
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 赤城山パノラマ展望台

住所 :

Naegashimamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0241 Gunma,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Gunma

Naegashimamachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0241 Gunma,Japan
ふみふみた on Google

天気の良い日は正面に富士山が見えます。螺旋階段の展望台があるだけでテーブルやベンチなどは有りません。 伊勢崎桐生方面から赤城山を目指すとナビがこの道を指示してしまうようですが、県道16号大胡赤城線、通称サンダーボルトラインは、その名の通り稲妻のようにカーブを繰り返す細い道でクルマのすれ違いに困る個所も多々ありますのでお気をつけて。4号線から登る方が楽です。 この道は毎年12月初〜中旬から翌年4月初旬まで冬季通行止めになります。(期間は気温や気候により変わるので県のホームページでご確認を)
When the weather is nice, you can see Mt. Fuji in front of you. There is no table or bench, just an observatory with a spiral staircase. It seems that the navigation will direct this road when heading for Akagiyama from the direction of Isesaki Kiryu, but the prefectural road No. 16 Ogo Akagi Line, commonly known as Thunderbolt Line, is a narrow road that repeats curves like lightning as its name suggests. Please be aware that there are many places where it is difficult for cars to pass each other. It is easier to climb from Route 4. This road is closed in winter from early to mid-December to early April of the following year. (The period varies depending on the temperature and climate, so please check the prefecture's website)
磯野くん on Google

Only those who are confident should go at night. It will be a difficult road. However, the panorama beyond that is magnificent.
うまき on Google

霧がかかってることが多く、子供たちが雰囲気を楽しめるパノラマ展望台です。 トイレは10年以上前から故障しており、使用できるのは駐車場と展望台だけです。 道が細くてクネクネしている山道なので、車を利用されるのであれば、山道が好きで離合が得意な方以外は利用を諦めることを強くお勧めします。 山道の路面の端は汚れており、見通しも良く無いため、ロードバイクの方もお勧めできません。
It is a panoramic observatory where children can enjoy the atmosphere because it is often foggy. Toilets have been out of order for over 10 years and can only be used in the parking lot and the observatory. The road is narrow and squeaky, so if you are going to use a car, we strongly recommend that you give up unless you like mountain roads and are good at separating. Road bikes are also not recommended as the edges of the mountain roads are dirty and the visibility is poor.
ポトフ on Google

ここまでの道のりは険しいですね 自動車のすれ違いギリで時にはバックも。 展望台でソフトクリームでも食べようと期待してましたが、螺旋階段の展望台があるだけでした笑 景色は良いけど敢えて寄らなくても大丈夫かな?
The road up to this point is steep, isn't it? I was expecting to eat soft serve ice cream at the observatory, but there was only an observatory with a spiral staircase lol The scenery is good, but is it okay if I don't dare to stop by?
峯巧 on Google

大学生から20代前半に何回か行ったことありますが、12月の冬季封鎖前の寒い日を狙って行くと夜景がとてもきれいでまるで宝箱です。 飛行機から見るよりきれいに感じます。 一度だけ子熊に遭遇したことがあり、車からでしたが親熊が現れないかヒヤヒヤしたのが懐かしいです。 シカは他の方が言うように何度も会いました。 もう一方の広い県道では大群に遭遇したこともあります。
I've been to college students several times in my early twenties, but when I aim for a cold day before the winter blockade in December, the night view is very beautiful and it's like a treasure chest. It feels cleaner than seen from an airplane. I had encountered a baby bear only once, and although it was from the car, I miss the fact that the parent bear did not appear. Deer met many times, as others say. I have also encountered hordes on the other wide prefectural road.
ZONE みや (まちゃ) on Google

赤城神社側から飽きる程カーブ登って行くと途中に現れる展望台です? 晴れた日はさいたま側の山々まで気持ち良く見渡せます? 途中の道は車1台程の幅しかありません。 端には落ち葉やらなんやらが積もっており、バイクは転倒注意です? 振り返らないと見えない程つづら折りなカーブが連続しており、見通しが効きませんので車の方はゆっくりと道を譲ってあげてください?
It is an observatory that appears on the way when you climb the curve so much that you get tired of it from the Akagi Shrine side ? On a clear day, you can comfortably look out over the mountains on the Saitama side ? The road on the way is only about one car wide. Fallen leaves and other things are piled up on the edge, so be careful of falling on the bike ? If you don't look back, there are a series of winding curves that you can't see, and the line of sight doesn't work, so please give way slowly to the car.
伊藤二三男 on Google

爽やかな秋晴れで、紅葉?を楽しみに参上っす?️五分位かな、まだ楽しめます 山頂付近は、渋滞??⚡傾向でした❗日曜日も、重なり人手も 多いです、晴れてるけど、富士山は見えず残念、寒いから防寒対策必須(・・;)/
It's a refreshing autumn day, and I'm looking forward to the autumn leaves ? ?️ It's about five minutes, I can still enjoy it There was a tendency for traffic jams ??⚡ near the top of the mountain ❗ Sundays and overlapping manpower There are many, it's sunny, but I'm sorry I can't see Mt. Fuji, so it's cold, so cold weather measures are essential (・ ・;) /
Rimo rimo on Google

The weather was nice so I could see Mt. Fuji. The mountains were also a little colored and beautiful. There are no chairs or tables, you can just climb up the spiral staircase, but the view is good. However, please note that the road to this point is narrow and Kunekune. 2021-11

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