Muramatsudai Shrine - Naka District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Muramatsudai Shrine

住所 :

1-番地, Tokai, Naka District, Ibaraki 319-1112, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 319-1112
Webサイト :

1-番地, Tokai, Naka District, Ibaraki 319-1112, Japan
Jハードラー on Google

大神宮の創立ははなはだ古く、「和銅年中(西暦700年頃)奉斎」と伝えられます。 神社明細帳によると 「和銅元年(西暦708年)4月7日平磯前浦の巨巌怪光を発射しその光眞崎の浦に留る。住民畏れて占う。『伊勢の神なり』と。垂示に従って奉斎。祀職伊勢より来りて奉仕す。」 と記されています。 時を経て、後冷泉天皇の御代・康平三年(西暦1060年)、源頼義・義家父子、奥州討伐の際に戦勝を祈願し、社殿の造営・神領の寄進がありました。 中世に至り戦乱の世となり、社殿も戦火を被り神領も侵犯され荒廃し祭祀などできる状態ではなくなり、戦火を逃れるため永享七年(西暦1435年)神璽(ご神体)を奉じて、奥州名取郡藤塚に奉遷したとの事です。 徳川幕府が開かれると、朱印地三十三石一斗九升と神地二十四町の寄進があり、元禄七年(西暦1694年)水戸藩主 徳川光圀公は、新たに神殿を造営され同九年あらためて伊勢皇大神宮より「御分霊」を奉遷、「天照皇大神宮」と奉称し、神宝・神器を奉納、参拝されました。以来、毎年正月十五日の春季大祭には水戸藩主の参拝を例としました。 天保四年(西暦1833年)徳川斉昭公は、藩主として初めて国に就かれるや、五月二日奉幣参拝され、安政四年(西暦1857年)には、国事多難にもかかわらず神殿の造営を起工、同七年一切の殿舎が竣工し、神宮尊崇・勤皇の精神を喚起されました。 勤皇の志士が多数参宮し、皇大御神の御神徳を仰ぎ、尊皇敬神の念を高め、明治維新の礎となり、萬延元年(西暦1860年)閏三月、櫻田門外において活躍した忠勇義烈の志士も当宮に参拝し成就を祈願、みごと本懐を遂げました。 昭和三十一年より神池「阿漕浦」の水を日本原子力研究所へ分水。世論を分ける大論争となりましたが、「地域の発展と日本の未来のために」との先代宮司の英断によるものでした。それにより、わが国初の「原子力の火」をともすことに成功。以来核燃料サイクル開発機構・日本原子力発電株式会社・日本電信電話株式会社へも分水。新しいエネルギーの開発の源となりました。 拝殿横の神輿殿には、神輿が二基納められています。二基とも同じくらいの大きさですが、制作年代・経緯は異なります。水戸徳川家縁の神輿は、屋根と担ぎ棒に「三つ葉葵」の紋を有し、文字通り徳川斉昭公より下賜された神輿です。製作年代は不詳ですが、安政四年の造営時期とほぼ同じとすると、約150年前の製作と考えられます。屋根は金箔を張り詰め唐破風の曲線を描き、頂には鳳凰が羽ばたき、水戸徳川家の敬神の篤さがうかがわれます。 この神輿は、基本的に「飾り神輿」として使われ、担ぎ手により担がれることはありません。 もう一基の神輿は、明治四年製作と明記されており、氏子崇敬者の篤志により奉納されたものです。屋根は直線的な切妻風で漆黒の屋根中央と担ぎ棒には大神宮の社紋である「十六菊の紋」が金色に輝いています。 この神輿は「担ぎ神輿」として、大神宮神輿保存運営委員会「一の宮会」の担ぎ手によって毎年二回勇壮に担がれ、地元の人々に親しまれています。
The founding of Ojingu is very old, and it is said that it is "a sacred place during the year of Wado (around 700 AD)". According to the shrine statement, "April 7, the first year of Wado (708 AD), the giant Iwao mysterious light of Hiraiso Maeura is fired and stays at the light Masaki no Ura. . According to the instructions, the shrine. Come and serve from the ritual Ise. " Over time, Emperor Go-Reizen's reign, Kohei 3 (1060 AD), Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, Yoshiie's father and son, prayed for victory when subduing Oshu, and there was a shrine building and donation of the Shinto territory. In the Middle Ages, the shrine was in a state of war, and the shrine was invaded and the territory was invaded, and it was no longer possible to perform rituals. It is said that he was relocated to Fujitsuka, Gun. When the Tokugawa Shogunate was opened, there was a donation of 33 stones of Ise Grand Shrine and 24 towns of Kamiji, and in the 7th year of Genroku (1694 AD), the lord of the Mito domain, Mitsukuni Tokugawa, built a new temple. In the same nine years, the "Gobunrei" was relocated from the Ise Grand Shrine, and it was called the "Tensho Emperor Grand Shrine", and the sacred treasures and sacred treasures were dedicated and worshiped. Since then, the worship of the Mito feudal lord has been taken as an example at the Spring Festival on the 15th of New Year every year. In the 4th year of Tenpo (1833 AD), Tokugawa Nariaki was first worshiped as a feudal lord on May 2nd, and in the 4th year of Ansei (1857 AD), he was in the temple despite the difficulties of national affairs. Construction was started, and all the shrines were completed in the same seven years, arousing the spirit of Takataka Jingu and the Emperor. Many priests of the Emperor visited the shrine, looked up to the god of the Emperor Omikami, raised the spirit of the revered emperor, became the foundation of the Meiji Restoration, and became the cornerstone of the Meiji Restoration. The priest also visited our shrine and prayed for its fulfillment, and achieved a wonderful achievement. From 1952, the water from Kamike "Akoura" was distributed to the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. It was a great debate that divided public opinion, but it was due to the predecessor's decision, "For the development of the region and the future of Japan." As a result, we succeeded in lighting Japan's first "nuclear fire". Since then, water has been distributed to Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Japan Atomic Power Company, and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. It became the source of new energy development. Two portable shrines are stored in the portable shrine next to the hall of worship. Both are about the same size, but the production dates and circumstances are different. The mito Tokugawa family portable shrine has the "Mitsuha Aoi" crest on the roof and carrying rod, and is literally a portable shrine given by Tokugawa Nariaki. The date of production is unknown, but if it is almost the same as the time of construction in the 4th year of Ansei, it is thought that it was produced about 150 years ago. The roof is lined with gold leaf and draws a curve of Karahafu, and the phoenix flaps on the top, showing the seriousness of the Mito Tokugawa family's deity. This portable shrine is basically used as a "decorative portable shrine" and is not carried by the bearer. The other portable shrine is clearly stated to have been produced in the 4th year of the Meiji era, and was dedicated by the will of a worshiper of the parishioners. The roof is a straight gable style, and the jet-black roof center and the carrying rod are shining golden with the "16 chrysanthemum crest", which is the company crest of Ojingu. This portable shrine is heroically carried twice a year by the bearer of the Ojingu Shrine Preservation Steering Committee "Ichinomiyakai" as a "carrying portable shrine" and is loved by the locals.
ちゃんちー on Google

Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined. I'm Ise from Ibaraki prefecture. It is a beautiful and wonderful company. Butterflies have come.
岡崎美智子 on Google

スロープの参道があります❗️ ♿️の方や???️等にも優しいですよね? 2度目の訪問でしたが、連れが居たので急ぎ足?で…?。 良く観て来ませんでした。
There is a slope approach ❗️ It's kind to ♿️ and ???️ etc. ? It was my second visit, but I was in a hurry because I had a companion ? ... ?. I didn't watch it well.
小鷹一弘 on Google

There are ten "Katsuogi" on the roof of the main shrine as if to show the height of the form, which is the same as the number of Katsuogi in the inner shrine of Ise Jingu. A passage from the back of the main shrine to the Muramatsu coast is still secured across the site of the nuclear facility. At the phantom festival "Yansamachi", which was cut off at the beginning of the Showa era, a Yabusame Shinto ritual was held with horse racing running through the rippling waves of 2 ri and 8 towns from Muramatsudai Shrine to Sakatsura Isozaki Shrine.
Rida Nurul Shelni Rofika on Google

Tokai shrine
M L on Google

Very nice to visit
Steve Furphy on Google

Peaceful and Quiet on a late Sunday related to ISE Dai Jingu, which is so protected you cant fully see it. Nice 1km walk to beach. Unfortunately beach is work in progress between 2 industrial facilities
Leonid Bolotov on Google

It was interesting to look at a dog's circle. There are walking passes to a nearby temple through the forest and an ocean side (about 1 km).

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