Muramatsu Dental Clinic - Ashiya

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Muramatsu Dental Clinic

住所 :

11-22 Kuregawacho, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 659-0051
Webサイト :

11-22 Kuregawacho, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0051, Japan
H I on Google

親切丁寧に診察していただけますし、歯磨きの仕方もアドバイスしてくれます。 ただ、診察時間が平日は19時まで、土曜は18時までなので、時間の都合を合わせるのが難しいかと思います。あと駐車場が少ないので行くときは自転車か徒歩の方が良いかと思います。
You will be kindly and politely examined, and they will also give you advice on how to brush your teeth. However, since the consultation hours are until 19:00 on weekdays and 18:00 on Saturdays, I think it is difficult to adjust the time. Also, since there are few parking lots, I think it is better to go by bicycle or on foot.
M K on Google

I am very grateful to you for always politely responding. I am relieved to go there because they will ask me if I have any pain during treatment and if I have any pain, please ask me. The atmosphere is good and everyone is kind, so I would like to continue to take care of you.
dai k on Google

Parents and children come to regular checkups. Now I can have a child who is not good at brushing teeth. I am grateful that I will be notified by email regularly after making a reservation so that I can remember to visit the hospital.
Satoko Sugawara on Google

I am indebted to the examination and cleaning once a month. He always teaches me carefully and in an easy-to-understand manner, such as how to care for it to make it difficult to color, and advice on mouthpieces to prevent teeth from being hurt by the force of clenching. It is a dentist who feels like a patient.
parisbozu on Google

3か月に一度の定期検診&クリーニングでお世話になっています。7年ほど通っていますが、院長先生はじめ、スタッフの皆さんの対応も感じ良く、嫌な思いをしたことがありません。 定期検診で診てもらっていても、当方40代男性、加齢による⁉️と思われる痛みや症状は出てくるのですが、いつも丁寧に治療してくださり、感謝しております。 初診の際や治療費が大きくなりそうな治療の際は面談があり、こちらの話も聞いた上で内容的にも金額的にも納得のいく治療をしてくださるので、安心して通院できています。 「虫歯ゼロ」の子どもさんの写真が貼ってあり、子どもの頃からの予防歯科にも力を入れられていて、自分も子どもの頃から診てもらいたかったなぁと思いながら写真を眺めています。 いつも混んでいる印象があり、急な予約が取りにくいかもしれないし、対応や言葉遣いに関しては受け取り方が人それぞれなので何とも言えない部分がありますが、個人的意見としては、安心して治療をお任せできる歯医者さんで、これからもお世話になりたいと思っているのでおすすめです。
I am indebted to the regular inspection and cleaning once every three months. I've been there for about 7 years, but the response from the director and other staff members has been pleasant and I haven't had any unpleasant feelings. Even if I have a regular medical examination, I am a man in my 40s, and I still have pain and symptoms that seem to be ⁉️ due to aging, but I am grateful for the careful treatment. I have an interview at the time of the first medical examination and the treatment that seems to increase the treatment cost, and after listening to this story, the treatment is convincing in terms of content and amount, so I can go to the hospital with confidence. increase. A picture of a child with "zero cavities" is posted, and I have been focusing on preventive dentistry since I was a child, and I am looking at the picture thinking that I also wanted to see it since I was a child. .. I have the impression that it is always crowded, and it may be difficult to make a sudden reservation, and there are some parts that I can not say about correspondence and wording because each person receives it, but in my personal opinion, I can leave the treatment with confidence. I am a dentist who can do it, and I would like to continue to take care of it, so I recommend it.
Y M on Google

歯医者さんを探していた時に、ママ友におすすめされたのがむらまつさんでした。 歯医者さんは怖いし痛い…というイメージが子どもの頃からあり、つい足が遠のいて治療してばかりでしたが、こちらでお世話になってからは、3ヶ月ごとの定期検診にもスムーズに通うことができています。個室でリラックスできたり、先生やコーディネーターさんの丁寧な説明、子どもがDVD視聴できる環境の配備など、安心できるからだと思います。受付の方も親切に予約の空き時間をお電話下さったこともありました。歯科衛生士さんに「キレイにみがけてますね!」と毎回ほめてもらえるのも、何よりうれしいです。 今年の4月からは、8歳の息子も顎顔面矯正でお世話になっています。 これからもずっと通いたいです。
When I was looking for a dentist, Muramatsu was recommended by my mom friend. Since I was a kid, I had the image that dentists are scared and hurt, and I was just treating them because my legs were far away. Is done. I think this is because you can relax in a private room, give detailed explanations from teachers and coordinators, and provide an environment where children can watch DVDs. The receptionist also kindly called me for the free time of the reservation. Above all, I'm glad that the dental hygienist praises me "I'm looking beautiful!" Since April of this year, my 8-year-old son has been indebted to me for maxillofacial correction. I want to continue to attend.
Ayako K on Google

独身の時にホワイトニングでお世話になってから、結婚し、子どもが3人になり、今では5人で定期検診でお世話になってます。子どもたちにいつも優しく接してくださる衛生士さんのお陰で、いつもそれぞれ一人で診察室へ向かい、泣くことも一度もなく、虫歯もないのに、毎月歯医者行きたい!と言うぐらいです。 説明も分かりやすくしてくださり、安心して通っています。
Since I was taken care of by whitening when I was single, I got married and have three children, and now five people are taken care of by regular examinations. Thanks to the hygiene staff who always treat the children kindly, I always go to the examination room by myself, never cry, and even though I have no worm teeth, I want to go to the dentist every month! It's about saying. The explanations are easy to understand, and I am able to go there with peace of mind.
Stephen H on Google

Punctual appointments. Good dentistry.

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