
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 岩城整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Nadakitadori, Nada Ward, Kobe, 〒657-0835 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://iwaki-seikei.com/
街 : Hyogo

Nadakitadori, Nada Ward, Kobe, 〒657-0835 Hyogo,Japan
YAMAMOTO on Google

もう一年以上、オープンの時からお世話になってます。 先生も親切に相談のってくれますし。看護師の方も和気あいあいで永く通えそうです。
I have been indebted for more than a year since opening. The teacher will kindly consult you. Nurses seem to be able to attend for a long time with good friendship.
東直子 on Google

先生も感じの良い方で、きちんとお話を聞いて下さり、丁寧な診察をしていただけました。 スタッフの方も気持ちの良い対応をしてくれます 。機器も豊富で、扱いも上手だと思います。 安心してお任せ出来る事間違いなしです。
The teacher was also a nice person, I heard the story properly, and I was able to have a polite medical examination. The staff will be happy to respond . I think that the equipment is also abundant and the handling is good. There is no doubt that you can leave it at ease.
Yuki N. on Google

綺麗なクリニックで丁寧に診察していただきました。 また、受付の方も感じの良い方ばかりでした。
I had a careful examination at a beautiful clinic. Also, the receptionists were all pleasant.
YU NK on Google

The teacher is kind and the receptionist is also friendly. There are also many rehabilitation equipment. It's a new clinic, but it seems that the teacher worked at a municipal hospital, so I'm relieved that the facilities are solid. The explanation is also correct.
Mosushi on Google

The clinic is the best with the latest rehabilitation equipment. The clinic is clean and clean. The teacher is from Kyoto University and has been a general manager of Kobe Central for many years.
ひまじろう on Google

先生はしっかりと話を聞いてくれ、丁寧に診察して、今後の治療の説明もしっかりしてくれました。 今まで行った病院とは雲泥の差です。 おかげで安心できました。 また、看護師さん、受付の方、皆さんとても優しくて感じのいい方ばかりです。 こんな病院は今まで初めてです。 ようやく信頼できて安心して通える病院に出逢えました。
The teacher listened to the story, gave me a careful examination, and explained the future treatment. This is the difference between the hospitals that I have visited so far. Thanks to that I was relieved. In addition, nurses, receptionists, everyone who is very kind and pleasant. This is the first hospital like this. I finally met a hospital that I can trust and go to.
吉田昌史 on Google

優しくて良い先生です。 治療に対する説明もしっかりとしてもらえるので安心です。 スタッフさんも優しく丁寧に説明してもらえるので安心してリハビリに通えます。 まだまだ新しいクリニックなので混むこともありますが、待ち時間もスタッフさんたちから申し訳なさそうに声をかけてもらえるのでそこまで苦にはなりません。
I am a kind and good teacher. It is safe because you can get a solid explanation for the treatment. The staff members are kind and politely explained, so you can safely attend rehabilitation. It's still a new clinic, so it may be crowded, but the waiting time is apologetic to the staff and it won't bother me that much.
ちぃ on Google

I have been indebted to you since I met the traffic accident, but the teacher listens to me properly and is very kind. I think that the receptionist and the person in charge of rehabilitation can all be treated with a polite and gentle tone, and it is a very comfortable hospital to go to. It's a long way from my house, but I like this hospital, so I'll continue to go to the hospital. It's a wonderful hospital according to word of mouth (* ˊᗜˋ *)

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