旭食品 群馬支店

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旭食品 群馬支店

住所 :

Naganumamachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0855 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www2.asask.co.jp/asahi/company/office/
街 : Gunma

Naganumamachi, Isesaki, 〒372-0855 Gunma,Japan
すう777 on Google

It is a food warehouse.
Gmo〆キグレ on Google

I went for a part-time job, but it is frozen because it is frozen food.
30 alfhard on Google

Use a nearby toilet
篠崎やっちゃん on Google

One pallet unloader at a time. It takes time because I do fork and inspection by one person.
大和魂 on Google

Please give up because I don't explain the female clerk at the reception so much ⁉️ Probably stupid ⁉️
くろすけまっくろ on Google

パレット降ろしは右巻きで入場するように路駐で待つ 降ろしは並んだ順 受付のお姉さん 愛想ない 返事しない 聞いても教えてくれない トイレは貸してもらえない。
Wait at the roadside to unload the pallets in a right-handed manner. The receptionist's older sister is unfriendly and does not reply I can't tell you even if I ask you. I can't lend you a toilet.
涙雨盗人 on Google

冷凍には、陽気で親切過ぎるお姉さんが事細かに教えてくれます ここに来るドライバーは皆、お姉さんと会うのが楽しみなんだろうな、と見てて思いました
A cheerful and too kind older sister will tell you in detail about freezing I thought that all the drivers who came here would be looking forward to seeing their sister.
お15 on Google

受付の対応が悪い、絶対知ってることをに聞けばーと話を流される。 トイレどこか聞いたら今使えないんでと言われた。ここの人は、どこで脱糞してるんだろか?
The receptionist is not very responsive, and if you ask me what you absolutely know, you will be told. When I asked somewhere in the bathroom, I was told that I couldn't use it now. Where are the people here defecation?

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