Myonmyon-ya - Morioka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Myonmyon-ya

住所 :

1-44 Moriokaekimaedori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 020-0034
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM

1-44 Moriokaekimaedori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0034, Japan
フィン on Google

The taste of cold noodles has not changed since the "Morimori" era when I used to work in Pheasan. My taste is that the noodles are powdery and sweet.
Naka Mura on Google

冷麺(中辛)と焼き肉、ごはんの三点セット、テグタンスープをオーダー。 冷麺もテグタンスープも辛さは一切なし。 冷麺はかなり甘めの味付け。 とても美味しかったが、辛さを求める人には好みが分かれると思う。 ぴょんぴょん舎の冷麺と全く味付けが違うので食べ比べするのも面白いと思う。 ここは冷麺をたべるのが正解。
We order cold noodles (medium hot) and grilled meat, three-point set of rice, and Teghan soup. Neither cold noodles nor Tae Guang soup is hot. Cold noodles are seasoned with a very sweet taste. It was very delicious, but I think the taste is different for those who seek hotness. I think that it is interesting to compare it with the cold noodles of the Pyonpyonsha, as it is totally different in seasoning. It is correct to eat cold noodles here.
鈴木K on Google

冷麺を求めに来店。 辛口の冷麺はしっかりとピリリと辛みがきいて、個人的には辛口でバシバシ食べていくことを決めた店。 ただ、酒は日本酒を頼んだがなんかイマイチな感じがした
I came to the store for cold noodles. The dry cold noodles are very spicy and spicy, so I personally decided to eat them dry. However, I ordered sake for sake, but I felt that it was not good enough.
濱田達海 on Google

We had cold noodles and Iwate's famous sake Asabiraki. It's underground, so it's convenient to wait for the Shinkansen. The cold noodles are authentic thick noodles, and the soup is sweet, so it's the second dry one from the top, so it's normal.
ケン on Google

スープが甘くて美味しいです。 値段もお手頃です。 冷麺お手軽な値段で大盛出来ます。
The soup is sweet and delicious. The price is also reasonable. Cold noodles can be served at a reasonable price.
山崎麻衣 on Google

カルビ冷麺を頼みました! 初めて冷麺を食べたのですが、コシのある麺にカルビの旨味がスープに出ていてとても美味しかったです?
I ordered cold rib noodles! I ate cold noodles for the first time, but the chewy noodles had the umami of ribs in the soup and it was very delicious ?
Pen Chan on Google

カルビと冷麺を頼みました。 カルビは薄いし、味が悪いし、肉の味がよく分からなかった。 金額と枚数も割にあってないし、もう行かないかな 一緒に食事していた人の料理は見た目の印象からして食べる気がしませんでした。 冷麺は至って普通。 どこにでもある冷麺って感じ。 座席も快適とは言えない座面で、滞在中心地悪かった
I ordered ribs and cold noodles. The ribs were thin, the taste was bad, and I didn't really understand the taste of the meat. The amount of money and the number of sheets are not reasonable, so I wonder if I will go anymore I didn't feel like eating the food of the person I was eating with because of the visual impression. Cold noodles are very ordinary. It feels like cold noodles that are everywhere. The seats were not comfortable and the center of stay was bad.
nanbutetsubin 28 on Google

冷麺が食べたくて訪れました。 岩手の人は冷麺だけ食べる為に焼肉店に入るのは普通なんてすが、今回は誘惑に負けてお肉も食べてきました。(笑) ここの冷麺は他と比べて少しスープが甘めかな?と思いましたが、しっかりこしのある美味しい冷麺でした。 勿論焼肉も美味しかったです!
I visited because I wanted to eat cold noodles. It's normal for Iwate people to go to a yakiniku restaurant to eat only cold noodles, but this time I lost the temptation and ate meat as well. (Lol) Is the cold noodles here a little sweeter than the others? I thought, but it was delicious cold noodles that were firm and firm. Of course, the yakiniku was also delicious!

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