山銀ぶどう園 - Obu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山銀ぶどう園

住所 :

Naganecho, Obu, 〒474-0021 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 474-0021
Webサイト : https://yamagin-budou.com/
街 : Aichi

Naganecho, Obu, 〒474-0021 Aichi,Japan
Chie Tsutsui on Google

ぶどうで地元じゃ有名な山銀さんがいちご狩り?を始めたと聞きました。大人1700円、幼児1000円、一時間です。土日は予約しないとダメですが、ハウスの中に人が溢れて混み混み❗という訳ではなく、のんびりいちご狩り?が楽しめますよ~? ちなみに練乳は付いていませんが、持ち込み可です。
I heard that Yamagin, a local and famous for grapes, has started picking strawberries. Adult 1700 yen, infant 1000 yen, 1 hour. If you do not make reservations on Saturdays and Sundays, it is useless, but people are not crowded and crowded in the house, you can enjoy strawberry picking ? ? ? By the way, condensed milk is not attached, but you can bring it in.
山本Y on Google

The grapes are delicious. However, other than Kyoho was mixed in the ones for gifts that were designated as only Kyoho. I thought I should have specified more strongly that it was only Kyoho.
ブジーア on Google

毎年美味しいブドウを頂いています 自宅用にもお値打ち品もあります お値打ち品でも十分美味しいです
I get delicious grapes every year There are also good value products for home use. Good value products are delicious enough.
H Terayan on Google

We use direct sales every summer. The correspondence is good, and the explanation of the grapes is also given, which is very good. It's picked in the morning, so it's fresh, but the price is reasonable. You can enjoy very delicious grapes.
Shinji Kato on Google

?????すご〜〜〜く美味しいです。シャインマスカット、瀬戸ジャイアンツ¥1,800,路地巨峰?¥1,100とお値打ちになりました。よ。 東浦にも農園があるそうです。 ?????
????? It's really delicious. Shine Muscat, Seto Giants ¥ 1,800, Alley Kyoho ? ¥ 1,100 and it was a good value. Yo. There is also a farm in Higashiura. ?????
つゆゆき on Google

平日は混んでないよーと言われ、ガラガラでゆっくりできました!あまり苺を食べない息子も美味しいと言って食べてました。 受付からハウスまで少し距離があるため(地図もらいました)、徒歩でもいいですが、車で向かってもいいかと思います!道に迷ってしまいましたが、ハウスの中にいた従業員さに送迎しますよ?とも言っましたので、不安な方はお願いしてもいいかもしれないです。
It was said that it was not crowded on weekdays, and I was able to relax slowly with a rattle! My son who did not eat strawberries also said that it was delicious. Because there is a little distance from the reception to the house (we got a map), it is good to walk, but I think that it is also possible to drive by car! I lost my way, but will you pick me up for the employee who was in the house? As I said, those who are uneasy may ask.
剛一 on Google

I used it 5 times this year. Even within a short harvest period, you can buy a wide variety of grapes with different harvest times, some rare varieties, and I'm looking forward to next year.
mika don on Google

1月の三連休最終日の午後に、いちご狩りにお邪魔しました。 まず最初に直売所に寄りいちご狩りの説明を受けます。 いちごを摘む方の手にはめるビニール手袋、消毒用のウエットティッシュ、プラスティックのお皿を受け取りました。 いちごハウスは、直売所から徒歩5分くらいのところにあり、地図をもらい歩いて行きました。東山小学校の正門のある通りを奥(南東)に進んだ左手にあります。 ハウスに着くと、スタッフの方がおススメのいちご品種や、蜂について、いちごの摘み方、荷物を入れるロッカーについて、など説明してくださいます。 時間は50分間で食べ放題です。 今回は、章姫、紅ほっぺ、かおり野、ずずのか、の4種類に加えて、 午前中のお客さんが大きないちごを食べてしまったという事で、 恋みのり、も追加してくださり、全部で5種類のいちごを頂きました。 ハウス内では、いちごの棚にここからここまでは、「章姫」と表示がしてあり、わかりやすかったです。 食べ比べてみると、いちごは香りや甘味、食感がちがうんだなぁと いうことが分かりました。日頃スーパーで売られている章姫は、 はやり食べ慣れてるという感じがしました。 いちごも品種改良など進み、バラエティに富んでいるなぁと思いました。 いちごは、赤くて小さくて、まるくて可愛いですのでたくさん写真も撮ることが出来ました♪50分間ありますので、とてもゆったりできると思います! 完熟いちごの摘みたてを5種類食べ比べもでき、いちごに癒され、お腹いっぱいになり、とても満喫させていただきました。 帰りに直売所に戻り、お土産を2パック購入しました。 自分で摘んだいちごの量り売りもしてくださるそうですが、お店の方が摘まれたいちごを買いました。 いちご狩りでは食べていない、かなみひめ、という種類がありましたので一つはそちらにしました。 ありがとうございました(*^-^*)
On the afternoon of the last day of the three consecutive holidays in January, I visited strawberry picking. First of all, stop by the direct sales office and receive an explanation of strawberry picking. I received vinyl gloves, a disinfectant wipe, and a plastic plate that I could put on the strawberry picker's hand. The strawberry house is about a 5-minute walk from the direct sales office, and I got a map and walked. It is on the left hand side of the street with the main gate of Higashiyama Elementary School. When you arrive at the house, the staff will explain the recommended strawberry varieties, bees, how to pick strawberries, lockers to put your luggage, and so on. All you can eat in 50 minutes. This time, in addition to the four types of Akihime, Beni Hoppe, Kaorino, and Zuzuno, The customer in the morning ate a big strawberry, so He also added Koi Minori, and received a total of 5 types of strawberries. In the house, "Akihime" was displayed on the strawberry shelf from here to here, so it was easy to understand. Compared to eating, strawberries have different aromas, sweetness, and texture. I understood that. Akihime, who is usually sold at supermarkets, I felt like I was used to eating it. I thought that strawberries are also rich in variety as they are improving their varieties. Strawberries are red and small, round and cute, so I was able to take a lot of pictures ♪ I have 50 minutes, so I think I can relax very much! I was able to eat and compare 5 kinds of freshly picked ripe strawberries, and I was healed by the strawberries and became full and enjoyed it very much. On my way home, I returned to the direct sales office and bought two packs of souvenirs. It seems that they sell the strawberries they picked by weight, but the shop bought the picked strawberries. There was a kind called Kanamihime, which I didn't eat in strawberry picking, so I chose one there. Thank you (* ^-^ *)

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