Musubi - Miyazu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Musubi

住所 :

1152 Kita, Miyazu, Kyoto 626-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 626-0035
Webサイト :

1152 Kita, Miyazu, Kyoto 626-0035, Japan
Shigeru MAEDA on Google

It was delicious!
北川渉 on Google

ホールのお姉さんの接客がとても心地よかったです。 料理もこだわりを感じられる内容、店内もオシャレ。 また利用します。
The customer service of the older sister in the hall was very comfortable. The food is very particular, and the interior is fashionable. I will use it again.
わかちこ on Google

The atmosphere of the restaurant and the response of the staff are very warm and the food is particular about local ingredients, and the taste is gentle and relieved. You can spend a relaxing time surrounded by mountains and rice fields. It is a shop that you will want to visit again and again.
小牧清美 on Google

レモンのチーズケーキとても美味しいです。 ランチは予約がおすすめです。
Lemon cheesecake is very delicious. Reservations are recommended for lunch.
粉川正太郎 on Google

It's a great place to relax. The staff is also the best. In front of the river, Otegawa, which is rich in nature, where sweetfish run up, and the rural scenery from the window is also very good. Please visit and see it.
Yuuri M on Google

I got a lunch! Each of the many side dishes was very delicious. I wanted to use the inside of the store cleanly again. It was a treat! !!
雲ちゃん on Google

カフェ利用しました。 外からは普通のお宅に見えるので 躊躇しましたが、窓からカフェらしい内装が伺えたので玄関をガラガラ~、靴を脱いでスリッパを履きます。 中はオシャレで、窓も多くて明るく 窓からは大江山など見えて気持ちが良いです。 レモンのチーズケーキは焼いてあるのにトロットしてとても美味しかったです。 おむすびは、大きな海苔に包まれて美味しいお米でした。 素敵な女性お二人で切り盛りされていて気持ちの良い対応をして頂きました 次回はぜひランチを頂こうと思います
I used the cafe. Because it looks like a normal house from the outside I hesitated, but I could see the cafe-like interior from the window, so I rattled the entrance, took off my shoes and put on slippers. The inside is fashionable and bright with many windows It feels good to see Mt. Oe from the window. The lemon cheesecake was baked but it was trot and it was very delicious. The rice balls were delicious rice wrapped in large seaweed. Two lovely women were working together and gave us a pleasant response. I will definitely have lunch next time
chie harema on Google

お野菜中心の週替わりランチプレートをいただきました。 おかずはどれも優しい味わいでサラダのドレッシングもとても美味しくいただきました。 おむすびは2つ選べます。 塩は薄味の海苔に巻かれ、ちょうどいい塩梅ですね。 小松菜はツナ胡麻油のまちがいないお味でした。 ⁡ 男性には少し物足りないようでしたが、満足できました。 ⁡ ごちそうさまでした♪ ⁡ 予約なしで運良くランチできましたが、予約して行くのがおすすめですね。
I had a weekly lunch plate centered on vegetables. All the side dishes had a gentle taste and the salad dressing was very delicious. You can choose two rice balls. The salt is wrapped in light seaweed, which is just right. Komatsuna was definitely the taste of tuna sesame oil. ⁡ It seemed a little unsatisfactory for men, but I was satisfied. ⁡ Thank you for your feast ♪ ⁡ I was lucky enough to have lunch without a reservation, but it is recommended to make a reservation.

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