多古漁港 - Matsue

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 多古漁港

住所 :

多古漁港 Shimanecho Tako, Matsue, Shimane 690-1213, Japan

Postal code : 690-1213

多古漁港 Shimanecho Tako, Matsue, Shimane 690-1213, Japan
Satuki Y on Google

Gure, Chinu
前田昭 on Google

I don't have much garbage.
海辺華子 on Google

There is a warehouse (with tables and chairs) to relax after the end of diving.
HSK Kopa on Google

のんびり釣りができ釣果も期待できる港です。 ゴミは必ず持ち帰りして下さい。
It is a port where you can enjoy leisurely fishing and expect fishing results. Please be sure to take your trash home with you.
Y Saitou on Google

人も少なくのんびり釣りが楽しめます。 漁港内は水深が浅いので、慣れないと少々難しい釣り場の様な気がします。
There are few people and you can enjoy leisurely fishing. The fishing port is shallow, so if you are not used to it, you will feel like a slightly difficult fishing spot.
松本公一 on Google

I think that it is a fishing port that is easy for families to visit if you follow proper etiquette. ❗ Depending on the location, you can fish with a car next to you. It's just a personal impression, but the root fish was relatively hit.
橘幹治 on Google

久しぶりに気分転換に?魚釣りに行ってきました。 多古漁港から渡船で磯へ渡していただき、朝方は多少シケ模様でしたが、磯に上がりました。 雨が降るという予報でしたが、幸いにも天気も良く波もおだやかで、最高の釣り日和となりました。 グレ(メジナ)の30㎝を筆頭に40匹程度釣れとっても楽しかったです。運動不足解消にもなり大変良かったです。
For a change after a long time ? I went fishing. I had you hand it over to the shore from the Tako fishing port by ferry, and although it looked a little shike in the morning, it went up to the shore. It was forecast that it would rain, but fortunately the weather was nice and the waves were calm, so it was the best fishing day. It was a lot of fun to catch about 40 fish, starting with 30 cm of Gure (Medina). It was also very good to solve the lack of exercise.
社安あふー on Google

I decided to try squid fishing with an octopus, but the breakwater was windy and well protected by a tetrapod, so it was not a place to fish. But the sunset over the Sea of ​​Japan was very beautiful.

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