
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸金食堂

住所 :

Murata, Shibata District, 〒989-1305 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Miyagi

Murata, Shibata District, 〒989-1305 Miyagi,Japan
M Inoue on Google

私は鳥のから揚げ定食を妻は鳥のから揚げラーメンを食べました。 まずはから揚げ一つ一つの大きさにびっくりしました。表面は明るいきつね色ですが中までしっかりと火が通っていて大変美味しくいただきました。私はから揚げにソースを掛けて食べるのが好きなのですが、濃すぎない味付けがソースとの相性抜群でご飯が進みました。但し大きなから揚げが5個ということもあってボリュームがありすぎて、がんばって完食は出来ましたがお腹がパンパンになりました。次回はご飯を半分にしてもらいます(^^; 妻が食べたラーメンの方はスープが染み込んだから揚げが美味しいとのことでした。 女将さんが気さくで店の雰囲気も良いので、機会がある度に色々なメニューを食べてみたいと思います(と言いながら次もから揚げ定食を頼んでしまいそうな気がします)。
I ate fried chicken set meal and my wife ate fried chicken ramen. First of all, I was surprised at the size of each fried chicken. The surface is bright brown, but the inside is well cooked and it was very delicious. I like to eat fried chicken with sauce, but the seasoning that is not too strong goes well with the sauce and the rice goes on. However, because it was big, there were 5 fried chicken, so there was too much volume, so I tried my best to finish the meal, but my stomach became full. Next time I will have the rice halved (^^; The ramen that my wife ate was soaked in soup, so the fried food was delicious. The landlady is friendly and the atmosphere of the restaurant is good, so I would like to try various menus whenever I have the opportunity (although I feel like I will order fried chicken set meals from the next time).
勅使河原 on Google

鳥のから揚げ定食が食べたくて、やっと念願叶い訪問。 店内はなかなか賑やかな雰囲気で、TV取材の色紙や写真が所狭しと貼られていますね。 ウサインボルトの友達とかの色紙も有り。 待つ事10分程で提供。 かなり大きい唐揚げが5つにナポリタンと大量の野菜。 サクサクの衣の中は、超熱々のジューシーな鶏肉。 美味しいですね〜。 出て来た時は、多過ぎて食べられないかと思ったものの、味付けの良さで直ぐに完食。 調味料は一切必要無しでした。 他のメニューも食べてみたいので、ちょっと通います。
I wanted to eat a fried chicken set meal, so I finally made my wish. The inside of the store has a very lively atmosphere, and the colored paper and photos of TV coverage are stuck all over the place. There are also colored papers such as Usain Bolt's friends. Served in about 10 minutes to wait. Five fairly large fried chicken, Napolitan and a large amount of vegetables. Inside the crispy batter is super hot juicy chicken. delicious~. When I came out, I thought it would be too much to eat, but the seasoning was good and I finished eating immediately. No seasoning was needed. I want to try other menus, so I go there for a while.
R. “pool-rider” takaryo5532 on Google

Googleマップでは15時までの営業だが(2021/7/25修正依頼→変更済み)メニュー写真通り14時閉店。 ギリギリ14時で入ったがオーダー出来た。 鶏唐揚げ定食がクチコミでもイチオシだが、色々食べてみたかったのでEセット(半焼肉丼と半ラーメン)を注文。持ち帰りの唐揚げも頼んだ。 きっとご飯ものが美味しいのだろうな、と思わせる美味しい白米の焼肉丼。半分サイズで世間一般的には普通と言われる位のサイズ。 サラダや小鉢なども美味しい。ラーメンは醤油ラーメンだったが、やや薄味に感じた。濃いめの焼肉丼とは相性はよいか。 なにやらテレビにも何度か出ているのか、それらの品や画像が数多く見受けられる。地域情報誌などの名前もある。 名物オーナーなのか、気さくで人当たりのよい女性が気持ちよく応対してくれた。 地元の人だけでなく遠方からも来る人がいるというのも、店の人の人柄や料理の美味しさから納得した。 機会あれば食べ盛りの子供を連れて来たいなと思う。きっと大満足するはずだ。
Although it is open until 15:00 on Google Maps (2021/7/25 correction request → changed), it closes at 14:00 as shown in the menu photo. I entered at the last minute at 14:00, but I was able to order. The fried chicken set meal is recommended by word of mouth, but I wanted to try various things, so I ordered the E set (half-grilled meat bowl and half-ramen). I also ordered fried chicken to take away. A delicious white rice bowl that makes you think that rice is delicious. Half the size, which is generally said to be normal. Salads and small bowls are also delicious. The ramen was soy sauce ramen, but I felt it was a little light. Is it compatible with the thick yakiniku rice bowl? I wonder if it has appeared on TV several times, and I can see many of those items and images. There are also names such as regional information magazines. Perhaps it is a famous owner, a friendly and friendly woman responded comfortably. I was convinced by the personality of the shop staff and the deliciousness of the food that there are people who come not only from the locals but also from afar. If I have a chance, I would like to bring a child who is in the prime of eating. I'm sure you will be very satisfied.
みったか。 on Google

半ラーメンと半焼肉丼定食 ボリューム満点?定食です! ラーメンは町中華のあっさり醤油ラーメン。スープ多めすごくアツアツなのでお気をつけて。 焼肉丼はタレでこちらも本当に出来たてほやほやなので蓋は冷めないようにと閉めなくても大丈夫だと思います。味濃いめでご飯が進みますよ。 小鉢はサラダと漬物と桃の缶詰。
佐久山蒴次郎 on Google

I visited Marukin-san, who had been anxious for a long time, with my son for the first time. The fried chicken set meal you are looking for for 2 people. My son has a lot of old tales that makes him laugh bitterly when he makes a large serving of rice. Besides, there are 4 main fried chicken, heaped cabbage, napolitan, cold tofu, miso soup in a small bowl of hijiki seaweed. As a result, I had two, one son, and fried chicken. Other customers often ordered yakiniku set meals, so next time I would like to order fried chicken and yakiniku and share it. It was a treat! I'll come back later!
おさけのみこ on Google

噂のから揚げ定食を食べに行きました。家で自分で作るソレより2.5倍はありそうな大きなから揚げがドーンと5個。見た瞬間これは持ち帰り案件かなと思いましたが・・・。 衣サクサクで油っこくないし中のお肉は柔らかでうまうま完食。一般的な女性は食べきれない量のようですが、一般的でない私は食べきりました。おかげで店員さんに褒められました( -᷅_-᷄ ๑) お皿に添えられたケチャップ炒めパスタと山盛りの生野菜が嬉しい。ただし野菜にドレッシングは掛かってないので店員さんにお願いしましょう。
I went to eat a fried chicken set meal because of the rumor. Dawn and 5 pieces of fried chicken because it is 2.5 times larger than the one you make at home. The moment I saw it, I thought this was a takeaway project ... The batter is crispy and not greasy, and the meat inside is tender and delicious. The average female seems to be inedible, but the uncommon I did. Thanks to the clerk, I was praised (-᷅_-᷄ ๑) I am happy with the stir-fried ketchup pasta and heaps of raw vegetables served on the plate. However, the vegetables are not dressed, so ask the clerk.
ke kon on Google

唐揚げ定食が有名だということで食べてきました。駐車場はいつも満杯で停められません。たまたま空いていてラッキーでした。 970円で大きいからあげが5個入ってご飯も山盛りです。小鉢もついてすごいボリュームです。 唐揚げはカリッと上がっていて肉はジューシーで美味しかったです。 女性はヘルシー定食にするべきですが、唐揚げが4個になるだけです。ボリュームはほぼ変わりません 一個唐揚げ食べられず持ち帰りにすることしました。家族に食べさせたいと思います。 おもうま店で取り上げられる日も近いんじゃないでしょうか
I ate it because the fried chicken set meal is famous. The parking lot is always full and cannot be parked. I was lucky to be vacant by chance. It's 970 yen and it's big, so it contains 5 pieces of fried chicken and a heap of rice. The small bowl is also a great volume. The fried chicken was crispy and the meat was juicy and delicious. Women should have a healthy set meal, but only 4 fried chicken. Volume is almost unchanged I couldn't eat one fried chicken and decided to take it home. I want to feed my family. I think the day when it will be picked up at the Omoma store is near.
Xander McGrouther on Google

This place does the most amazing karaage (Japanese fried chicken)! The portions are huge too! It's a really quirky and cosy restuarant, but be forewarned, it can get busy with workers at lunchtime!

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