Naegijoato Daiichi Parking Lot - Nakatsugawa

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Naegijoato Daiichi Parking Lot

住所 :

Naegi, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0101, Japan

Postal code : 508-0101

Naegi, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0101, Japan
田中雅彦 on Google

Castle ruins are the recommended places, the scenery of creativity at the place of the creativity, the distance to the tomboy is so close, you can enjoy the four seasons.
渡辺直治 on Google

It is a free parking lot that is very close to the ruins of the castle and easy to park.
山本晃司 on Google

Although it is an ordinary parking lot, it is convenient for visiting the castle because it is close to the main enclosure of Naegi Castle.
K on Google

The parking lot here is the closest! (2022.1.29)
長谷川章 on Google

The closest parking lot to the Naegi Castle Ruins ?️?‼ ️ If you walk along the stone pavement, you will pass through the bamboo gate, the Kazebuki gate, and the beautiful ? toilet on the left in front of the Oyakura ruins ❗
Tosh Yam on Google

良く整備された駐車場です。飲料の自動販売機もあるので歩いたあとは喉をうるわすことが出来ます。 苗木城跡まで15分で行けます。向かって5分でサプライズの風景。整備して下さった地元に感謝。
A well-maintained parking lot. There is also a drink vending machine so you can feel sick after walking. You can reach the Naegi Castle Ruins in 15 minutes. Surprise scenery in 5 minutes. Thank you to the locals for the maintenance.
for fun on Google

苗木城跡へは1番近い駐車場です。 お城へ向かっている道の途中、ポイントポイントでスタッフさんが立っており、空いている駐車場へ誘導してくれます。 たまたまこちらへ案内して頂き停められました。後々調べたらこにらが最も近い駐車場だったとのこと。 スタッフさんが居るので安心して駐車できて良かったです。
The parking lot closest to the Naegi Castle Ruins. On the way to the castle, a staff member is standing at the point and will guide you to the vacant parking lot. I happened to be guided to this place and was stopped. I found out later that Konira was the closest parking lot. It was nice to be able to park with peace of mind because there is a staff member.
ちえ on Google

時間が無くて、城跡までは行けませんでした。だからこそ この1番近い駐車場を選びました。ビューポイントが分かりやすくされていて、そこから城を見上げるだけでも充分 圧巻でした。
I couldn't go to the ruins of the castle because I didn't have time. That is why I chose this closest parking lot. The viewpoint was easy to understand, and just looking up at the castle from there was a masterpiece.

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