
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Myハウスクリーニング

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Minamiosawa, Hachioji, 〒192-0364 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
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街 : Tokyo

Minamiosawa, Hachioji, 〒192-0364 Tokyo,Japan
ak am on Google

I asked you to clean the air conditioner. It made it shiny and shiny. The explanation is easy to understand and polite, and I am very satisfied. I'd like to see you again next year.
-saku mori on Google

2台のエアコンの清掃をしていただきました。 キャンペーン中で、1台目3900円ととてもお得で助かりました。 作業も迅速丁寧に行って頂きありがとうございました。 また利用させて頂きたいと思います。
We had you clean two air conditioners. During the campaign, the first one was 3900 yen, which was a great deal and was saved. Thank you for your prompt and courteous work. I would like to use it again.
大澤訓弘 on Google

自分では届かない(できない)お掃除機能の配線を全て外しての作業で長年のホコリをたくさん取ってもらいました。 うちのエアコンはどうやら難しかったらしいですが安心してお任せできました!
I had them remove a lot of dust for many years by removing all the wiring of the cleaning function that I could not reach (cannot). It seems that our air conditioner was difficult, but I was able to leave it to me with confidence!
はっち整体 八王子 on Google

I asked you to clean the air conditioner. I've asked for it several times, but this was the first time I asked for cleaning the inside of the air conditioner after removing small parts. What was the cleaning so far? I think. Thank you very much.
五味志麻子 on Google

A washing machine that has been used for 12 years. I had it cleaned for the first time. I took a photo to commemorate the dirt, and I'm glad I took the plunge. It's a pity that I will not be able to request in the future because I will move this spring. If you can come back again, thank you at that time.
辻本結 on Google

今回初めてエアコンクリーニングを利用させて頂きました。 想像以上に汚れていましたが、プロの方による清掃で驚くほどキレイになりました。 絶対に自分ではこんなにキレイにできないので、 お願いして本当に良かったです。 キャンペーンを利用させていただいたのもありますが、価格もリーズナブルでして頂いたので満足です。今後もまたお願いしたいと思います。
This is the first time I have used air conditioner cleaning. It was more dirty than I had imagined, but it was surprisingly clean after cleaning by a professional. I can never make it so beautiful myself, so It was really good to ask. I have used the campaign, but I am satisfied because the price was reasonable. I would like to ask you again in the future.
杉田強 on Google

誠実で優しく丁寧な対応でした!10年使用した洗濯機が洗濯槽からピカピカに? お風呂の黒カビもどこかへ?✨ キッチンの換気扇、レンジフードも新品同様になりキッチンが明るくなりました?✨ エアコンも悪臭が消え、いつもの風量なのに倍の勢いです✨ もともと買った時はこの勢いだったのだと驚きます……??
It was a sincere, kind and polite response! The washing machine that has been used for 10 years becomes shiny from the washing tub ? The black mold in the bath goes somewhere ? ✨ The kitchen ventilation fan and range hood are as good as new, and the kitchen is brighter ? ✨ The stench of the air conditioner has disappeared, and the air volume is double the usual ✨ I'm surprised that it was this momentum when I originally bought it ... ??
白根恵 on Google

I asked you to clean the air conditioner. I'm ashamed to say that I hadn't cleaned it properly for ◯ years since I bought it. Sure enough, I was really happy before the tremendous mold caused health problems. Two people came to the work, and they did it in about an hour and a half. Amateurs don't know the quality of their work, but I felt that they could trust it according to everyone's reviews. I didn't have a habit of asking a professional to clean it, but next is a ventilation fan ... I will definitely repeat the air conditioner in two years.

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