
3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三浦整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Motomachi, Kiyose, 〒204-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.e-doctors-net.com/kiyose/miura/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:15–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:15–11:30AM
Tuesday 9:15–11:30AM
Wednesday 9:15–11:30AM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:15–11:30AM
街 : Tokyo

Motomachi, Kiyose, 〒204-0021 Tokyo,Japan
Yuya Kobayashi on Google

佐藤真美子 on Google

Ding Ning
ともちん on Google

Poor telephone response.
t y on Google

日本の高齢社会と、その票を取ることだけを考える政治家達の病理を目の当たりにします。お時間のある高齢者の方々が、朝5時からドアの前にならんだ椅子にすわり行列を作っています。高齢者の集会所のような状態で、無料のマッサージをうける感覚で賑わっているのですが、その高齢者を税金と年金で支える普通の方が本当に困って来院すると、平気で5時間まちとか言われます。 税金も払わずに年金や医療特典など受け取るだけの高齢者の方をいたわるのはいいですが、そのような高齢者の投票権は半分にすべきです。さもなくば、高齢者優遇の政治家が蔓延し、日本の未来は無くなるでしょう。高齢者に投票権があるなら、小学生にもあるべきです。納税者には二票分の投票権があるべきです。いまの政治は老人天国を作る為にしか機能しなくなりつつあります。そして、老人天国社会の甘い蜜を吸う病院は増え続け、若者は老人天国と、その利権会社のために、労働し続けるのです。
We will witness the pathology of Japanese aging society and politicians who only consider taking their votes. Elderly people who have time are sitting at the chairs in front of the doors at 5 o'clock in the morning. It is like a meeting place for the elderly, and it is full of feelings of receiving a free massage, but if the ordinary people who support the elderly with taxes and pensions are really in trouble and come to the hospital, it is OK for 5 hours I will be told. It's nice to have older people who just pay pensions and medical benefits without paying taxes, but they should have half their voting rights. Otherwise, politicians favoring the elderly will permeate and Japan's future will disappear. If the elderly have the right to vote, they should also be in elementary school. Taxpayers should have two votes. Today's politics is functioning only to create a paradise heaven. And the sweet honey hospitals of old age heaven societies continue to grow, and young people continue to work for old age heaven and its concessionaires.
tkm ymnuc on Google

16:10に受付に検診を申し込んだところ 18:00以降との事。 15分で隣町・隣駅付近の整形外科に行き 30分で受診終了。 悪評も、あながち嘘でない模様 暇な人は、どうぞ。急ぎ・普通の人は他へ行った方が 時間の節約になる。
When I applied for a medical examination at the reception at 16:10 After 18:00. 15 minutes to go to orthopedics near the neighboring town/near station The consultation is completed in 30 minutes. Bad reputation doesn't seem to be a lie If you are free, please. Hurry, ordinary people should go to other places Saves time.
mlr f on Google

ここは受付者の能力が他の病院に比べてあからさまに低すぎる 全てにおいて対応が雑で・・・呆れる 人数が多いからかダラダラ仕事をしているように見受けられ、給料泥棒ばかりなんだなぁと 声が小さく表情も乏しい接客に向かないタイプばかりで、病院は偉いのは昔の話であることを未だ理解できていない救われない人材のみを扱わざる得ない病院である 田舎の小さな整形だから年寄りばかりが多いからなのか、受付者は上から目線で話をしていることが見ていて本当に目につく 無駄口ばかり叩いており、病人が待っているところの雑さ加減は半端ない 人が来ない場合は病院を早く閉めるという、訳の分からない説明をしていたが・・・そういうのは当然のことなのだろうか? なんのための病院なのか? こういうのはどこにクレームを出すべきなのか知りたいくらい 1人に対しての受診が以上に長く、その日はあまりにも待たされすぎてクレームを入れた人がいたが、クレーマーには他の人を度外視してその人に順番が回ってきていた クレームを言ったもんがちなんだなぁと・・・ クレームを言った人を悪者にしようとする神経がおかしいし、やはり学がない輩ばかりなんだと 適当にしか人を扱っていないから起きることだと思うが、もう少し利口な方を雇ってはどうかと思うが田舎だからそんないい人材も来ないか それにしても・・・頭が悪い人間がよくもここまで揃ったと感心するばかり 本当に令和なのかと驚くことばかり・・・本当に経営のことなども含めて考えていくべきと思うが、この規模の客で受付が3〜4人必要なのかと 要領が悪いからこれくらいの人数が必要なのだろうけど、お金の無駄としか言えない
The receptionist's ability here is overtly too low compared to other hospitals Correspondence is rough in all ... I am amazed It seems that they are doing lazy work probably because there are many people, and they are all salary thieves. There are only types that are not suitable for customer service with low voice and poor facial expressions, and the hospital is a hospital that has to deal only with unsaved human resources who have not yet understood that the great thing is the old story. Perhaps because there are many elderly people because it is a small plastic surgery in the countryside, the receptionist can really see that he is talking from above. I'm just hitting wasteful mouths, and the messiness where the sick person is waiting is not odd I had an incomprehensible explanation that the hospital would be closed early if no one came ... Is that a matter of course? What is the hospital for? I just want to know where to make a complaint The consultation for one person was longer than that, and there was a person who made a complaint because he had to wait too long for the day, but Kramer disregarded the other person and turned to that person. I tend to make complaints ... The nerve to make the person who made the complaint a bad person is strange, and after all there are only people without learning I think it happens because I handle people only properly, but I think it would be nice to hire someone who is a little smarter, but since it is in the countryside, why not come such a good person? Even so ... I'm just impressed that all the crazy people are here. I'm just surprised if it's really Reiwa ... I think we should really think about management, but I wonder if 3-4 receptionists are needed for customers of this size. I think we need this many people because it's awkward, but it's just a waste of money.
キオベ on Google

I had a pain in my knee and visited. I was waiting for about 4 hours in the crowded state as usual. The treatment was accurate in proportion to the number of consultations. Since I am seeing by myself, I think it is better to call an ambulance and go to another hospital if you have an emergency such as a tight back.
KIMU on Google

なぜこんな病院の評価が低いのかわからない、⭐️1患者さんがどのような治療を受けたのかわからない、親戚や友人同行を合計4回訪問した。医師や看護師医師が将来の生活の注意点を教えてくれます。盲目的にリハビリテーションを依頼するのではなく、1週間後に患者さんに薬を服用するように伝えます。うまくいかない場合は、リハビリテーション医師をお勧めします。また、職場での怪我だと聞きました。看護師は、職場でけがをしたと聞いて、労働災害保険で申請するかどうかを尋ねしました。 彼らは非常に責任があります。 この病院は地元で評判が良く、同僚の勧めで来院しました。
I don't know why such a hospital is rated low, I don't know what kind of treatment the patient received, I visited relatives and friends a total of 4 times. Doctors and nurses Doctors will tell you what to look out for in your future life. Instead of blindly asking for rehabilitation, tell the patient to take the medicine a week later. If that doesn't work, we recommend a rehab doctor. I also heard that it was an injury at work. The nurse heard that she was injured at work and asked if she would apply for workers' accident compensation insurance. They are very responsible. This hospital has a good reputation in the local area and I visited the hospital on the recommendation of a colleague.

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