焼肉 一龍 軽井沢

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 一龍 軽井沢

住所 :

Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0111 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : http://www.ichiryu-karuizawa.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Nagano

Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0111 Nagano,Japan
Kohaku Goya on Google

It's delicious whenever I go, and the service is very nice and I like it.
GT-M (G.T.Matchan) on Google

長野県内というより、東京都内の高級焼肉店と比較出来る程の味。 軽井沢の中心街からでも車ならば5~10分の距離でもあり、県外や都内から軽井沢を訪れた際には、必ずこの店で食事をされるという方も多く、店内は焼肉店の印象というよりは、Caféのような落ち着いた清潔感のある空間で、女性でも安心して入店出来る雰囲気です。 肉も手頃なロースやカルビから、リブロースや上ヒレ肉等の高級部位まであり、値段に合わせて、あるいはこのにを食べたいと、決めている方には味、雰囲気ともに間違いないお店といえましょう。 ただし、比較的スピードが乗ってしまうバイパス通り沿いということもあり、地元の方に教えていただいたり、しっかり場所を特定された方が通われている印象もあり、これだけの味の割合からみれば、決して混雑を気にする必要はないでしょう。
The taste is comparable to that of a high-class yakiniku restaurant in Tokyo, rather than in Nagano prefecture. It is 5 to 10 minutes by car from the center of Karuizawa, and when you visit Karuizawa from outside the prefecture or in Tokyo, many people always eat at this restaurant, which gives the impression of a yakiniku restaurant. Rather, it is a calm and clean space like Café, and it is an atmosphere that even women can enter with confidence. There are various kinds of meat, from affordable loin and ribs to high-class parts such as rib roast and upper fillet, and for those who decide to eat this according to the price, it can be said that the restaurant has no doubt about the taste and atmosphere. Let's do it. However, because it is along the bypass street where the speed is relatively high, there is an impression that local people tell us and people who have specified the location well go through, so if you look at the ratio of tastes like this , You will never have to worry about congestion.
ryo sakurai on Google

I think this quality is a good value. The service is not brilliant, but modest but sophisticated. It was a nice shop.
池山龍一 on Google

軽井沢周辺のクチコミ情報を読み漁ると、評価の高い焼肉屋だったので期待をもって入店、、、ちょっと期待外れだったかな。 食べたのは、 上タン塩 和牛ハラミ 上ロース レバー です。 一番おいしかったのは上タン塩、これはタン元を贅沢にカットして期待膨らむ一品でした。 カットして盛り付けて冷蔵しているようで、皿もキンキンに冷えていたのは少し気になりましたが、少し薄めのカットはサクサクとスナックのように食べられる牛たんとなっており美味でした。 最初が良かっただけに和牛ハラミ、上ロースは少しというよりかなり落ちる印象しか残っておらず。 特に和牛ハラミは希少価値高い和牛のハラミという事で、楽しみでしたが、なんだか悲しい一品でした。 レバーは濃い味付けの奥に潜む臭みがきになり、、、残念。 ただ、キムチなどのメニューはおいしいです。私が利用した日がたまたま肉のコンディションが悪かった可能性もありますが、飲食店と消費者は一期一会が大半。一度の印象がほぼ全てですので、そういった観点で考えると、かなり期待外れだったかな。 日本全国の焼肉屋を食べ歩いて記録しているブログ「焼肉図鑑」を作成しています。 他の焼肉屋情報はブログも確認して見てください。
When I read the word-of-mouth information around Karuizawa, I found that it was a highly rated yakiniku restaurant, so I entered the restaurant with expectations. I ate Beef tongue salt Wagyu Harami Top loin lever is. The most delicious was the beef tongue salt, which was a dish that was swelling with expectations by cutting the tongue yuan luxuriously. It seems that it is cut, served and refrigerated, and I was a little worried that the plate was also chilled, but the slightly thinner cut is a beef tongue that can be eaten like crispy and snacks and it is delicious. bottom. Wagyu beef skirt steak and skirt steak were good at the beginning, so I only got the impression that they fell off rather than a little. In particular, Wagyu skirt steak was a rare and valuable Wagyu skirt steak, so I was looking forward to it, but it was a sad dish. The liver has a strong odor behind the seasoning, which is a shame. However, the menu such as kimchi is delicious. It's possible that the meat wasn't in good condition on the day I used it, but most restaurants and consumers meet once in a while. The impression at one time is almost all, so from that point of view, I think it was quite disappointing. I am creating a blog "Yakiniku Encyclopedia" that records eating and walking around yakiniku restaurants all over Japan. Please check the blog for other yakiniku restaurant information.
Yim Anthony on Google

Must try
Yui Kanazawa on Google

always crowded with wealthy villa holders. taste is good but bit pricy but understandable for a karuizawa price.
cream cream cream on Google

recommended the raw crab 1280yen only
Barry Tang on Google

Too good that we visited 2 times in 2 days.

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