Moto-Zenkoji Temple - Iida

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Moto-Zenkoji Temple

住所 :

2638 Zakoji, Iida, Nagano 395-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 395-0001
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9AM–4:30PM
Monday 9AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–4:30PM
Thursday 9AM–4:30PM
Friday 9AM–4:30PM

2638 Zakoji, Iida, Nagano 395-0001, Japan
杉本海(カイ) on Google

善光寺さんはお参りさせていただいて元善光寺さんも行きたいって思っててなかなか機会が無くやっと行けました。周辺道路が結構狭いです。本堂でお線香を買い 火を先祖代々供養の文字が出ますと書いてあり本当に文字がすごい✨手を合わせお参り 御朱印をお願いし待っている間お戒壇巡りをさせていただきました。真っ暗で不安中進んで行き錠前に触れた時の安心感はなかなか良いです。甲斐善光寺 善光寺ともにお戒壇巡りしましたがすごく貴重な体験です。ぜひオススメです。駐車場あります。近くにスマートインターありました。
Mr. Zenkoji visited me and I wanted to go to Mr. Motozenkoji, so I couldn't get the chance to go. The surrounding roads are quite narrow. I bought an incense stick at the main hall, and it says that the letters of the memorial service for the ancestors will come out. The letters are really amazing. The feeling of security when I go through the darkness and anxiety and touch the lock is quite good. Kai Zenkoji I visited the ordination platform with Zenkoji, but it was a very valuable experience. I highly recommend it. There's a parking lot. There was a smart interchange nearby.
masako nakayama on Google

本堂が改修中のため、ブルーシートが覆われていました。 お戒壇巡りが無料でできます。暗闇の中手すりを頼りに進みますが「御錠前」で手すりが途切れパニックに。先が見えないなか、急にお経が聞こえてきたり、ビビりの私は怖くて足が止まってしまいました? ここは怖がってはいけない所なのだと、後半はお経を唱えながら集中して進みました。お戒壇巡りが終わった後に子どもが「なんか声がしたけど、気のせい?」って言うくらい小さな音のお経だったからか余計に恐怖心が増しました。他のお寺のお戒壇巡りは、なんともなかったのに。 夫がおみくじを引いたら凶でした。凶おみくじと交換でお守りをいただきました。 いつ行けるかですが善光寺にもお参りしなければ。
The blue sheet was covered because the main hall was under renovation. You can go around the platform for free. I proceed to rely on the handrail in the dark, but the handrail is interrupted by the "lock" and I panic. While I couldn't see the future, I suddenly heard the sutras, and I was scared and stopped ? This is a place where I shouldn't be scared, so in the second half I concentrated on chanting the sutras rice field. After the tour of the ordination platform was over, the child's chanting was so quiet that he said, "I heard something, but it's because of my mind?" I didn't go around the platform of other temples. It was bad if my husband drew a fortune. I received a talisman in exchange for a bad fortune. When can I go, but I have to visit Zenkoji.
おかん on Google

2022/2/25 蝋梅が満開と言うのでどんな感じなのか見に。 暖かくて散策にはとてもいい日だった! 犬は一緒に参拝できない…(;_;) 蝋梅が初め何処に有るか分からずあっちブラブラこっちブラブラしてたら一度通りすぎた所(右手ばかり見てて知らずに通りすぎた…)でおじさん二人がカメラ構えて何か撮ってるの見てそこだと分かった(何の表示も案内板もないのでおじさんたちが居なければ分からずじまいだったかも…) 近づけば小さな木で、二本有ったが一本はまだ蕾だし木自体が寂しい。 黄色い花を慎ましく咲かせてました…
2022/2/25 It is said that the Japanese allspice is in full bloom, so see what it looks like. It was a warm and very nice day for a walk! Dogs can't worship together ... (; _;) I didn't know where the Japanese allspice was at the beginning, and when I was wandering around, I passed by once (I just looked at my right hand and passed by without knowing it ...) I found out that (there was no display or information board, so it would have been difficult to understand without the uncles ...) When I approached it, it was a small tree, and there were two, but one is still a bud and the tree itself is lonely. The yellow flowers bloomed modestly ...
K on Google

divine. A typical ancient temple in Minami Shinshu, the birthplace of Zenkoji Temple. It has long been said that if you do not visit both Zenkoji Temple in Nagano and Moto-Zenkoji Temple in Iida, you will be "one-sided". It's wonderful to be able to experience the pilgrimage through a pitch-black passage. (2022.1.29)
NaO【絆】(NaO【絆】) on Google

昨年の3月に子宮頚癌が見付かった時からずっと毎月お参りに行かせて頂いてる場所。 入院が決まった時に『きっと大丈夫ですよ。』と声をかけて頂きました。 戒壇巡りを勧められて、願掛けに行かせて貰いました。 約2ヶ月入院して、6月に無事に退院出来ました。 おかげさまでステージ3まで進行していた癌細胞は全て無くなりました。 いつもあの時の感謝の気持ちを忘れずにお参りさせて頂いてます。 今年、水色の御朱印帳を買いました。桜柄の。 お地蔵さまがあちこちにいて、気持ちが安らぎます。 ありがとうございます。
This is the place I have been visiting every month since the cervical cancer was found in March last year. When I was hospitalized, I said, "I'm sure it's okay. I was asked. I was encouraged to go around the ordination platform and let me go to make a wish. I was hospitalized for about 2 months and was able to be discharged safely in June. Thanks to you, all the cancer cells that had progressed to stage 3 have disappeared. I always remember to thank you for that time. I bought a light blue stamp book this year. Of the cherry blossom pattern. Jizo are here and there, so you can feel at ease. thank you.
Guren Nishiki on Google

Nice for peace
Erick Lorcan on Google

love this
Ly Hạ on Google

I went here in the new year's day of japan. It is a beatiful and ancient temple. Lots of visitors come here and tell the Kamisama( just like Gods) their wishes for a whole good year with Heath and so on. You have to pay no fee to come here, it's free to everyone. But when you pray in front of the sacred object, you have to throw some Japanese coin into the offering box. Or when you want to purchase some lucky charm to write your own wish then hang over it at the temple, you have to pay money. It's about 600¥

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