
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボンヌール洋菓子店

住所 :

Morino, Machida, 〒194-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : Tokyo

Morino, Machida, 〒194-0022 Tokyo,Japan
上本真也 on Google

I am always indebted. The baked goods we serve to our customers are highly praised! !! Apple pie is great value even if you buy it in the hall, and it is the best. (Reservation required)
りこるぬ on Google

It's a patisserie that feels like it's been around for a long time. Even if you look at the price, there are many things in the 300-400th place, so it may be reasonable. But in the old days it might have been a little expensive.
なかしゅん on Google

手軽な洋菓子店です。お店の方から、とても気さくな応対をしていただいております。 クリームは、軽めの味で、小さい子どもも好きな味わいに仕上がっていると思います。 焼き菓子も美味しいから、味わってね
It is a handy pastry shop. The shop staff is very friendly to us. The cream has a light taste, and I think that even small children will have a favorite taste. The baked sweets are also delicious, so please taste them.
N T on Google

出掛けた先の近くで口コミ評価の高かったので寄ってみました。 店内も清潔感があり良い雰囲気でした。 ケーキを選んでいると、常連さんが来店してきて、私を接客していた年配の女性スタッフさんが、いきなり常連さんの接客を始めて、奥にいた別のスタッフを呼んで此方の対応をさせたのでビックリました。確かに地域密着的な感じのお店なので、常連さんは大切だと思いますが、接客業としてはちょっと非常識かと思いました。 また、ケーキのお値段は都内の店舗よりも大体200円くらいは安く感じましたが、味は値段なりのもので、正直他の方の口コミ評価を信じた私が間違っていたと感じてしまいました。
The word-of-mouth evaluation was high near the place I went out, so I stopped by. The inside of the store was clean and had a good atmosphere. When I was choosing a cake, a regular customer came to the store, and an elderly female staff member who was serving me suddenly started serving regular customers and called another staff member in the back to take care of me. I was surprised because it was. It's true that the store has a community-based feel, so I think regular customers are important, but I think it's a bit insane as a customer service business. Also, I felt that the price of the cake was about 200 yen cheaper than the stores in Tokyo, but the taste was reasonable, and honestly I believed in the word-of-mouth evaluation of other people and I felt that I was wrong. rice field.
ふるやひでとし on Google

モンブラン、ボンヌール、フランボワーズメレンゲ、の3点を購入しました。 モンブランはカップケーキの上をくり抜き、生クリームを詰めて、上から栗ペーストをのせたものです。型の紙が付いたままのカップケーキは安っぽいし、外すのも面倒です。栗ペーストは大量にのっていますが、栗の香りと味は薄く、ほとんど砂糖を食べている感じでした。モンブランなのに、栗の美味しさが全く感じられません。 ボンフルはカステラをチョコレートでコーティングしたお菓子です。チョコもカステラも私の好みではありませんでした。甘いだけです。 フランボワーズメレンゲだけはまあまあです。カリカリに焼き上がっていて、フランボワーズの良い香りもします。敢えて言うならば、少し焼き過ぎです。カリカリではなく、サクサクが好みです。中心部に火が通っていないと卵白の生臭さが残るのでダメですが、焼き過ぎると水分が抜け過ぎて口溶けが悪くなります。あと、フランボワーズも少し多すぎます。卵白の生臭ささが感じられなくなる程度で十分です。メレンゲにガツンとした味付けはちょっと苦手です。
I bought 3 items: Montblanc, Bonnur and Franboise Meringue. Mont Blanc is made by hollowing out the top of a cupcake, filling it with fresh cream, and putting chestnut paste on it. Cupcakes with a mold of paper are cheap and cumbersome to remove. There was a lot of chestnut paste on it, but the aroma and taste of chestnuts was light, and I felt like I was eating sugar. Even though it's Mont Blanc, I can't feel the deliciousness of chestnuts at all. Bonfuru is a sweet made by coating castella with chocolate. Neither chocolate nor castella was my favorite. It's just sweet. Only the Franboise meringue is ok. It is crispy and has a nice scent of Franboise. If you dare to say it, it's a little overcooked. I like crispy, not crunchy. If the center is not cooked, the fishy smell of egg white will remain, so it is not good, but if it is overcooked, too much water will be removed and it will not melt in the mouth. Also, Fran Boise is a little too much. It is enough that you can not feel the fishy smell of egg white. I'm not good at seasoning meringue.
あいり on Google

私の母が子どもの時から誕生日ケーキはボンヌールだったそうです。 私も子どもの頃から食べています。 今年生まれた子どもにも大きくなったら誕生日にはボンヌールのケーキを食べさせたいです。 昔ながらのケーキ屋さんで ずっとあり続けてほしいです。 価格も安価で値段の割には味も美味しいです。 ケーキのレパートリーも豊富だと思います。
It seems that the birthday cake has been Bonnur since my mother was a child. I have been eating since I was a child. I want my child born this year to eat Bonnur cake on his birthday when he grows up. At an old-fashioned cake shop I want you to continue to exist. The price is cheap and the taste is delicious for the price. I think the cake repertoire is also extensive.
C K on Google

お手軽価格の美味しいスイーツでした。手土産として購入しましたが、その後自分用にも購入(゚∀゚) 季節ごとに限定商品もあるようで、毎シーズン買いに来ます。 お店の方も謙虚で、こういうお店は末永く続いて欲しいです。
It was a delicious dessert at an affordable price. I bought it as a souvenir, but after that I bought it for myself (゜ ∀ ゜) There seems to be a limited edition product for each season, so I come to buy it every season. The shops are also humble, and I hope these shops will continue for a long time.
O na on Google

You can buy the reward cake here! The seasonal mango cake was delicious. The fresh cream is not too sweet and has an elegant taste. The wife at the store is always humble and polite. There are many types of baked goods and they are delicious, so I recommend them. My boyfriend, who likes and dislikes clearly, also liked this shop.

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