
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 武蔵台遺跡公園

住所 :

Musashidai, Fuchu, 〒183-0042 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://fugis.city.fuchu.tokyo.jp/FuchuInternet/portal/shisetsu_kouen_toshi.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Tokyo

Musashidai, Fuchu, 〒183-0042 Tokyo,Japan
y masaki on Google

A small park in the city. There is an eastern house that cannot be entered, which is the image of a Jomon-style house.
おたかのみち on Google

住宅街の中にある小さな公園です。 普段は近所の子供達の遊び場になっていますが一応、遺跡という事になっているので、歩こう会等の団体客がたまに立ち寄っているのを見かけます。
A small park in a residential area. It is usually used as a playground for children in the neighborhood, but it is supposed to be an archeological site.
イッツ・ア・コブ締めワールド on Google

奈良時代の遺跡がクローズアップされがちの国分寺ですが、縄文の遺跡もチラホラ。その一つがこの公園の遺跡です。南の坂の下にある公園が水源だったのかな?など色々想像すると楽しいですが、団地に囲まれているので当時の状況を想像するのは少々難しいかも? 最近の国分寺は遺跡を整理している様なので、こちらも何とかしてくれるとありがたいです。
Kokubunji is a place where the archeological sites of the Nara era tend to be up-closed, but the Jomon archeological sites are also chira-hola. One of them is the ruins of this park. Was the park under the southern slope the water source? It is fun to imagine various things, but is it a little difficult to imagine the situation at that time because it is surrounded by housing complexes? Recently, Kokubunji is organizing archeological sites, so I would be grateful if you could do something here.
jackal kou on Google

Perhaps because of the cancellation of the state of emergency that everyone has been waiting for due to the corona disaster, it is a surprisingly hidden place where children and neighbors gather in the ruins of the mild climate in full bloom of Sakura ?.
佐竹勝義 on Google

武蔵台遺跡公園は、縄文中期(約4千年前)の遺跡を復元したもので、勝坂式土器を使用し、国分寺崖線上で生活していた縄文人のこの住居は、柄鏡形をした住居で、河原石の敷石をそのまま移動し、この場所 に復元したものです。 JR中央線西国分寺駅南口から、遺跡通りを南下し、この遺跡を見て、伝鎌倉街道の切通しを通り、武蔵国分尼寺跡に向います。 次に、JR武蔵野線のガードをくぐって、武蔵国分僧寺跡、七重の塔跡、お鷹の道脇の湧水の清流、玉造小町伝説の真姿の池、国分寺崖線等、歴史好き、地勢好きには、見どころの多い夢のようなコースです。
The Musashidai Archaeological Park is a restoration of the ruins of the middle Jomon period (about 4,000 years ago). At the residence, the paving stones of the river stone were moved as they were and restored to this place. From the south exit of Nishi-Kokubunji Station on the JR Chuo Line, head south on Ruins Street, see this ruins, pass through the cut-out of the Den Kamakura Kaido, and head toward the Musashi Kokubunji Ruins. Next, passing through the guard of the JR Musashino Line, the remains of Musashi Kokubun Monk Temple, the remains of the Seven-storied Pagoda, the clear stream of spring water on the side of the hawk, the true pond of the legend of Tamatsukuri Komachi, the Kokubunji cliff line, etc. For those who like it, it's a dreamlike course with lots of attractions.
アコモ on Google

It is an archeological park of a village residence dating back 4,000 years.
Kenta Ohuchi on Google

花も綺麗に咲いている閑静な住宅街の中の公園。 ゆったりした時間をすごせます!
A park in a quiet residential area where flowers bloom beautifully. You can spend a relaxing time!
katsuya KACCINO on Google

It is hidden in a residential area where people can not get around, but it is the largest class of ancient ruins in this area. The Paleolithic settlements are stored in real time. Nishikokubun-ji Temple → Higashiyama Road trace → here → Den Kamakura Kaido → Kurogane Park (Kokubun Zen temple trace) → Musashi Kokubunji trace route is recommended!

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