苗木城 四十八曲り

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Contact 苗木城 四十八曲り

住所 :

Naegi, Nakatsugawa, 〒508-0101 Gifu,Japan

街 : Gifu

Naegi, Nakatsugawa, 〒508-0101 Gifu,Japan
竹下半兵衛 on Google

渡辺直治 on Google

It is a hiking course in the opposite direction to the parking lot and the museum.
Tom K on Google

This route leads from the Naegi Castle Daimon to the Kisogawa area. There are also stone bridges that seem to be rugged along the way, as well as ruins that seem to have been excavated. As the name suggests, it is a mountain path that winds down the bamboo forest. It is also a route for the walking course (Nakatsugawa Station-Naegi Castle) for accessing Naegi Castle in Nakatsugawa City.
吾亦紅 on Google

苗木城 四十八曲りは正規の駐車場を利用せず木曽川の畔から苗木城を目指すハイキングコースですがマーカーの位置は苗木城の頂上部(ゴール地点)です。 登山口は 35°30'47.9"N 137°29'16.7"E 地点附近です。既にGOOGLEストリートビューで四十八曲りをそっくり辿れるようになっているようですので気になる方は試みてみることをお勧めします。 実は僕は当初は苗木城の正規の駐車場を利用して訪れる予定にしていましたがナビを兼ねたスマホの電池容量が殆どなく紙の地図で苗木城を目指したところこちらのマイナーなハイキングコースに辿り着いてしまった次第です。 国道257号線から細い道に入り9月という季節と恵那という土地柄からか大量の栗?を踏みつぶしながらも登山口を発見、そこから50mほど奥にクルマ2台分ほど停めれるスペースを見つけたのでそちらに路駐することにしました。 クルマを停車した場所のすぐそばに古い鉄橋跡を発見し、たぶん北恵那鉄道の遺構だろうなと直感しました。あとで家に帰って調べたところ旧北恵那鉄道上地鉄橋と判明しました。この橋はGOOGLEマップに登録されていないようなので新規に登録要請を試みてみます。 正規の駐車場利用を諦めハイキングコースでの苗木城アタックに即決したのは既に17:00を過ぎており日没近いということもあってのことですね。 日没時刻は17:45頃ですのでなんとか日没に間に合わせたいなぁという思いからスピードトレッキングになってしまいました。もの凄いスピードで駆け足みたいな感じで山道を駆け上ります。四十八曲りというのを本気で信じていたのですが実際には四十八曲りもなかったようです。ただ道中には信じられないくらいの膨大な栗?が転がっておりましたが取り合えずそれには目も暮れずゴール目指しました。 17:20頃本丸に到着したので15分程で山道を駆け登ったことになるのかな?、さらに展望台の頂上には17:25頃到着です。ただ日没直前に到着はしたものの雲が多く空を覆っていて夕陽?本体は隠れてしまっていましたね。 苗木城で数枚写真を撮ってから下山しますが、ハイキングコースを覆い尽くした栗?の量に驚きながら改めて写真を撮りました。さらに落ち着いてよく見るとキノコ?のほうもそこらじゅうに生えていたようでそっちの写真も撮ってみました。 17:50頃ようやくクルマを駐車した場所に到着しましたがこのコースを使って苗木城を目指せたのはある意味感動ひとしおということもありよかったと思います。ただこちらのハイキングコースは駐車場事情が非常に悪いと思います。 クルマを駐車した地点 35°30'50.2"N 137°29'18.3"E 旧北恵那鉄道上地鉄橋直下の地点を外すと路駐くらいしか思い当たりません。もしかすると苗木城 四十八曲りのマーカー位置を敢えて山頂部にしたのも麓の貧弱な駐車場事情もあってのことかと。駐車場事情さえクリアできれば苗木城 四十八曲りは素晴らしいルートになると思います。
Naegi Castle 48 is a hiking course that aims at Naegi Castle from the bank of the Kiso River without using a regular parking lot, but the marker is at the top of Naegi Castle (goal point). The trailhead is 35 ° 30'47.9 "N 137 ° 29'16.7" E Near the point. It seems that you can already follow the 48th turn in GOOGLE Street View, so if you are interested, we recommend that you try it. Actually I originally planned to visit using the official parking lot of Naegi Castle, but there is almost no battery capacity of the smartphone that also serves as a navigation and when I aimed at Naegi Castle with a paper map, this minor hiking course As soon as you have arrived at. I entered a narrow road from National Route 257 and found a mountain climbing gate while stepping on a lot of squirrels from the season of September and the land pattern of Ena. I decided to park there. I found an old iron bridge trace right next to the place where the car was stopped, and I felt that it was probably the remains of Kita Ena Railway. Later, when I went home and examined it, it turned out to be the former Kita Ena Railway Uechi Railway Bridge. This bridge is not registered in the GOOGLE map, so I will try to request a new registration. The reason for giving up the official parking lot and making an immediate decision to the Naegi Castle attack on the hiking course was already past 17:00 and it was close to sunset. The sunset time was around 17:45, so it was speed trekking because I wanted to keep up with the sunset. Run up the mountain path as if you were running at tremendous speed. I really believed that there were forty-eight turns, but it seems that there were actually no forty-eight turns. There was an unbelievable amount of squirrels on the way, but I couldn't keep up with it and I aimed for the goal. I arrived at Honmaru around 17:20, so I guess I ran up the mountain road in about 15 minutes. Furthermore, we arrive at the top of the observation deck around 17:25. However, although it arrived just before sunset, there were a lot of clouds covering the sky, and the sunset was hiding. I took several photos at Naegi Castle and then descended, but I was surprised at the amount of squirrels that covered the hiking course. When I looked more calmly and looked closely, it seemed that the mushrooms were growing all over the place, so I took a picture of them. At around 17:50, we finally arrived at the place where we parked the car, but using this course to aim at Naegi Castle was in a sense impressed. However, this hiking course has very bad parking conditions. Point where the car was parked 35 ° 30'50.2 "N 137 ° 29'18.3" E If you remove the point directly under the former Kita Ena Railway Uechi Railway Bridge, you can only imagine parking around. Perhaps the Naegijo Castle's 48-turn marker position was deliberately placed at the top of the mountain, and there was a poor parking lot situation. If you can clear the parking situation, I think Naegijo 48 is a wonderful route.

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