焼肉 じゃけぇ 天六本店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

焼肉 じゃけぇ 天六本店 - 天六 焼肉 - Jakeetenrokuhonten.gorp.jp

天満・天神橋筋エリアの天六 焼肉、焼肉 じゃけぇ 天六本店のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact 焼肉 じゃけぇ 天六本店

住所 :

Nagaranaka, Kita Ward, 〒531-0062 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://jakeetenrokuhonten.gorp.jp/
街 : Osaka

Nagaranaka, Kita Ward, 〒531-0062 Osaka,Japan
H Yu on Google

河野さんの言う通りでした。ありがとうございました。 店長の人柄はよく、肉はうまく(5秒ロースとネギ塩タン)、ビールも390円といい感じです。週末は予約が吉。
As Mr. Kono said. Thank you very much. The personality of the store manager is good, the meat is good (5-second roast and leek salt tongue), and the beer is 390 yen. Reservations are good on weekends.
田中春 on Google

It is a restaurant that eats delicious meat served by a nice salesclerk in a compact store.
松知羊 on Google

友人との忘年会で訪問 お値段はとてもリーズナブル でもちゃんとお肉は美味しいです ホルモンは臭みも無くて食べやすいです それから店員さんの雰囲気がとても良いです 全員お若く今どきな風貌ですが 明るいですし、手際も◎ お客さんとの距離感も程良い感じです 初めてでしたがリラックスして 楽しく食事ができました(本当にこれ大事) また、食べに行きたいです
Visit at a year-end party with a friend The price is very reasonable But the meat is delicious Hormones are odorless and easy to eat And the clerk's atmosphere is very good Everyone looks young and modern It is bright and skillful ◎ The feeling of distance from customers is also moderate. It was the first time, but relax I was able to enjoy the meal (this is really important) I want to go to eat again
on Google

A well-trained manager from Hiroshima seems to be attentive, and there is also a counter, so you can see people who are visiting there alone. There is also a television, so it will never be a shame. The potion is too big and it is easy to eat, but the meat is the best ... . I want to look forward to it in the future.
zu su on Google

店長さん?か誰か知らんけど、マスクせずに大きい声で話してて、そのまま料理もしてて恐怖でしかなかった。 トイレから出た時も水だけで手を洗ってて、衛生状態が不安になりました、、、もう行かない、、食品取り扱う人って、ちゃんとマスクもして、手も洗剤で洗うと思ってました。?
Store manager? I don't know who it is, but I was scared to talk loudly without a mask and cook as it was. Even when I got out of the toilet, I washed my hands only with water, and I was worried about hygiene. I did. ?
Aki Morioka on Google

小さいけどコロナ感染対策もされていて、リーズナブルに美味しい焼き肉が楽しめます? おすすめはホルモンとハラミです✨ 特にハラミはジューシーで美味しい。 笑顔が素敵な店長さんの優しい気配りに感動したのでまた来店したいです!
Although it is small, it is also protected against corona infection, so you can enjoy delicious yakiniku at a reasonable price ? Recommended are hormones and skirt steak ✨ Especially skirt steak is juicy and delicious. I was impressed by the kind attention of the manager who has a lovely smile, so I would like to come back again!
中道悟 on Google

With the impression that it is a community-based yakiniku restaurant with a friendly atmosphere, there is a sense of distance that everyone in the store always talks about. I visited 5 times as long as I remember. It's a tough word, but I felt it was difficult for a small number of people or a large number of people to enter. This is a problem of the size of the store, and I feel that there is also an atmosphere. However, once you enter, you will be highly satisfied, so we recommend that you first try entering with a friend.
きゃっときゃっと! on Google

今日初めて訪れました! 店内雰囲気はとても良く、フレンドリーで活気溢れる店内でした!変に声をかけてくる事もなく、楽しく食事ができました! おすすめのメニューは、5秒ロースは絶対外せません!!ユッケも安定に美味いです!!和牛すきやきみたいなやつもとても美味しかったです!! お値段もリーズナブルで(1人4000円程)また行きたいと思いました!
I visited for the first time today! The atmosphere inside the store was very good, and it was friendly and lively! I enjoyed eating without calling out strangely! The recommended menu is that you can't miss the 5-second loin! !! Yukhoe is also stable and delicious! !! The one like Wagyu sukiyaki was also very delicious! !! The price is reasonable (about 4000 yen per person) and I wanted to go again!

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