キャトーズジュイエ イオンレイクタウンmori店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キャトーズジュイエ イオンレイクタウンmori店

住所 :

Lake Town, Koshigaya, 〒343-0828 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889887
Webサイト : http://www.14juillet.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Lake Town, Koshigaya, 〒343-0828 Saitama,Japan
立木清 on Google

momo on Google

Is delicious. I'm happy to receive it, and I'm happy to give it.
コマりえ on Google

お友達から貰って食べたらめっちゃ美味しいです。 自分でも買いに行きました。 有名なお店より美味しいです。
It's really delicious if you get it from a friend and eat it. I went to buy it myself. It's more delicious than the famous shops.
田中美鈴 on Google

ケーキのお味は少し甘過ぎる様に思いますが、小ぶりなのでいいのかしら。濃厚な味。 パティシエさんはこちらにはいらっしゃらないとかで従業員のケーキの扱いも雑で失礼な態度でした。店長がお若いので仕方ないのかしら。
I think the cake taste is a little too sweet, but I wonder if it's small enough. Rich taste. Patissier-san did not come here and the employees' handling of cakes was sloppy and rude. I wonder if the manager is so young.
K T on Google

It is good to have only staff like part-time job, making it on the spot, but I'm worried about the taste as people in their 1s and 20s make it behind the scenes. The letters on the message plate are poor, and they are not good enough. It's an image of a luxury store, but the atmosphere is like a cake shop downtown. For that, the price. It seems that the Tokyo store is closed, but since it is one of my favorite cake shops, I hope that you will not lose only the taste. I want it to be a shop that was never said to be good in the past.
中村幸紀 on Google

I bought a cake for my daughter's birthday around noon last night, but when I opened it at night and tried to prepare it, the candle I asked for wasn't in it. It seems that it wasn't included last year ...
きのこの里 on Google

ケーキは小さめですが、そんなに甘すぎず高級感のあるお味です。 レイクタウン店では、たまにシュークリーム100円の日があるようです。ホールケーキも頂きましたが美味しかったです。
The cake is small, but not too sweet and has a high-class taste. At the Lake Town store, it seems that the cream puff sometimes costs 100 yen. I got a whole cake, but it was delicious.
ケーティーKT on Google

閉店間際で種類はあまり無かった中から この2つだけ購入! ちょっと小ぶりでお高め。 タルト生地がサクサクー! フラロンタンみたいに香ばしくて今までのタルト生地で1番すき〜♪ チョコレート甘過ぎず、ほろ苦い感じで紅茶と合ってとても美味しかった! 次はショートケーキ食べてみよ〜っと♪
There weren't many types right before the store closed Buy only these two! A little small and high. Tart dough is crispy! It is fragrant like fullon and the best tart dough ever ~ ♪ Chocolate was not too sweet, and it tasted bittersweet and very good with tea! Next time, let's eat the shortcake ♪

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