MR探偵興信所 東京本社(池袋相談室)

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MR探偵興信所 東京本社(池袋相談室)

住所 :

Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
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街 : Tokyo

Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0013 Tokyo,Japan
Aquila Raphael KOSEKI on Google

It was a detective company run by Mr. Mayumi Okada who has written about the relationship between couples published by Gentosha. The female friendly entrance and the counseling room are clean and calm. I think the price is different for each person after consulting about the price. It seems that multiple personnel will be invested in uncertain matters, so the corporation is a corporation that pursues profits, and I thought it would be necessary for the consulting side to be different from the police and public interest corporations. Institutions that run on public money are difficult to get individual feelings, and even if you ask a lawyer first, you can not prove that there is no definitive evidence, so you may become Uyamya, so you will be worried Is it effective as an option if it is wasted?
Asami Y on Google

夫婦関係の事で悩んでおり、友人の勧めでこちらのMR探偵社に電話をしてみました。 まず、電話で30分程お話しを聞いて頂き、直接相談しに池袋の事務所に行く事になりました。 2人の方が対応してくださいまして、どちらも女性の方で優しい雰囲気の方で安心しました。 MRさんは調査だけでなく、心のケアまで力を入れているそうで その方達は、カウンセラーの資格を持っていました。 私の話に親身になってくださり、とても心が救われました。 1人で悩まれている方は、まずは電話だけでもしてみるのが良いかと思います。 放って置くと悪化することもあるそうで、私は早く行動に移せて良かったんだなと思っています。 MRの担当者さんのお陰で一歩踏み出す事が出来ました。 私のような方が1人でも多く救われることを願っております。
I was worried about a couple's relationship and called my MR Detective Company at a friend's recommendation. First of all, I had to listen to the talk for about 30 minutes by phone, and decided to go to the Ikebukuro office for direct consultation. Both of us were pleased, and both were relieved in a gentle atmosphere with women. Mr. MR seems to be focusing not only on research but also on mental care They were qualified as counselors. I was very kind to my story and my heart was saved. If you are troubled by yourself, I think it's better to try only by phone. It seems that it can get worse if left alone, and I'm glad I was able to act quickly. Thanks to the MR staff, I was able to take a step forward. I hope one person like me can be saved.
井上義雄 on Google

この会社の問題点は他に書いてある人の通りなので割愛しますが、まず「浮気調査はお任せください」という下品なチラシをポスティングしてくるな!!ものすごく迷惑!!! まったく問題ない家庭でも疑心暗鬼を生み出し彼らのビジネスにつなげるというこのやり方は最低でしょう。同じように思う人が相当数いるような気がしてならない。 本当のプロフェッショナルな会社はこんなやり方はしないし、他の探偵事務所を見習ってほしいと切に願う。
I will omit the problem of this company because it is the same as the person who wrote it, but first of all, do not post a vulgar leaflet saying "Please leave the cheating investigation"! !! Extremely annoying! !! !! This method of creating suspicion and connecting to their business is the worst even in a completely problem-free home. I don't feel like there are quite a few people who think the same way. Real professional companies don't do this, and I really hope they emulate other detective agencies.
なつめん on Google

調査の結果を非常に詳しく教えてくれました。 裁判について何も知識がなかったのですが、こちらに有利になるような条件等をすべて揃えてくださりました。お世話になりました。
He told me the results of the survey in great detail. I didn't know anything about the trial, but he prepared all the conditions that would be advantageous to me. thank you for helping me.
J on Google

長いのでまとめる。気になったら全文どうぞ。 ・カウンセリングに行ったら圧迫面談で契約するまで帰らせてくれない ・費用は他社と比べると高い(ここで50万円と言われた条件が他社では15万円だった) ・10年前の話だが、最近の投稿で同じ理由で低評価の方がいるので体質は変わっていない模様 ・探偵事務所は探すと結構あり、ここのように大規模な宣伝広告費を使わずにもっと低価格でやってる所もたくさんある 10年ほど前の事。大学出たての20代前半に結婚しすぐに相手の不貞行為を感じ相談に行った。 今思うととても世間知らずだった。心がボロボロでどうしたら何をすればいいのか分からず藁にもすがる思いで予約し、仕事の後に向かった。 小さな部屋に連れて行かれ、相談者であるわたしはは一番奥に座らされた。 入口を塞ぐように女性カウンセラーと、ボスのような貫禄の女性が座った(セミナーやTV出演もしている有名人と説明されましたが…誰?だから何?状態) 現在の状況を伝えると、「絶対に証拠を集めて離婚しましょう!」「今動かないなんて時間の無駄です、悲しんでるだけじゃ状況は何も変わりません!」と捲し立てる捲し立てる。 「いったん帰って考えたい」と言うとボスのような女性が「あのね、あなたのような人をたくさんみてきたけどね、なんちゃらかんちゃら」。 とにかく契約するまでこの部屋から出さねーぞって圧が半端なかった。 当時のわたしには、その部屋での体験は恐怖でしかなかった。デート商法で小部屋に連れて行かれて価値がないのにバカ高いアクセサリーを買わされてしまう男性の心理はこんな感じかと思うほど。 結局、張り込み期間1日・探偵5名貼り付けで約50万円の契約をして、やっと解放された。 支払いはどうやったのかその後クーリングオフができる状態だったのか忘れたが、圧迫面談と密室の恐怖、実際に不貞行為をしているであろう伴侶との今後をどうにかしないといけないと言う現実から、そのまま張り込みは実施してもらった。 ちなみに、張り込みの日はこちらで決められ、自分が仕事で2泊3日の出張のタイミングを指定した。 後日、報告書ができたとのことで再び事務所を訪れた。カウンセリングをした二人の女性ではなく、当日の張り込みを担当したと言う男性から説明を受けた。 結果的には、デートを楽しみタクシーの中でキスしてるシーンやらラブホテル街でホテル探しをしている姿やら(週末だったのでどこも満室だったらしく一度入るもすぐ出てきた)、明確に「黒!」な証拠はなかったものの現実を突きつけられて改めて胸が張り裂けそうになったのを今でも覚えている。 ちなみに証拠は、写真と時間・状況が書かれてまとめられた報告書と映像DVDで提供された。 報告担当の男性からは1日だけだと明確な証拠を掴むのは難しいので、1週間程度張り込めば離婚に有利な証拠が整う可能性がある、と追加契約の営業をされたが、当初の女性二人ほどの勢いや圧はなく、「一旦はこれで十分です」とすんなり断って帰宅した。 後日別の数人でやっている小さな探偵事務所に相談にいったが、「張り込みに5人は多すぎるし、うちなら1日張り込み3人で15万。1人を追うだけなら2人か、3人いれば充分。5人も使うなんてわざわざ料金を高くするためか、探偵としての質が低いから人数いないと見失ったり証拠が掴めないからだ。」と言われた。当時、ここは池袋の駅前にデカデカと看板が出してたりかなり広告宣伝費使っていたようなので(今もか?)、必然的に探偵1人の単価も高くなるのだろう。「社長が"探偵業をもっと身近に感じてくださるように啓蒙活動をしてる"」なんて好意的なレビューを見かけたが、探偵を雇うほど悩んでいる人間を軟禁し契約するまで帰さないような営業体質の会社が依頼人に本当に寄り添ってアドバイスしているとは思えないし、アンタ(社長)が探偵業を身近に感じさせる啓蒙活動なんてしなくていいから従業員に対し依頼人の傷口を広げるような営業をするなと指導しろと言いたい。 まぁ、探偵業に詳しくはないので質云々は分からないが、今でも、新卒で働きはじめたばかりの人間に50万円の出費は本当に辛かったなとしみじみ思う。 そしてあの狭い部屋で契約を迫られた恐怖は、今でも忘れられない。逃げられないように一番奥に座らせ入口を塞ぐあのやり方。 自分のように、相手の不貞行為で辛い苦しい思いをしていて、行動を起こそうと思ってこのレビューを読んでいる人がいたら、その後離婚し今は心平穏に幸せに過ごしている自分から伝えたい。 辛いなら逃げたほうがいい。 そのために冷静に証拠は集めたほうがいい。 1年後はきっと、今の悩みは昔のものになっている。 探偵を雇うなら、ここ(MR)はおすすめしない(絶対に契約するつもりならどうぞ。でもまずは相談だけ…な気持ちならやめたほうがいい)
It's long, so I'll summarize it. If you are interested, please read the full text. ・ If I go to counseling, I won't let you go home until I sign a contract with a pressure interview. ・ The cost is higher than that of other companies (the condition that was said to be 500,000 yen here was 150,000 yen for other companies) ・ It was 10 years ago, but it seems that the constitution has not changed because there are people with low ratings in recent posts for the same reason. ・ There are quite a few detective agencies to look for, and there are many places like this where you can do it at a lower price without spending large-scale advertising expenses. About 10 years ago. I got married in my early twenties when I was out of college and immediately felt the other person's unfaithful behavior and went to consult. When I think about it now, it was very naive. My heart was tattered and I didn't know what to do, so I made a reservation with the thought of clinging to the straw and headed after work. I was taken to a small room, and as a counselor, I was seated in the back. A female counselor and a dignified woman like a boss sat down to block the entrance (explained to be a celebrity who is also doing seminars and TV appearances ... who? So what? State) When I tell him the current situation, he says, "Absolutely collect evidence and get divorced!" "It's a waste of time to not move now, just being sad doesn't change anything!" When she said, "I want to go home and think about it," a woman like the boss said, "Hey, I've seen a lot of people like you, but I don't know." Anyway, I didn't get out of this room until I signed the contract. For me at that time, the experience in that room was nothing more than a horror. The psychology of a man who is taken to a small room by the dating business method and buys stupid accessories even though it is not worth it is like this. In the end, I signed a contract of about 500,000 yen with a stakeout period of 1 day and 5 detectives pasted, and it was finally released. I forgot how I made the payment and whether I was able to cool off after that, but from the reality that I have to do something about the future with my spouse who may actually be unfaithful due to the pressure interview and the fear of the closed room. , I had the stakeout carried out as it was. By the way, the day of stakeout was decided here, and I specified the timing of a business trip of 2 nights and 3 days at work. Later, I visited the office again because the report was ready. I was explained by a man who said he was in charge of the day's stakeout, not the two women who gave counseling. As a result, the scene of enjoying a date and kissing in a taxi, the appearance of looking for a hotel in the love hotel area (it seems that everywhere was full because it was a weekend, and it came out soon after entering once), clearly "black Although there was no evidence of "!", I still remember that I was about to tear my heart again when I was faced with the reality. By the way, the evidence was provided in a report and a video DVD with photographs and time / situation. It is difficult for the man in charge of reporting to get clear evidence that it is only one day, so if you put it in for about a week, there is a possibility that evidence that is advantageous for divorce will be prepared, but at the beginning, an additional contract was opened. There wasn't as much momentum or pressure as the two women in the group, and he simply refused and returned home, saying, "This is enough once." Later, I consulted with a small detective agency, which is run by a few other people, but said, "There are too many 5 people to stake out, and 3 people stake out a day for 150,000. It's enough to have 3 people. Maybe it's because the fee is high to use 5 people, or because the quality as a detective is low, you can't see it or get evidence if you don't have enough people. " At that time, there was a big sign in front of the station in Ikebukuro, and it seemed that I was spending a lot of advertising expenses (still?), So the unit price of one detective will inevitably be high. I saw a favorable review that the president "is doing educational activities to make the detective business feel closer to you", but it seems that he will not return until he contracts with a person who is worried enough to hire a detective. I don't think that a company with a sales structure is really close to the client and gives advice, and since you (president) do not have to carry out educational activities that make you feel close to the detective business, spread the wounds of the client to employees. I would like to tell you not to do business like this. Well, I'm not familiar with the detective business, so I don't know the quality, but I still think that spending 500,000 yen was really hard for a person who just started working as a new graduate. And the fear of being forced to sign a contract in that small room is still unforgettable. That way of sitting at the back and closing the entrance so that you can't escape. If someone like you is reading this review because of the unfaithfulness of the other person and wants to take action, then you divorced and now you are in peace and happiness. I want to tell. If it's painful, you should run away. Therefore, it is better to calmly collect evidence. A year later, I'm sure that my worries are old. If you want to hire a detective, I don't recommend this (MR) (if you're definitely going to sign a contract, but first of all, just talk ... you should stop if you feel like it)
misa misa on Google

When I explained the behavior of my husband who was suspected of having an affair, he suggested a plan that matched the behavior of my husband. The price changes greatly depending on the plan, and he talked firmly without making a mistake, so it was a good impression.
erina mms on Google

探偵さんに頼んだ時点で覚悟はしてたのですが、いざ浮気しているという確証を得て本人も認めると思っていたよりも精神的にダメージを受けてしまいました。 立ち直るまでに時間がかかるだろうなと思ってましたが、こちらのアフターケアがしっかりしていたおかげで今はもう元気に過ごせています。
I was prepared when I asked the detective, but I got the confirmation that I was having an affair, and I was mentally damaged more than I thought I would admit. I thought it would take some time to recover, but thanks to the good aftercare here, I'm doing well now.
3745ハッチ on Google

調査が終わった後も気にかけてくれるのがいいなと思った。 私は不倫された側ですが事実発覚後話がもつれ、裁判を起こすことに。その際もここの方が弁護士さんを紹介してくれた。 ゼロから話すより話がスムーズに進んだし、調査を最後までしてくれた信頼のおける探偵さんが紹介してくれた弁護士さんだったので安心できた。
I thought it would be nice if they would care even after the investigation was over. I am the side who was affaired, but after the fact was discovered, the story got tangled and I decided to file a trial. At that time, the person here introduced me to a lawyer. The story went smoothly rather than talking from scratch, and I was relieved that the lawyer was introduced by a reliable detective who completed the investigation.

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