Myōman-ji Temple - Kyoto

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

顕本法華宗 総本山 妙満寺 -

京都は洛北岩倉にある顕本法華宗の総本山妙満寺の公式ホームページです。仏舎利大塔、霊宝「安珍・清姫」の鐘、俳諧の祖 松永貞徳作「雪の庭」などの紹介、永代供養・納骨供養等の受付、歴史・年中行事・境内風景のご案内など。

Contact Myōman-ji Temple

住所 :

91 Iwakura Hataedacho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877977
Postal code : 606-0015
Webサイト :

91 Iwakura Hataedacho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-0015, Japan
南形浩 on Google

本坊に在る「 雪の庭 」が有名な妙満寺を参拝しました。冬に再訪したいと想わせるイメージが持てた程に素敵な佇まいでした。仏舎利大塔は最早 エスニックを彷彿とさせる雰囲気を醸し出していて見惚れる程でした。
I visited Myomanji Temple, which is famous for the "Snow Garden" in Honbo. The appearance was so nice that I could have an image that made me want to revisit in winter. The Buddhist priesthood tower is no longer fascinating because it creates an atmosphere reminiscent of ethnicity.
松村直彦 on Google

Myomanji's "Snow Garden" is named alongside "Snow Garden" in Rakuchu, Kyoto, along with "Moon Garden" famous for viewing the moon at Kiyomizu Temple and "Flower Garden" famous for viewing plum blossoms at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine. I am. This garden was created by Sadanori Matsunaga, who was praised as a poet, renga master, and ancestor of haiku during the Edo period. A large-scale renovation was carried out in the 4th year of Reiwa, and it has been open to the public since March 18, 4th year of Reiwa. You can feel the natural beauty of the building from Mt. Hiei, which is a borrowed landscape. I would like to visit again during the snowy season. The Buddhist temple, which was built in the image of the Bodh Gaya Tower in India, is a spectacular sight.
松浦法子(LINEコンサルタント) on Google

花の寺 妙満寺 妙塔山妙満寺は六条坊門室町に建立され、1583年、豊臣秀吉の時代に寺町二条に移され「寺町二条の妙満寺」と親しまれてきました。 近代になり都市化が進み、喧騒と環境悪化を避けるため、昭和43年に現在の岩倉の地に移ったそうです 雪の庭や 桜園 安珍清姫 でも有名です 御朱印もきらいでした 清水寺の月の庭、妙満寺の雪の庭、北野天満宮の花の庭で揃える切り絵も美しいです 桜山もうつくしかったです
metaldogsg on Google

A very unusual Buddhist temple by Japanese standards. I will not go into the details of what makes it so unusual as it is best that you discover it for yourself. Let's just say I found it very surprising!
Trans-word plus TGM on Google

Myomanji is located in the western part of Iwakura ( north of Kamigamo ). The temple belongs to The Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The original form of the temple was founded in a dirrefent location in 1389 by the Priest Nichiju. Nichiju was a priest Hokke-kyo ( Lotus sutra ) later became the founder of Myomanji sect under the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. It was recent past in 1968 when it was relocated to the current location. It was moved to its present location as redevelopment took place in the area of Teramachi Nijo into downtown. More than 3000 trees of azalea were planted in recent years in front of the front gate near the Koi ( carp ) pond. The flower season of azalea is late spring around May. There is an impressive reprica of the famed stupa at Bodh Gaya of India where the Buddha gained his Enlightenment. Inside the structure is a graceful golden statue of the Buddha is enshrined. ( Trans-word+ : TGM Kyoto Guide )
Excursions Japan on Google

An immaculately kept temple with an interesting tower. Beautiful garden.
patrick mccartney on Google

I love this temple. Nice fish pond. View of mt hiei. A replica stupa from india. A really nice spot to wash your hands. A small museum ¥500 that gives you access to the small garden and the main temple. They used to have a yuttari (sort of yin style) yoga class in the new building on M, W and F mornings.
Mylène Larnaud on Google

This temple is one of the most beautiful I have seen. The scenery around is incredible, and the temple itself is stunning. I discovered this place thanks to “Kyotographie”, this place hosted one of the exhibit.

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