Mutsumi - Ishioka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mutsumi

住所 :

1 Chome-7-9 Wakamiya, Ishioka, Ibaraki 315-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 315-0017
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM

1 Chome-7-9 Wakamiya, Ishioka, Ibaraki 315-0017, Japan
クリスタルボウイ on Google

お約束は 定食、丼物すべて半ライスにしましょう‼️ 半ライスでもお値段変わらず。 徒歩1分の石岡イベント広場に駐車しましょう‼️ 隣の空地に駐車してはダメダメ 実は洋食屋さんなのでデミグラスソースの料理を楽しみましょう。 ハムカツ定食、チキン南蛮定食を頼んで2人で1500円でお釣りが来ま~す。 大変美味しゅうございました❗
The promise is Let's make all set meals and bowls half rice! ️ The price does not change even with half rice. Let's park at Ishioka Event Square, which is a 1-minute walk! ️ Don't park in the next vacant lot Actually, it's a Western-style restaurant, so let's enjoy cooking with demiglace sauce. We ordered a hamukatsu set meal and a chicken nanban set meal, and two people will come to change for 1,500 yen. It was very delicious ❗
Perkins Cat Shit One on Google

デミソースカツ丼、税込800円。 食いしん坊ならペロリサイズ、いや、ラーメン丼だからボディーブローで後からくるな。 先客オーダー復唱で「半分」という聞き慣れないワード。チラ見だけど、白米は普通のカツ丼ドンブリっぽい。一番人気を尋ねると「鳥唐揚げ」との事。これもチラ見だけど、ヤバい大きさのが4個位マウンテン。 初見殺しの店だ(笑)。
Demi sauce katsudon, 800 yen including tax. If you're a glutton, don't come later with a body blow because it's a pelori size, no, it's a ramen bowl. An unfamiliar word, "half", when reciting a customer's order. It's a glimpse, but the white rice looks like a regular katsudon donburi. When asked about the most popular, it was "fried chicken". This is also a glimpse, but there are about 4 mountains that are dangerously large. It's a shop that killed me for the first time (laughs).
T S on Google

The volume is wild but the taste is mild. Even if I asked for a little rice, it was excellent in destructive power. Recommended for white rice lovers.
木村一夫 on Google

ネットで見つけた石岡でも有名なデカ盛り定食屋さん。13時半頃に入店、他のお客さんは無し。古いお店ですが、店内は綺麗で清潔感?‍♂️ かなりメニューは豊富ですねー だいたい600~800円くらいです。 迷わずカツカレー大盛り680円+100円 カレーは良い香りがする昔ながらのポークカレー カツは揚げたてサクサク? 量は…全部で1キロ以上あるかな~ 最後まで美味しく頂けました。 780円でお腹パンパン幸せ気分☺️ ご馳走さまでした。
A big set meal restaurant that is famous in Ishioka found on the net. Entered around 13:30, no other customers. It's an old shop, but the inside is beautiful and clean ?‍♂️ The menu is quite abundant It's about 600-800 yen. Without hesitation, a large serving of cutlet curry 680 yen + 100 yen Curry is an old-fashioned pork curry with a nice scent Freshly fried cutlet is crispy ? The amount is ... I wonder if there is more than 1 kg in total ~ It was delicious until the end. I feel happy with my stomach for 780 yen ☺️ It was a feast.
808 nippy on Google

10月10日再訪 開店直後に一番乗り。でもあっという間に満席(テーブルに1組だけの案内)。今回は「唐揚げ定食680円」発注。やはり多い?美味しいけど、次は行けないかなあ?中性脂肪が高くなる。 2021年3日7日入店。イバラキアマビエ加盟。専用駐車場無し。 唐揚げ定食(和風)、ハムカツ定食発注。そこまでは良かった♥ ライスが多いことを相方に教えるのを忘れ、普通のご飯が登場しました。 唐揚げ定食は大きな唐揚げ(もも肉)が5つ、味を2種類から選ぶが、しっかり味がしてる。熱々で出てくるのでやけど注意!というより噛みつけない大きさ(笑)。ハムカツは厚みは2センチほどかなり多いです。丁度いい味加減でデミソースにもあいます。結局相方のご飯をいただき完食。久びさの「おなかいっぱい!」お店の方の丁寧さが出ており良いお店です。比較的提供も早いです。日替わり弁当500円は何が入っているのか気になります。また行きますね。
Revisited on October 10 First ride immediately after opening. But it was full in no time (only one set at the table). This time, I ordered "fried chicken set meal 680 yen". After all it is a lot ? It's delicious, but I wonder if I can go next? Triglycerides are high. Entered the store on March 7th, 2021. Joined Ibaraki Amabie. No private parking. Order fried chicken set meal (Japanese style) and hamukatsu set meal. It was good up to that ♥ Forgetting to tell my partner that there is a lot of rice, ordinary rice has appeared. The fried chicken set meal has 5 large fried chicken (thigh meat) and 2 flavors to choose from, but it tastes good. Be careful not to get burned because it comes out hot! Rather, it's a size that can't be bitten (laughs). Hamukatsu is about 2 cm thick. It goes well with Demi sauce with just the right amount of taste. After all, I had my partner's rice and finished it. It's a good shop with the politeness of the people who have been "full of stomach!" It is relatively quick to provide. I'm wondering what's in the daily lunch box of 500 yen. I will go again.
daisuke miyoshi on Google

カリカリの衣にデミグラスとタルタルの両方のソースで楽しめる美味しい厚切りハムカツ定食でした! 1番最初はハムカツよりもご飯の量多いなってビックリしましたがこのハムカツで食べると不思議とペロリ食べれちゃいました!
It was a delicious thick-sliced ​​hamukatsu set meal that you can enjoy with crispy batter and both demiglace and tartar sauces! At first, I was surprised that the amount of rice was larger than that of hamukatsu, but when I ate it with this hamukatsu, mysteriously I could eat it!
PaPa HS on Google

街角に昔からある食堂。メニューも多くボリューム満点。常連らしき人はカレーを頼む人が多かった。 店内は新しくはないが清潔で、消毒もきっちりと実施。対応も良かったです。
A restaurant that has been around for a long time on the street corner. There are many menus and the volume is perfect. Many people who seemed to be regulars asked for curry. The inside of the store is not new, but it is clean and disinfected properly. Correspondence was also good.
56 Rock on Google

22年1月の日曜日にTV番組オモうまい店で紹介されたお店にバイクで行ってきました。駐車場は無いようなので、近くの公園にバイクを駐車し、店に着いたのが12時ちょっと過ぎ。満席でしたが、10分ほどで店内へ案内されました。TVで紹介されたという唐揚げ定食730円を注文し10分弱で出てきた定食にビックリ! ご飯は恐らく茶碗3杯分、唐揚げは普通の2倍サイズが4個とすごい量です。普段、大食いではありませんが、美味しいのでご飯を少し残しはしましたが、なんとか食べました。 やっぱり人気メニューの様で、13時前に売り切れです。 お店はコロナ対策をしっかりやっていて、接客も丁寧・親切で好印象です。また近くに行ったらリピートします。
On Sunday, January 2010, I went to the shop introduced in the TV program Omo Umai by motorcycle. There seems to be no parking lot, so I parked my motorcycle in a nearby park and arrived at the store a little after 12 o'clock. It was full, but I was guided to the store in about 10 minutes. I ordered the fried chicken set meal that was introduced on TV for 730 yen and was surprised at the set meal that came out in less than 10 minutes! The rice is probably 3 bowls, and the fried chicken is 4 times the normal size, which is a great amount. I don't usually eat big, but I left a little rice because it was delicious, but I managed to eat it. After all it seems to be a popular menu, and it is sold out before 13:00. The shop is taking measures against corona, and the customer service is polite and kind, which gives a good impression. I will repeat it when I go nearby again.

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