麦田の割烹 唐津

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麦田の割烹 唐津

住所 :

Mugitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0849 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Mugitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0849 Kanagawa,Japan
吉田洋 on Google

最近、元町、石川町で話題の唐津に一年ぶりの来店で、相変わらず唐津出身の大将と大学生の女の子 でした。 コースを頼まず、食べたい物が良かったのでアラカルトにしました。 突きだしのトウモロコシ豆腐、鰹出しと顎出しのゼリーがついて 出先から良くて 鱧の天ぷら、カワハギの肝醤油も肝の臭みがなく仕事を感じさせてくれました。 賀茂茄子の名古屋コーチンの紅白田楽美味しい マグロの頬肉の醤油漬けと長芋のソーメン昆布〆に本わさび ほかにも長くなりますけど、1年前とは違った… 女の子も一段と感じ良く事細かく、説明してくれました。 日本酒も黒龍、鍋島、飛露喜、田酒、佐賀のお酒を利き酒で楽しめました。 大将の腕は良いのに、相変わらず、内装が悪いから、接待で使いたいから どうにかならないですか?と失礼なんだけど伝えました。 1年で人って、こうも変わるんですね。 関内に店があってもおかしくないレベルです。 とにかく、味付けが旨い。 大将、まだ若いから頑張れよ。 また行きます。 ごちそうさま。
Recently, it is the first visit to Karatsu in Motomachi and Ishikawa-cho, which is a hot topic for the first time in the year, and girls of generals and university students from Karatsu as ever was. I didn't ask for the course and I made it à la carte because I wanted something to eat. Sticky tofu with corn and tofu, and a jelly from the jujube It is good from the outside The tempura of salmon and the liver soy sauce of the riverfish also made me feel the work without the smell of the liver. Kako Kako's Nagoya Cochin's crimson white raku delicious Soy sauce marinated with tuna cheek meat and wasabi on long-tipped somen with kelp It will be longer than that, but it was different from a year ago ... The girl was even more comfortable and explained in detail. Sake also enjoyed Kuroryu, Nabeshima, Tobi-ki, rice wine, and sake from Saga, with sake-like liquor. Even though the general's arms are good, as the interior is still bad, I want to use in entertainment I'm sorry I told you, but I'm sorry. People change in a year. Even if there is a store in Kannai, it is not strange level. Anyway, the seasoning is delicious. General, let's do our best because we are still young. I will go there again. Good night.
宮澤勇一 on Google

元町の友人からの誘いで伺いました。 唐津?横浜に?と思い、お店は満席でニコニコしたがたいが良い若い大将が一人とホールに一人 で回ってました。 私達はおまかせ1万の鴨鍋付きで予約してたみたいでした。 先付けのれそれ、独活筍木の芽和え、ワラビ豆腐 お造り、ヒラメ、カンヌキ、ヤリイカ、御殿場山葵 まなかつお西京焼き、自家製ふき味噌 岩手産の鴨を使った鴨鍋で出し汁が旨過ぎてびっくり 今までで食べた中で1番美味しい 正直入店して、ボロくて、心配したが、凄い店でした。 鴨鍋の締めの蕎麦の美味しい。 デザートのBannpeiyuも大人の味で満足しました。 大将にオススメのお店を寿司屋さんと天ぷら屋さん紹介して いただきました。 ホールの子はいつも違うらしいんですけど、今日の方は美人でシンガーソングライターらしい ごちそうさまでした! 横浜に行く機会があればまたよろしくお願いしますね。
I asked at the invitation from the Motomachi of friends. Karatsu? In Yokohama? I think, the shop is one person to smile was but one person is young is good want general and the hole in the fully booked It was around in. We did like had booked with a duck pot of Random 10,000. Tipping goodwill it, tossed Udo bamboo shoots buds, bracken tofu Sashimi, flounder, Kannuki, squid, Gotemba wasabi Mana bonito Saikyo baked, homemade wipe miso Surprised soup stock is too effect in duck pot with duck of Iwate No. 1 delicious in eating ever Honestly enter the store, and Boroku, was worried, it was great shop. The tightening of buckwheat of duck pot delicious. Bannpeiyu of dessert was also satisfied with the adult taste. To introduce sushi san and Tenpuraya's shops recommended for general Whats. But the children of the holes I seem always different, seems to singer-songwriter with a beautiful woman is better today Thank you for the meal! If you have a chance to go to Yokohama also I thank you.
Pappo Paulin on Google

The clerk was very nice in a calm atmosphere. All the dishes were tasteful and elegant.
y m on Google

One item was very elaborate and delicious. It was a shop I would love to visit
岩野俊一郎 on Google

I ordered a course for Kue. From the beginning to the end, it was delicious to convey the thoughts of cooks. Sake was also plentiful and satisfying.
Rutsuko Yoshida on Google

4500円のコースを頼みました。 美味しかった。 天ぷら定食もボリュームたっぷりでデザートつきで美味しそうでした。
I asked for a course of 4500 yen. was delicious. The tempura set meal was also hearty and seemed to be delicious with dessert.
kankan mumu on Google

元町から本牧方面へトンネルを抜けた右側にある割烹料理 たまたま見つけた店だったが良い印象だ 唐津の店名からも想像できたが唐津の郷土料理や熊本の食材をメインに全国各地の良い食材を提供してくれた 訪問時のお造りは豊後水道の鯛 関アジ 北海島海老(頭の部分を取り味噌を食べやすく提供してくれるのはうれしい限り) 白子のみの茶わん蒸しはとてもなめらかで舌ざわりが良く薄口ながら質の良い出汁を感じ小ぶりのしっかりとした白子の味が際立った 特筆は桜肉 運よくその日に到着したものが食べられたが新鮮で程よく熟れた最高の状態 わさびとの相性が良いことも教えられた 北海道産のシシャモは本物 しっかりとした卵が味わえる 厚岸の牡蠣は当然のことながらボリュームがありクリーミーだ 蛸の炊き方も秀逸 品の良い旨味が染み込み歯触りがありながら抵抗なくかみ切れる 天ぷらは生の白エビ 秋田産の松茸 アスパラのかき揚げ 個々の味わいがはっきりと感じとれた また白米が旨い 付け合わせの大根 ごぼう 山芋の味付けも私は好きだ 魚ロッケは唐津のソウルフードをご主人がきくらげなどを追加し仕上げたものだそう イカしゅうまいは意外と大きく食べ応えがあった 焼き栗はかなりの手間がかかっていそうで何とも言えない硬さと柔らかさの中間バランスがたまらない そして印象的だったのは若いご主人の意識の高さ 色々のレストランを食べ歩き研鑽を積んでいるように感じた 繁華街の中心地ではなくこの地で勝負している主人の強さも伺える 今回は初回の訪問だったがしばらく通ってみたいと思う店だ 再訪 初めての訪問から2週間 計3回伺った・・・ 毎日コースの内容が変わるので頻繁に行く際には非常に助かる 寒くなってきたこの時期土瓶蒸しもお出まししたが2回目3回目ともに具材ももちろんだが出汁がまるで違いボリュームがあるかと思いきや次にはなんとも言えない品のある出汁が登場する 九州らしくクエの皿も豊富だ この時期キノコも美味しく岩手産の松茸や原木まいたけなど香りも旨味も堪能できた 味の部分では好印象だが基本的に一人で切り盛りしているので接客は期待できない その日のアルバイトのレベルでサービスの質は大きく異なる 味とサービスのバランスがとれるようになればワンランクアップした店になるだろう
Kappo cuisine on the right after passing through the tunnel from Motomachi to Honmoku It just happened to be a good store As you can imagine from the name of Karatsu store, they offered good ingredients from all over the country, mainly Karatsu local cuisine and Kumamoto ingredients The structure at the time of the visit is the sea bream of the Bungo Channel Seki Aji Shrimp of the North Sea Island (as long as it is nice to take the head part and provide easy to eat miso) The steamed tea bowl of only milt is very smooth, with a good texture and a thin mouthfeel, and the taste of small and firm milt is outstanding. The special note was the cherry meat. The lucky one arrived on that day was eaten, but the best condition was fresh and moderately ripe. It was also taught that it goes well with wasabi. Shishamo from Hokkaido is real You can taste firm eggs Akkeshi oysters are naturally large and creamy The way to cook octopus is also excellent. The good taste of the product is soaked and it can be cut without any resistance.Tempura is a raw white shrimp. Akita pine mushroom. Asparagus kakiage. The individual taste is clearly felt. I also like the flavor of white rice, garlic radish, burdock, and yam seasoning. The fish rocket is a Karatsu soul food made by adding the jellyfish etc. to the owner. Roasted chestnut seems to take a lot of trouble and it can not be said that there is an irresistible balance between hardness and softness What impressed me was the high awareness of the young husband 若 い I felt like I was eating and studying at various restaurants. You can also see the strength of the master who is fighting here instead of the center of downtown This was my first visit, but it's a store I'd like to visit for a while Revisit Two weeks since the first visit: I visited three times ... It is very helpful if you go frequently because the course contents change every day During this cold season, the steaming pot came out, but not only the ingredients for the second and third times, but I thought that the broth had a different volume, and then a dashi with a product that could not be said to appear There are plenty of que dishes like Kyushu. During this time, the mushrooms were also delicious and I was able to enjoy the scent and umami such as pine mushrooms and raw wood mushrooms from Iwate The taste is a good impression, but it is basically a single person, so you can not expect a customer service. サ ー ビ ス The quality of service differs greatly at the level of the part-time job of the day. れ ば If you can balance the taste and the service, it will be a store upgraded right
伸枝木口 on Google

It's a small restaurant with 4 to 5 groups, but the food was explained carefully one by one, and the taste was elegant and delicious.

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