Moroiso Port - Miura

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Moroiso Port

住所 :

Moroiso Misakimachi, Miura, Kanagawa 238-0224, Japan

Postal code : 238-0224

Moroiso Misakimachi, Miura, Kanagawa 238-0224, Japan
aco Aco on Google

There is nothing and no fish at this time (March)
S H on Google

Nothing place (@ _ @)
日下公男 on Google

The location is great. There is a parking lot (charged) nearby, which is convenient for fishing.
s o on Google

油壺の近く。遠い地方の港町に来たような、のんびりと時間が過ぎます。海の水が綺麗です。 テトラポットが積まれたエリアには釣り人がメジナ釣ってました。ブラクリでカサゴもいけそうです。ベラに餌を取られてしまいそうですが。
Near the oil jar. Time passes leisurely, as if you were in a distant port town. The sea water is beautiful. Anglers were fishing for largescale blackfish in the area where the tetrapods were piled up. It seems that scorpion fish can also be used. Bella is likely to feed me.
Safman Mats on Google

A small fishing port facing Moroiso Bay, where you can enjoy the view of the oil jar on the opposite bank. However, it has nothing but a function as a fishing port, and it is impossible to park because of its small size, and I do not want to interfere with my work. If you want to park your car, you will have to use the parking lot of Guchiso at the guest house for 500 yen or the parking lot of Moroiso Youth Center (500 yen all day in the off-season, 1000 yen in the summer). There is a relatively large public toilet near the Moroiso Youth Center, and there is a beverage vending machine at the Miura Welfare Center for the Elderly next door. There is no convenience store near here.
海神の以心伝心 on Google

狙う魚種により入れ食いまである良い場所だけど… 従兄弟がコマセ等々で船を汚される事が多くて… 釣り禁止にしたって先日に聞きましたねm(_ _)m 前にあるテトラには…おっと❗ヤバいヤバい(笑) ①漁師(漁の最中に釣り人と場所でもめる当たり前に漁師は仕事中) ②船舶及び整備準備場所(コマセによる汚れに加えてゴミ等の放置) ③各漁師の私物(損壊、投棄、盗難等々による被害もある) 海老網には切れたエギ、ルアーがヤバい位あるみたいですよ(^.^) 磯場には漁業権(優先して漁をする権利等々) 岸壁には船舶の係留及び出漁準備がありますので テスターを含めて釣りは趣味なので場所により優先を 考慮してあげてください(地元からのお願いです)
It's a good place to eat depending on the fish species you're aiming for ... Cousins ​​are often polluted by Komase and so on ... I heard the other day that fishing was prohibited m (_ _) m In the Tetra in front ... Oops ❗ It's dangerous (laughs) ① Fisherman (Fisherman is working as a matter of course at the fisherman and the place during fishing) (2) Ships and maintenance preparation areas (leaving garbage, etc. in addition to dirt caused by comase) ③Private property of each fisherman (damaged, dumped, stolen, etc.) It seems that the shrimp net has broken eggs and lures (^. ^) Fishing rights on the rocky shore (right to prioritize fishing, etc.) There are mooring vessels and preparations for fishing on the quay. Fishing is a hobby including testers, so prioritize depending on the location Please consider (request from the local)
E U on Google

北向きで冬季は江ノ島から富士山まで見渡せるの好立地ではないか? 周辺は別荘が多く港は車両立ち入り禁止のロープが張ってあり一見者には近寄りがたい感が。 朽ち果てかけた漁協も場末感あり。
Isn't it a good location facing north and overlooking from Enoshima to Mt. Fuji in winter? There are many villas in the surrounding area, and the harbor is lined with ropes that are off limits to vehicles, which makes it difficult for people to approach. The decaying fishery cooperative also has a sense of disappointment.
メープルシロップ on Google

三崎口駅から路線バスが運行されてます。 近くに民宿でぐち荘があります。でぐち荘の有料駐車場に止めて散策が出来ます。路駐は避けたほうが良いです。諸磯崎灯台は、こちらから歩いて行けます。
A fixed-route bus runs from Misakiguchi Station. There is a guest house near Guchiso. You can stop at the toll parking lot of Deguchiso and take a walk. It is better to avoid parking on the road. Moroisozaki Lighthouse can be walked from here.

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