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Contact 備中松山藩士旗奉行谷三治郎供行夫妻之墓

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Mukocho, Takahashi, 〒716-0029 Okayama,Japan

街 : Okayama

Mukocho, Takahashi, 〒716-0029 Okayama,Japan
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備中松山藩藩主板倉家菩提寺安正寺南側墓地にあります 昭和6年11月26日に建立された谷家累代之墓に並んで葬られています 歴史に興味の無い方も一度ぐらいは新選組と聞いた事があると思います 長男は新選組七番隊組長 谷三十郎供国、次男は新選組大阪屯所長 谷万太郎、三男は局長近藤勇の養子 谷周平昌武です 三兄弟の父である谷三治郎供行は、種田流槍術、直心流剣術を修めた武人で備中松山藩剣術指南役、旗奉行を勤めた120石役料20石取りの藩士です 墓標正面には双方の戒名、側面には嘉永六年(1853)七月十一日 谷三治郎供行と没年が刻まれています 妻の名は分かりませんが戒名は善芳院貞室妙操大姉、没年は萬延元年(1860)七月三日です 備中松山城天守閣に居る猫のさんじゅーろーは谷三十郎に因んで名付けられたそうですよ
Itakura family, the lord of the Bichu Matsuyama feudal clan, is located in the graveyard on the south side of Ansho-ji Temple. It is buried side by side at the Taniya Eon Tomb, which was erected on November 26, 1945. I think that even those who are not interested in history have heard that it is a Shinsengumi at least once. The eldest son is the Shinsengumi 7th corps leader Sanjuro Tani, the second son is the Shinsengumi Osaka tun director Mantaro Tani, and the third son is the adopted son of Isami Kondo, Masatake Tani. The father of the three brothers, Sanjiro Tani, is a samurai who has mastered Taneda-ryu spear art and straight-hearted swordsmanship. The front of the grave marker is engraved with the names of both sides, and the side is engraved with the dedication of Sanjiro Tani and the year of death on July 11, 1853. I don't know his wife's name, but his name is Zenhoin Yasuhara Teishitsu, and his death is July 3, 1860. It seems that the cat Sanjuro in the Bitchu Matsuyama Castle castle tower was named after Sanjuro Tani.

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