to enjoying the time with friends, love or family.

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