Nagata - Komaki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nagata

住所 :

5 Chome-10-10 Central, Komaki, Aichi 485-0029, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 485-0029

5 Chome-10-10 Central, Komaki, Aichi 485-0029, Japan
チロママ on Google

lunchは、天丼と手ぷら定食とあります。 あたしは天丼派 !!! 海老2尾、茄子、オクラ、カボチャ、かき揚げがのっていて、見た目は濃くみえるかかってる天つゆも、食をそそる濃過ぎなくちょうどよいよさ? いつも完食で、お腹パンパン大満足です ?
For lunch, there are Tendon and set meal with palm. I'm the Tendon school !!! There are two shrimp, eggplant, okra, pumpkin, and oyster fried on it. I'm always satisfied with my stomach!
openmyselfノブ on Google

店構えは街の定食屋さんっぽいです。 店内は10名ほどが座れるカウンターとテープルが6席くらい 空いていたのでカウンターの中央に座ります。 注文したのは4000円の月コース 味はどれも美味しい。中でもアマゴの稚魚としいたけが美味しかったです。 コース以外にも天ぷら定食や天丼もあり敷居は高くなく気軽に入れます。 大将も気さくな方です。 近所なのでまた行きたいお店
The store is like a set meal shop in town. The shop has a counter and seat for about 10 people and about 6 seats. Sit in the center of the counter because it was free. I ordered 4000 yen monthly course All tastes are delicious. Above all, fried amago and mushrooms were delicious. In addition to the course, there are also tempura set meals and tempura bowls, so the threshold is not high and you can easily enter. The general is also friendly. A store you want to visit again because it's a neighborhood
Mi-ko Ishi on Google

ランチに天丼いただきました。 エビ天ほんとに美味!たれもごはんもgood! 天ぷら定食もお値打ちですよ♪
I had Tendon for lunch. The shrimp tempura is really delicious! The sauce and rice are also good! The tempura set meal is also a good value♪
とんせいじ on Google

Lunch is great value. After all, the “salt” on the table brings out the deliciousness of the tempura material and makes it delicious. Tentsuyu is delicious and has a moderate intensity.
ヴェルファイア on Google

It was a relaxed atmosphere. I asked for Big Tendon Rice (1800 yen + 50 yen), but there is enough to lose my motivation to move around after eating. It was delicious. The only thing that lowered star 1 was that you should put a chill on each table. Although the person who seems to be a landlady came around, the throat was dry and there was no help for it. Also, as for the shape of the bowl, I think it would be nice if there was a spoon to stir the rice.
中島晴彦 on Google

勤務先の食堂の昼食は、毎日日替わりの4種類のメニューからセレクトするのだが、其のヴァリエに天丼が有る日は、大抵私が食堂へ入る頃にはソールドアウトになる。 本日も其のパターン。其んな日は、切ない思ひを抱き締めながら、疲れを倍増させながら、午後の仕事にいそしむ。 其して職場から自宅へ帰る際、多少遠廻りして某和食系チェーンで、言わば「代償行為」として天丼を食べるのも悪くないが、今日はいつもと趣きを変え、チョー久々に此処へ。天婦羅屋さんなら当然天丼は有る筈、と云う短絡的思考で・・。 あれは4〜5年前の盛夏、其の少し前に通りがかりに見つけた此の店へ、ビールを飲みながら天婦羅を味わう為に、態々自宅から此の店迄20分余りかけて歩いて来た。 しかし帰りは、元々アルコールに弱いので、まだクソ暑い中30分以上かかって、クタバりそうになりながら歩いた。其れ以来の来店。 本日は最初から天丼狙いなので、メニューブックをチェックする事も無くオーダー。 海老2尾にキスだったか?に(会社の食堂同様)野菜が4種類有るのが嬉しい♥ 他に味噌汁(赤出汁)と御漬物で1250円也。私は普段は、チェーン店以外のちゃんとした?和食系の店は訪れないので、値段の相場は分からないが・・。 買い物でよく車で来るラピオからは、私の足で10分弱。無条件で1時間無料。ラピオ内の何処かの店で、飲食OR買い物で更に2時間無料。 帰宅後は此の日のデザートとして、土曜日に朝宮公園前の「ミストラル」でT.O.した、ネコちゃんの顔のフレンチトーストの残りの1個を、(此のシチュエーションを想定して、1個しか食べなかったので)チンしてカフェオレと共に、慈しむ様に味わふ。 此れで、今宵もパーフェクト!今夜も又、安らかな眠りに就く事に致しませう・・。 追記…尚歩きたくない人の為には、通りを挟んで店の北側、瀬戸信金の西側の駐車場のNo1〜8に置けます。 追記Ⅱ…本日(6/29)も上記と同パターンで来店。 入店すると、結構客の入りが多く、一瞬空席待ちを覚悟したが、何とか座れてホッ・・。 もう直ぐ?土用丑の日なので、穴子天を含むビッグ天丼をセレクト(1800円)。 私の中では、穴子も鰻と同じ位大すこなので・・。 「天丼ロス」を抱えつつ午後の仕事に勤しんだ自分自身を労う様に、ヴォリューミーな天丼を味わう。 帰宅後はデザートとして、ココトモバウム(犬山市)のハードタイプを、カフェオレを口にしながら、慈しむ様に戴く事に致しませう・・。此れで今宵もパーフェクト!
Lunch at the cafeteria at my office is selected from four menus that change daily, but on days when the varieties have tendon bowls, they are usually sold out by the time I enter the cafeteria. That pattern today. On that day, while hugging my sad thoughts and doubling my tiredness, I go to work in the afternoon. Then, when I go home from work, it's not a bad idea to go around a little and eat a bowl of tendon as a "compensatory act" at a certain Japanese food chain, but today I changed my taste and went here for the first time in a while. It's a short-circuited idea that if you're a tempura shop, you should have a bowl of tempura. It was midsummer four to five years ago, and I walked from my house to this shop for about 20 minutes to taste the tempura while drinking beer. I came. However, on the way back, I was originally vulnerable to alcohol, so it took me more than 30 minutes while it was still hot, and I walked while I was about to get sick. Visited since then. Today I'm aiming for a bowl of tendon from the beginning, so I ordered without checking the menu book. Was it a kiss on two shrimp? I'm glad that there are 4 kinds of vegetables (similar to the company cafeteria) ♥ Besides, miso soup (red soup) and pickles are 1250 yen. Am I usually a proper person other than a chain store? I don't visit Japanese restaurants, so I don't know the market price. It's less than 10 minutes by foot from Rapio, which I often drive for shopping. Unconditionally free for 1 hour. At some store in Rapio, you can eat, drink or shop for another 2 hours free of charge. After returning home, as a dessert for this day, I ate the remaining one of the French toasts on the cat's face that I tried at "Mistral" in front of Asamiya Park on Saturday (assuming this situation, I ate only one). (Saturday) Chin and taste with cafe au lait as if you were gracious. This is perfect tonight! Let's get a good night's sleep again tonight ... Postscript ... For those who do not want to walk, you can place it in parking lots Nos. 1 to 8 on the north side of the store and on the west side of Seto Shinkin across the street. Addendum II ... I came to the store today (6/29) with the same pattern as above. When I entered the store, there were quite a lot of customers, so I was prepared to wait for a vacant seat for a moment, but I managed to sit down and feel relieved. Soon? Since it's Day of the Ox, select a big bowl including conger eel (1800 yen). For me, conger eels are as big as eels ... Taste the volumey tendon as if you were working for yourself while holding a "tendon loss". After returning home, as a dessert, I will give you a hard type of Cocotomobaum (Inuyama City) as if you were kind to me while eating cafe au lait. This is perfect tonight!
吉田享志 on Google

I went to lunch for the first time. The deeply fried tempura had a thin garment, wasn't too heavy, and was delicious. Please note that a large serving of rice is like this.
DSpankster's FÜNKÖ on Google

A little bit off with the quality of cooking. Not quite your regular tempura.

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