
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 仙台不用品回収サービス

住所 :

Nagamachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0011 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89999
Webサイト : https://sendai-huyohin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday 8AM–9PM
Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM
街 : Miyagi

Nagamachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0011 Miyagi,Japan
元木良美 on Google

We had you collect chests of drawers, clothes, futons, etc. that were no longer needed at your parents' house. In charge of estimation: Mr. Kosone. We asked you to call us immediately and show us the amount in an easy-to-understand and clear manner. In charge of the day: Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Ishikawa. Heaps of luggage disappeared in a blink of an eye in a wonderful cooperative play with Tekipaki. There is no additional charge and it is a great help. Thank you for your busy time. I would like to ask again.
りえ on Google

I asked for the first time to move. I asked for a quote on LINE, but I was worried that I exchanged it over the phone, but the staff who accepted it were kind and smooth, and I was able to hear the quote firmly. Initially, it was said that one staff member would handle the problem, but on the day of the event, Mr. Sato and Mr. Murakami collected it in about 30 minutes. Mr. Sato and Mr. Murakami were also kind, and I added small items (books, cardboard, umbrellas, folding bikes, etc.), but the amount was as estimated. Thank you very much.
ちびたん on Google

引っ越しで不要な家具、冷蔵庫等の回収をお願いしました。こちらの都合で2回ほど日程をずらしたていただいたにもかかわらず、快く対応していただき、安心してお任せできました。 回収当日は、新野さんが担当してくださり、重い荷物も一人で運び出してくださいました。とても親切かつ丁寧であっという間に終わり、プロフェッショナルさに感激しました。お願いして本当に良かったです!金額についても当初お願いした金額の変更はなく、荷台に沢山積んでいただき、良心的でした。 また機会がありましたら、利用させていただきます。ありがとうございました。
We asked you to collect unnecessary furniture, refrigerators, etc. when you moved. Even though the schedule was shifted about twice due to this reason, I was happy to respond and I was able to leave it with confidence. On the day of collection, Mr. Shinno was in charge of carrying out heavy luggage by himself. It was very kind and polite and finished in a blink of an eye, and I was impressed with the professionalism. It was really good to ask! Regarding the amount of money, there was no change in the amount originally requested, and it was conscientious to have a lot of it loaded on the loading platform. If I have another chance, I will use it. Thank you very much.
川純 on Google

実家のマンションの遺品整理の為、床から天井までパンパンの物置を一切合切引き取って頂きました。 引っ越しシーズンで、大きい地震があった直後の忙しい時期に無理を言って来ていただいてとても感謝しております。 事前の見積もりも、連絡してからすぐに阿部さんという方に現地に来ていただいて、見積もり金額も想像よりずっとリーズナブルでした。 作業当日は、佐藤さん、村上さん、阿部さんという3人の方に来ていただきました。 丁寧な仕事ぶりで、 共用部の作業動線もしっかり安全確保して、他の住人に迷惑がかからないよう作業していただきました。 引取業者というイメージから、 作業員は、ドロドロの作業着を着た強面で筋骨隆々な方々かと思っていましたが、 物腰柔らかく、清潔感ある服装の爽やかな方たちでした。 作業終了後の清掃もきっちりしており、 何十年も放置された倉庫とは思えないくらいキレイにしていただきました。 支払い金額も、ネットで不用品回収詐欺 の話をみたことがあり、 少しビビっていたのですがなんの事もなく見積もり金額そのままで支払い完了しました。 正直、口コミの評判が良すぎると疑っていましたが評判通りの良い会社でした。 また利用させて頂きます。ありがとう御座いました。
In order to organize the relics of my parents' apartment, I had them take over all the storage of bread and bread from the floor to the ceiling. I am very grateful to you for forcing me during the busy period immediately after the big earthquake during the moving season. As for the estimate in advance, Mr. Abe came to the site immediately after contacting me, and the estimated amount was much more reasonable than I had imagined. On the day of the work, three people, Mr. Sato, Mr. Murakami, and Mr. Abe, came. With polite work, We also ensured the safety of the work flow lines in the common areas so that other residents would not be inconvenienced. From the image of a take-back company I thought that the workers were strong and muscular people wearing muddy work clothes, They were soft and refreshing clothes with a sense of cleanliness. Cleaning after work is also done properly, It was so beautiful that I couldn't think of it as a warehouse that had been left unattended for decades. The payment amount is also a fraudulent collection of disused items online. I've seen the story of I was a little nervous, but I completed the payment with the estimated amount as it was without any problems. To be honest, I suspected that the word-of-mouth reputation was too good, but it was a company with a good reputation. I will use it again. Thank you very much.
島原玲那 on Google

本日ナカムラさんという方に担当して頂きました。 最初の見積もりどうりの金額でとても安心しましたし、仕事もあっという間でとても感動しました。 終わったあともしっかりとその後の説明までしていただき、納得して、安心できる方だなという印象を持ちました。 そして他の業者さんよりも安い気がしましたので、そこもまたありがたかったです! 子供が邪魔するかと心配でしたが、嫌な顔せず居てくれて話しかけてくれたのも嬉しかったです! 今回は遠方だったのでプラスで出張費がかかることも事前にお話されてましたが、それ以上のサービスだったと思います! またお願いすることがあれば是非ナカムラさんにまた担当していただきたいです。
Today, I was in charge of a person named Mr. Nakamura. I was very relieved at the amount of money that was estimated at the beginning, and I was very impressed with the work in a blink of an eye. Even after it was over, I had the impression that he was a person who was convinced and relieved by giving me a thorough explanation. And I felt that it was cheaper than other vendors, so I was grateful for that too! I was worried that my child would get in the way, but I was happy that he stayed with me without a bad face and talked to me! It was mentioned in advance that it would cost a business trip because it was far away this time, but I think it was more than that! If you have any requests, I would like Mr. Nakamura to take charge of it again.
ふゆこ on Google

I used it for the first time to dispose of the table and sofa. The reservation and the work on the day were polite, quick and helpful. Two workers, Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Sato, came on the day. I couldn't help carry it out because of my back pain, but I'm grateful that it was easy for people who felt very good to leave it to me. As others have written, the price was as estimated in advance. I would like to use this if there is anything else. thank you!
Sみなか on Google

ご担当の中村さんに大変丁寧に、かつ事前の予約時にお約束した通りの料金で対応していただきました。また予約時はお一人での対応かと思っていましたが、当日は男性お二人で来てくださり、全てお任せ出来てとてもありがたかったです。 今回引越し後の不用品処分で安心できる会社を情報誌やサイトを検索して、メールのやり取りで予約をお願いしてみたのですが、結果とても対応が良かったので、仙台不用品回収サービスさんにお願いして良かったです。
The very polite to Nakamura's your charge, and we have to cope with rates as was promised at the time of advance booking. Also at the time of booking but I thought with the corresponding one in one person, the day Kudasari come in men two people, it was very thankful and can leave it all. A company that can be peace of mind in the disused article disposal of this move after searching for information magazines and sites, but I tried to ask the reservation by e-mail exchange, the results very because the corresponding was good, in Sendai non-supplies recovery service's It was good to ask.
ちゅん on Google

こちらの会社の中村さん、佐々木さんにソファベッドと大きな本棚を回収していただきました。お二人とも挨拶からハキハキしており、予定通り(予定していた2時間の範囲内)に来ていただけました。 見積もり通りの金額でそれ以上取られることはありませんでした。会計時に領収書をいただけたのと、贈与契約書への記入もきちんと説明していただけたのが良かったです。 重かったので、作業員1人と2人分の値段を教えていただき、作業員2人にしていただきましたが、それでも他社より安かったです。 そしてメールや電話ではなく、LINEでのやり取りできたのがとても良かったです。 当初予定していた日がダメになり日程変更しましたがそれにもすぐに対応していただきました。 不用品回収業者を利用するのは初めてだったので不安がありましたが、利用して良かったです。ありがとうございました。
Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Sasaki of this company collected the sofa bed and a large bookshelf. Both of them were excited from the greetings and were able to come as planned (within the planned 2 hours). No more was taken for the estimated amount. It was good that I received the receipt at the time of accounting and explained the entry in the gift contract properly. It was heavy, so I asked them to tell me the price for one and two workers, and I asked them to have two workers, but it was still cheaper than other companies. And it was very nice to be able to communicate via LINE instead of email or phone. The originally planned date was no longer valid and the schedule was changed, but we were able to respond immediately. It was my first time to use a waste collection company, so I was worried, but it was good to use it. Thank you very much.

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