
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花車

住所 :

Nagaoka, Nagaokakyo, 〒617-0823 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : http://hanaguruma.biz/
街 : Kyoto

Nagaoka, Nagaokakyo, 〒617-0823 Kyoto,Japan
M keiko on Google

I had a tamemeshi lunch set. Udon, tempura and small bowls were also included, which was very good value and delicious. Thank you for the meal.
三浦尚子 on Google

The handmade noodles are smooth and very delicious. Dashi is also delicious.
サエking on Google

The soup stock had no umami, and there was no udon noodles or peculiar elasticity, so it was normal.
倉永康弘 on Google

久々に、美味しいなぉーと思える うどん見つけましたって感じです! おにぎりが崩れそうで(笑) 出汁が美味しいのとうどんもいい! まだまだ、あれもこれも食べたいです~
I think it's delicious after a long time I feel like I found udon! The rice balls are about to crumble (laughs) Udon is also good because the soup stock is delicious! I still want to eat this and that ~
そら on Google

ここの概要とホームページを見て17:00まで営業との事だったのでそのつもりで向かっていたのですがちょうど15:00頃着いたら閉店になったところでした?あれ???? あとはテイクアウトだけなのか? コロナ禍の営業時間変更かな? 理由はわかりませんがちょっとご注意を。 こういう変更はホームページのわかりやすい所に書いておいてほしいな〜。
Looking at the outline here and the homepage, it was said that it was open until 17:00, so I was heading for it, but when I arrived at about 15:00, it was about to close ? That? ?? ?? ? Is it just takeout? Is it a change in the business hours of Corona? I don't know the reason, but be careful. I want you to write such changes in an easy-to-understand place on the homepage.
syoma2000 on Google

細めのうどんは讃岐うどんなんかとは違いますが、喉越しの良い上品なうどんです。冷たい方が個人的には好きかな。 小鉢や炊き込みご飯も出汁がよくきいており、美味しかったです。雰囲気が明るいカフェ調なのは好みが分かれるかもしれませんが、長岡天神近辺であっさりしたものが食べたい時はここですね。
The thin udon noodles are different from Sanuki udon noodles, but they are elegant udon noodles that have a nice throat. I personally like the cold one. The soup stock was good in small bowls and cooked rice, and it was delicious. You may have different tastes for a cafe-like atmosphere with a bright atmosphere, but if you want to eat something light in the vicinity of Nagaoka Tenjin, this is the place.
酒井裕司 on Google

前からうどん屋さんがあると気になっていて本日ドアを開けました。 お店は真ん中に厨房があって割には広いんだと感じました。もちろんソーシャルワーカーですか。ちゃんと対応されていました。 注文はうどんすきをお願いしました。 カセットコンロを最初に準備していただき綺麗な色のスープが届けられました。 具材にうどんといただきましたが太めのうどんにこしがしっかりあって食べ応えがあり美味しかったです。最後にご飯を入れました。 これはミステイクなのですが薬味のネギと生姜を入れ忘れてオジヤに生姜を入れることになったのですがこれまた美味しくこの歳になって意外な発見をしました。そんなの知ってるよって、言う方には申し訳ありませんがご経験のない方は騙されて一度ご賞味下さい。 色々とメニューがあるので次回も楽しみに行きたいと思います。
I was worried that there was an udon shop from the front, so I opened the door today. I felt that the store had a kitchen in the middle and was relatively large. Are you a social worker, of course? It was properly supported. I asked for udon-suki to order. The cassette stove was prepared first and the beautifully colored soup was delivered. I had udon as an ingredient, but the thick udon had a firm texture and was delicious. Finally I put rice. This is a mistake, but I forgot to add the condiment green onions and ginger and decided to add ginger to the old man, but it was also delicious and I made a surprising discovery at this age. I'm sorry to say that you know that, but if you have no experience, please be deceived and enjoy it once. There are various menus, so I would like to look forward to it next time.
野田範海意 on Google

こだわりの手打ち麺にうまい出汁 天ぷらもサクサク 上品丁寧でスタッフさんも明るくていいお店
Delicious soup stock with carefully selected handmade noodles Tempura is also crispy A shop that is elegant and polite and the staff are cheerful

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