Mukogawa Kasen Park - Nishinomiya

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mukogawa Kasen Park

住所 :

2 Mukogawacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8131, Japan

Postal code : 663-8131

2 Mukogawacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8131, Japan
富川和樹 on Google

サイクリングにはオススメです。 ただし、自転車専用のところをランニングしたり、自転車で併走したり、逆走の上舌打ちするマナーの悪い方々も出没します。 ランナーの方、せめて夜間は反射板等を付けてください。。
Recommended for cycling. However, there are also people with bad manners who run in places dedicated to bicycles, run side by side on bicycles, and run backwards. If you are a runner, please attach a reflector at least at night. ..
あきひこ on Google

釣りです‼ 満潮か雨で海が濁ったときにシーバス狙いで釣れますよ。
It's fishing! You can catch sea bass when the sea becomes muddy due to high tide or rain.
ちくりん on Google

If you run in the middle of summer, you will almost fall.
KYON on Google

Although it is evaluated as a Mukogawa cycling road, it is a nice CR that is easy to drive without a car stop. However, there are also baseball boys and runners, so be careful when running.
Shinichiro Yamaji on Google

久しぶりに、たくさんの子供たちの笑顔を見ることができました。even though COVID-19 times, a lot of childrens smile takes me in time. The weather has been sunny,which is great for running,play rugby and baseball.
After a long time, I was able to see the smiles of many children. even though COVID-19 times, a lot of childrens smile takes me in time. The weather has been sunny, which is great for running, play rugby and baseball.
hunt esan on Google

石柱の文久元年、坂本龍馬は27歳。土佐勤王党血判加盟している。遠くアメリカでは南北戦争が起きている。 そんな気持ちで石柱を見ていると、不思議な感覚にとらわれませんか?
In the first year of Bunkyu, Ryoma Sakamoto was 27 years old. It is a member of the Tosa Qin Wang Party Blood Tribunal. The Civil War is happening in the distant United States. When you look at the stone pillars with that feeling, don't you get caught up in a mysterious feeling?
heritage6928 on Google

At this time of year, rape blossoms bloom and you can enjoy early spring.
Mohamed Elsayeh on Google

Very nice walk

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