スイーツ・ホームメードのお店 うしゃぎさん

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スイーツ・ホームメードのお店 うしゃぎさん

住所 :

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://ushagisan.ocnk.net/
街 : Tokyo

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan
小濱剛孝 on Google

Suddenly, I wanted to eat a roll cake, so I looked it up and stopped by. It was refreshing and delicious.
to to on Google

Even if you enter, it is basically left unattended until you ring the doorbell, so people who are interested may be interested. I don't really care because you can respond by calling the doorbell. Modest sweetness crepes are simple and delicious whenever you eat them. Not suitable for people who like ordinary sweets. I think it's a crepe that doesn't taste good and isn't enough, but if it's a crepe from an ordinary shop, you'll get tired of the cream, but you can eat it here. Isn't it necessary to buy the cake here? It's not a cake that you dare to buy frozen.
たかうさ on Google

季節限定の栗のクレープが出ていました。生クリームとカスタード入り。 とにかく使われているもの全てが美味しく、とてもお薦めできます。生地はしっかりと卵の風味が感じられて、強めに焼いてあるのがとても好みですね。 いろいろなお店でクレープ食べてますが、トップクラスであるのは間違いないですよ。
There was a seasonal chestnut crepe. With fresh cream and custard. Anyway, everything used is delicious and highly recommended. I really like the dough, which has an egg flavor and is strongly baked. I eat crepes at various shops, but I'm sure it's top class.
C S on Google

結論から言うと最悪でした。もう行きません。 五年前くらいに高評価だったので千葉から一時間以上かけていきました。 お店に入ると男性店員が取引先?の男性と話してるので、しばらく後ろで待っていましたが完全無視で視線も合わせず放置されました。 その時点で店を後にするべきでしたが、せっかく着たので「あの~クレープ欲しいのですが…」みたいに言うと奥から女性店員が嫌そうに現れ作ってくれました。 勿論待たせた事に対する謝罪はありません。 クレープも冷蔵庫にあった冷たい作り置きでクリームも全く甘くなく「こんな接客、クレープであの評価?!」と驚きました。不思議です。
From the conclusion, it was the worst. I won't go anymore. It was highly rated about five years ago, so I took more than an hour from Chiba. Is a male clerk a business partner when you enter the store? I was talking to a man, so I waited behind him for a while, but I completely ignored him and left him without looking at him. I should have left the store at that point, but since I wore it so much, when I said something like "I want a crepe ...", a female clerk appeared from the back and made it. Of course, there is no apology for making me wait. The crepe was cold and kept in the refrigerator, and the cream wasn't sweet at all. It's strange.
佐治彩子 on Google

お店の素材に対する拘りがすごい。 卵は味の濃い昔卵を使っていて、ほぼ素材勝負の商品展開。バニラエッセンス等もつかってないのに卵とミルクの良い香り&味わいです。ミルクも良さそうなので、アイスも食べてみたい??生クリームは3種類、商品によって使い分けてるとのことなので、少しずつ全制覇するしかないのかも。それも楽しい。 お店の中にイートインスペースがあり、 クレープは焼きたて命、テイクアウトは30分以内に食べてねという注意書きあり(笑) 店員さんはとてもシャイな方みたいで、ガンガン話し掛ける人は苦手そうです。呼ぶときは呼び鈴で、ささやかにお願いすると、割と打ち解けて話してくれます。 生クリーム、カスタード(濃厚卵)、チョコクリーム(これも美味✨)の順で甘くなり、フルーツやアイスもトッピング出来る為、クレープは全部で50種類くらい。予約制ですがバースデーケーキもお願い出来ます。
The insistence on the materials of the shop is amazing. Eggs are made from old eggs with a strong taste, and the products are almost competitive. Even though it doesn't have vanilla essence, it has a nice aroma and taste of eggs and milk. Milk looks good, so I'd like to eat ice cream ?? There are 3 types of fresh cream, and it's said that they are used properly depending on the product, so maybe there is no choice but to conquer all of them little by little. It's fun too. There is an eat-in space inside the shop, There is a note that crepes are freshly baked and takeout should be eaten within 30 minutes (laugh) The clerk seems to be a very shy person, and it seems that people who talk hard are not good at it. When you call it, use a doorbell, and if you ask for it in a small way, it will be easy to talk to. Fresh cream, custard (thick egg), chocolate cream (also delicious ✨) become sweeter in that order, and fruits and ice cream can be topped, so there are about 50 types of crepes in total. Reservations are required, but birthday cakes are also available.
華子マキアート3世 on Google

二度と行きません。面倒くさそうな接客態度。店中に説明の張り紙か全方向から沢山あって店内は気味が悪い雰囲気でした。 どのお菓子も味付けしていない卵焼きみたいな味で、子供が不味いからもういらないと残してしまう。味も接客も店の雰囲気もとても残念でした。 罰ゲームとかには良いかもです
I will never go again. Customer service attitude that seems to be troublesome. There was a lot of explanation posters in the store from all directions, and the atmosphere inside the store was creepy. It tastes like omelet without seasoning any of the sweets, and it tastes bad for children, so I leave it when I don't need it anymore. The taste, customer service and atmosphere of the restaurant were very disappointing. It may be good for punishment games
ATO on Google

クレープやソフトクリームの味が好きです。今時珍しいホームメイドな味を楽しめます。 他の方も書かれている通り、女性の方の接客はびっくりしたことがあります。 クレープ1つ注文し会計した後、面倒くさそうに大きなため息をつかれたことがあります。これにはすごくショックを受けました。 好きな店だっただけに、若干トラウマな経験でした。
I like the taste of crepes and soft serve ice cream. You can enjoy a rare homemade taste nowadays. As others have written, the female customer service has been surprising. After ordering and paying for one crepe, I had a big sigh that seemed to be annoying. I was very shocked by this. It was a little traumatic experience because it was my favorite shop.
Mahmoud Raafat on Google

The best place for not too sweet Crepe but still sweet enough~ Made freshly and with a right feel of eggs when you eat it~ I recommend the no.5 crepe as it is light and has both whipped cream and chocolate cream which both taste fantastic!

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