Mt. Kyoumiyama - Ibo District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mt. Kyoumiyama

住所 :

Hara, Himeji, Ibo District, Hyogo 671-1105, Japan

Postal code : 671-1105

Hara, Himeji, Ibo District, Hyogo 671-1105, Japan
水口貴矢 on Google

There are many routes. As it is troubled with parking space if it is car, it is safe to stop in front of JR Katsuhara Station.
坂本哲也 on Google

Easy mountain climbing. The top is 20 minutes from the starting point, but I'm looking forward to it. A deer is greeted in the morning and evening.
2-TOM on Google

登山 初心者向け?地域の登山者多数。登山道も多く整備されている。
Mountaineering for beginners? Many mountaineers in the area. Many mountain trails are also maintained.
花ちゃん on Google

Scenery, best ?⤴️⤴️ Seto Inland Sea, best ?⤴️⤴️
はっぴぃ on Google

Everyone says it's easy on blogs, but I was scared. It is true that Mt. Kyomi itself has an altitude of about 200 meters and takes about 20 to 30 minutes each way, but the road is narrow and there is a cliff. If you wobble a little and fall, don't die. I was scared
ふすばぁるぅ on Google

The view is very nice. You can climb from various routes. During the Onin War, I heard that I could see the fire of the city of Kyoto burning at night from here. In reality, the flames may have been reflected in the sky.
abcggikhhi k on Google

You can easily climb from Harima Katsuharaku Station in about an hour.
bigbomber5000 on Google

2020年5月23日(土)に才団地公園から上がりました。 頂上は南北方向に見晴らしが良く、20~30分くらいで上がれるので軽い運動として良い所だと思います。 頂上には三角点が有りますが、私が登頂した時は休憩用の椅子に四方を囲まれている場所に有りました。
I went up from Saidanchi Park on Saturday, May 23, 2020. The top has a good view in the north-south direction, and you can climb it in about 20 to 30 minutes, so I think it is a good place for light exercise. There is a triangular point on the top, but when I climbed it was in a place surrounded by chairs for rest on all sides.

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