Myoshoji - Tsuyama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Myoshoji

住所 :

72 Nishiteramachi, Tsuyama, Okayama 708-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 708-0045
Webサイト :

72 Nishiteramachi, Tsuyama, Okayama 708-0045, Japan
Kengo Obayashi on Google

豊田倫明 on Google

守関場 on Google

瀬畑尚也 on Google

The priest is a very respectable person
松本チヅコ on Google

I am doing yoga in the temple grounds. Best ?⤴️⤴️
瀬畑富子 on Google

平成最後の花まつり❗ 四か寺巡りのおハガキをいただいて、知ることが出来たような気がしました?
The last flower festival of Heisei I felt like I was able to know that I received a postcard of visiting a temple or temple.
小竹たかし on Google

On New Year's Eve, when I was watching a memorial service for cooking sesame seeds, I was treated to Zenzai.
がんば on Google

2021/11/14来訪。 お寺については、「津山瓦版」より紹介します。 日蓮宗 法光山 妙勝寺 元は院庄にあり金剛寺と称する寺であったが、津山城主の意向により現在地に移り日蓮宗宗妙勝寺となった。 当時の墓所には渡部藤左衛門義士のお墓があり、現在安岡町、茅町の町民により祀られている。また、当山の第31世住職故瀬川学進上人の代に、行路者の一時保護施設「報恩無料宿泊所」を開設し津山市老人ホームの基礎を作った。現在は第32世住職瀬川一行上人に引き継がれ、児童養護施設「立正青葉学園」を開設し家庭に代わって児童の保護、育成を行っている。
2021/11/14 Visited. The temple will be introduced from "Tsuyama tile plate". Nichiren Sect Hokkosan Myokatsuji Originally located in Insho, it was a temple called Kongoji, but it was moved to the present location by the intention of the owner of Tsuyama Castle and became Nichiren Sect Myokatsuji. At that time, there was a grave of Tozaemon Watanabe in the graveyard, which is now enshrined by the townspeople of Yasuoka and Kaya. In addition, on behalf of the late Gakushin Segawa, the 31st resident of the mountain, he opened a temporary shelter for travelers, "Hoon Free Accommodation," and laid the foundation for the Tsuyama City Elderly Home. Currently, the 32nd chief priest, Kazuyuki Segawa, has taken over and opened the orphanage "Ritsusho Aoba Gakuen" to protect and raise children on behalf of the family.

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