永田建築 NAGATAバリアフリーデザイン一級建築士事務所 - Toyohashi

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Contact 永田建築 NAGATAバリアフリーデザイン一級建築士事務所

住所 :

Fujinamicho, Toyohashi, 〒441-8114 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 441-8114
Webサイト : https://nagata-building-firm.business.site/
街 : Aichi

Fujinamicho, Toyohashi, 〒441-8114 Aichi,Japan
美奈48 on Google

シロアリに侵食された玄関のリフォームをしてもらいました。 玄関なのでかなりの大工事でしたが┉ 予定外のお願いも快く対応してくれて とても助かりました。 また、大工さん始め職人さん達も丁寧な仕事で安心でした。 お世話になったのが3回目ですが いつも私たち家族の気持ちになって提案してくれる社長にも感謝です。
I was asked to renovate the front door that was eroded by termites. It's a front door, so it was a big construction, but ┉ I am happy to respond to unscheduled requests It was very helpful. In addition, carpenters and other craftsmen were also at ease with the careful work. It’s my third time to thank you I am also grateful to the president who always makes us feel like a family and makes suggestions.
yuko on Google

お風呂、洗面所、トイレのリフォームでお世話になりました。 スタッフの皆さんや職人さんは、とても親切で話しやすかったです。女性スタッフのお二人は、同じ主婦の目線で話ができてありがたかったてす。 仕上がりには、とても満足しています。 特にお風呂は、私の希望通りシンプルでスッキリしたお風呂になり、毎日の掃除がラクラクになりました。 ありがとうございました。
I was taken care of by the renovation of the bath, washroom and toilet. The staff and craftsmen were very kind and easy to talk to. The two female staff members are grateful to be able to talk from the perspective of the same housewife. I am very satisfied with the finish. Especially, the bath became a simple and refreshing bath as I hoped, and daily cleaning became easy. Thank you very much.
深月 on Google

実家の、お風呂、洗面所、トイレの改装をお願いしました。 トイレが玄関先にあり土台を上げていただきながらの改装で思った以上に大掛かりでした。 永田社長さんはじめスッタフのみなさんが親切丁寧で、父の介護するにあたっての必要な専門知識もわかり易く丁寧にアドバイスくださり、小さな心配、不安、疑問にもひとつひとつ丁寧に向き合ってくださいました。 完成後も様子を聞いてくださり、その後のケアもお気遣いくださり感謝でいっぱいです。 何より、脳梗塞で体が傾きながらの父が、今では自宅のお風呂に入るのを楽しみにして喜んでいるのが何より嬉しいです。 そんな父の、言葉にも耳を傾けてくれる、信頼できる建築屋さんです。 介護をしている家族には特にはありがたです。
I asked for the refurbishment of the bath, washroom, and toilet in my parents' house. There was a toilet at the entrance, and it was a lot bigger than I expected when I remodeled it while raising the foundation. President Nagata and all of the staff were kind and polite, and they also gave me a polite advice on the specialized knowledge necessary for caring for my father. I am grateful for listening to the situation after the completion and caring for the subsequent care. Above all, I am glad that my father, who is leaning due to cerebral infarction, is now looking forward to taking a bath at home. A reliable architect who listens to the words of his father. I am especially grateful to the family who are taking care of them.
うえあき on Google

居間、キッチン、お風呂、洗面、玄関のリフォームをお願いしました。 様々な選択肢の中でこちらの要望を十二分にくみとり導いて頂きました。 リフォーム業者は数ある中でここまで細やかな対応下さりここ、永田建築さんにお願いして良かったと思います。家族皆満足しの笑顔で過ごしております。有難う御座いました。
I asked for the remodeling of the living room, kitchen, bath, washbasin, and entrance. We were able to fully understand and guide this request from among various options. Among the many remodeling companies, I think it was good to ask Mr. Nagata Architects for such detailed support. The whole family is spending time with a happy smile. Thank you very much.
T I on Google

It was triggered by having a handrail attached by long-term care insurance. After that, he also consulted about the parts that were damaged by the typhoon and the repainting of the walls. They came to check the details and whether the nails had fallen after the work, and I thought they were the ones who were decent until the end. It was very easy to ask, so I was saved.
杉浦三枝子 on Google

お風呂のリフォームの最中、急にして頂きたい工事ができ、無理に入れ込んでもらい、 大変助かりました。永田建築のスタッフの皆さん、親切にして頂きありがとうございました。近くにお出での節はお立ち寄り下さい?
During the remodeling of the bath, I was able to do the work I wanted to do suddenly, so I asked him to force it in. Thank you very much for helping me. Thank you to all the staff of Nagata Architecture for their kindness. Please drop in at the section near you ?
N S on Google

Last year I asked for a full renovation of the toilet. There was a deadline that I wanted you to finish due to this situation. We asked for proper advice such as toilet type and cloth, and carefully selected it. On the day of the event, the contractor worked hard to complete a clean toilet. The staff explained the Washlet in an easy-to-understand manner and I am using it comfortably. The after-sales service is perfect and I feel that it was really good to ask Mr. Nagata every day. Thank you very much.
大好きオレオ on Google

GT かねてより台所のリフォームをしたいと思っていました。友達の家のお風呂のリフォームを見せていただき、永田建築さんにお願いしました。何しろ築40年の我が家です。永田建築さんも大変だったと思います。いろいろアドバイスをいただきました。 一月近くになりますが明るく、すっきりし使い勝手も上々です。リフォームして良かったと思います 従業員の方が作られた木の一輪挿しがステキです。 ありがとうございました。
GT I've always wanted to remodel the kitchen. I asked Mr. Nagata to show me the remodeling of the bath at my friend's house. After all, it is my home that was 40 years old. I think Mr. Nagata was also difficult. I received various advice. It's almost January, but it's bright, clean and easy to use. I'm glad I remodeled it The one-wheeled wooden vase made by the employees is wonderful. Thank you very much.

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