Mt. Nagamine Observatory - Azumino

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mt. Nagamine Observatory

住所 :

Akashinanakagawate, Azumino, Nagano 399-7102, Japan

Postal code : 399-7102
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Akashinanakagawate, Azumino, Nagano 399-7102, Japan
tadashi okae on Google

Nagamineyama is one of the viewpoints overlooking Azumino and the Northern Alps. On sunny days you can overlook the Northern Alps, and on cloudy days you can feel the quiet appearance of Azumino. Especially after May, when rice planting begins, the rivers that join the Mikawa River and the water surface of the rice fields become water mirrors and shine golden, which fascinates us with a special world.
さのうあづさ on Google

晴れてアルプスの山々がキレイに見渡せる日にまた来たい。 展望台からの景色は必見。 今の時期、毛虫が展望台のあちらこちらにいますので?
I want to come again on a sunny day when I can see the mountains of the Alps beautifully. The view from the observatory is a must-see. Caterpillars are everywhere on the observatory this time of year ?
土三洋平 on Google

uhchan0392 on Google

標高933メートルの山頂には、カラマツ材でできた展望台がある。 展望台に登らなくても良い景色は眺められるが、この展望台のすごいところは、360度ぐるっと景色がひらけていること。 上りはかなりキツいが、登り切った爽快感はハンパない。 ハングライダーの様子を見ることができる。 時間があれば、ずーっとここにたたずんでいたいくらい。
At the top of the mountain at an altitude of 933 meters, there is an observatory made of larch wood. You don't have to climb the observatory to see the scenery, but the great thing about this observatory is that you can see the scenery all around 360 degrees. The climb is quite tough, but the exhilaration of climbing is not hampered. You can see the state of the hang glider. If I had time, I would like to stay here all the time.
Shogo Wakaume on Google

安曇野観光のラストに来訪。頂上まで車で行けるので、手軽に訪れることができました。 途中の道は北側南側共に1車線ですが、待避所が頻繁に用意されているので、交通量が多くてもすれ違いにはそこまで困らないと思います。 非常に景観がよく、安曇野を一望するにはベストの場所なので、地図を見ながら今まで周遊した場所に思いを馳せたりすると楽しいです。
Visited the last of Azumino sightseeing. It was easy to visit because I could drive to the top. The road on the way is one lane on both the north and south sides, but there are frequent shelters, so even if there is a lot of traffic, you won't have to worry about passing each other. The scenery is very good and it is the best place to overlook Azumino, so it is fun to think about the places you have visited so far while looking at the map.
花鳥風月 on Google

アルプス山脈と安曇野の素晴らしい景色が一望出来ます。長年雑風景でゴミゴミした都会にいると、長野の豊かな自然で心が洗われます。 途中道が細く、すれ違いがキツイ場所もあるので、駄目ではないですが、ランクルや大型ミニバンは辞めておくが吉です。運悪く他の車と何回も出会うとストレス溜まりますよ。時々、小規模な土砂崩れがあり、道路に砂や小さな石が転がってます。また、21/7月現在、道路が崩落している箇所もあります。注意して自己責任で行きましょう。
It offers a wonderful view of the Alps and Azumino. When you are in a city that has been trashed for many years, you will be refreshed by the rich nature of Nagano. The road is narrow and there are places where it is difficult to pass each other, so it is not a bad idea, but it is good to quit Land Cruiser and large minivans. If you are unlucky and meet other cars many times, you will get stressed. Occasionally there are small landslides with sand and small stones rolling on the road. In addition, as of July 21st, some roads have collapsed. Be careful and go at your own risk.
Y T on Google

安曇野産の木々で作られた非常に立派な展望台でした。 雄大な北アルプスと安曇野市の田園風景を一望できます。 梓川、穂高川、高瀬川が合流して犀川になるのも見渡せます。 この眺めは、川端康成、東山魁夷、井上靖の3氏が揃って登った際、川端が「残したい静けさ、美しさ」と眺めを絶賛したのだそう。 パラグライダーの離陸点にもなっています。
It was a very nice observatory made of trees from Azumino. You can overlook the magnificent Northern Alps and the countryside of Azumino City. You can also see the Azusa, Hotaka, and Takase rivers merging into the Sai River. When Yasunari Kawabata, Kaii Higashiyama, and Yasushi Inoue climbed together, Kawabata praised the view as "the tranquility and beauty that he wants to preserve." It is also the takeoff point for paragliders.
kon on Google

車で展望台まで行けて、展望台横に駐車場もあります。 展望台は木造ですがしっかりした造りで、カッコいいです。 展望台からは360度景色を楽しめて、飛騨山脈も一望できてとても綺麗でした。 紅葉シーズンに来るのもおすすめです。 パラグライダーのランチャー台もあって滑空する様子を見るのも楽しいです。 ただ展望台までの道が、車がギリギリすれ違えるかどうかの道幅なので、行く際は注意が必要です。
You can drive to the observatory and there is a parking lot next to the observatory. The observatory is made of wood, but it is solid and cool. From the observatory, you can enjoy a 360-degree view, and you can also see the Hida Mountains, which was very beautiful. It is also recommended to come in the autumn leaves season. It is also fun to see the gliding with the paraglider launcher stand. However, the road to the observatory is the width of the road to see if cars will pass each other, so you need to be careful when you go.

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