
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 井筒

住所 :

Mori, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0023 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Mori, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0023 Kanagawa,Japan
藤本真 on Google

最高級の天ぷらを食べるならここ! あと、お造り各種オススメです☺️
If you want to eat the finest tempura, here! Also, I recommend various sashimi ☺️
asami ishida on Google

JR磯子駅から徒歩3分の場所にある天ぷら屋さんです。 結婚記念日に、夫と二人で18:30に予約して伺いました。カウンター席なので、目の前で天ぷらを揚げて頂けます。ごま油を使用されているので香りが良く、素材の良さが引き立てられていて本当に美味しい天ぷらが頂けるところです。 天ぷらの他にお刺身も頂けるのですが、素材が良く(ネタは豊洲市場で仕入れているそう)本当に美味しいお刺身が食べたい時はここに来れば確実です。 今回は、お刺身の4点盛(ブリ、イカ、マグロ、ウニ)から始めて、その後、天ぷら定食を頂きました。天ぷら定食の天ぷらは、一つ一つ目の前でさばいた食材を揚げていってくれます。天ぷら定食の〆のかき揚げ丼にはプリップリのエビがたくさん入っていて、本当に美味しいです。 コロナ感染対策も、間仕切りや換気などきちんとされていて安心して食事ができました。 ネタの良さ、調理の腕を考えるととてもコストパフォーマンスの高いお店の一つです。
It is a tempura shop located a 3-minute walk from JR Isogo Station. On my wedding anniversary, I made a reservation with my husband at 18:30. Since it is a counter seat, you can fry tempura in front of you. Because it uses sesame oil, it has a nice fragrance, and the goodness of the material is enhanced, so you can enjoy really delicious tempura. You can get sashimi in addition to tempura, but if you want to eat really delicious sashimi with good ingredients (the ingredients are purchased at Toyosu Market), you can definitely come here. This time, I started with 4 pieces of sashimi (yellowtail, squid, tuna, sea urchin) and then had a tempura set meal. Tempura, a set meal of tempura, fries the ingredients that have been prepared in front of each one. The tempura set meal, Kakiage-don, contains a lot of shrimp and is really delicious. Corona infection countermeasures were also neat, such as partitions and ventilation, so I was able to eat with peace of mind. Considering the goodness of the ingredients and the skill of cooking, it is one of the shops with very high cost performance.
M W on Google

ランチで利用。 注文したのは天丼、かき揚げ丼、お刺身定食の3つ。 かき揚げは海老はゴロゴロたっぷり。 刺身定食はネタが新鮮と思うし、つまも手作りなはずです残さず食べれました。 今度は夜に金額気にせず天ぷらとお刺身食べたいな。 駐車場もありで、多分2台行けるはず。 古いけど、王選手、長嶋選手や巨人軍レジェンドの写真やサインありました。
Used for lunch. I ordered three bowls: Tendon, Kakiagedon, and Sashimi set meal. Kakiage is full of shrimp. I think the sashimi set meal has fresh ingredients, and the sashimi should be handmade. Next time I want to eat tempura and sashimi without worrying about the amount of money at night. There is also a parking lot, so maybe two cars can go. It's old, but there were photos and signs of King, Nagashima and Giants Legend.
Miyuki M on Google

It's a small shop run by a nice husband and a landlady. The crispy tempura was a delicious tempura bowl that was light and the sauce of the tempura bowl was not too heavy. Eggplant, peppers, kisses, 2 pumpkins, 2 shrimp, pickles, and crispy freshwater clam soup with plenty of freshwater clams are reasonable for 1650 yen. The location is difficult to understand at first glance, but it is a well-known hideaway store.
K K on Google

Bランチをいただきました。天ぷらは衣が軽く、サクサク!カウンターで頂いたので、揚げたての美味しい天ぷらを順次いただけます!天ぷらを食べるともたれることが多い私ですが、全然平気だった! また是非再訪したい店。
I had a B lunch. Tempura is light and crispy! I got it at the counter, so you can enjoy delicious freshly fried tempura in sequence! I often lean on eating tempura, but I didn't mind at all! A store that I definitely want to visit again.
Dragon MJ (MJ) on Google

ランチタイムには、揚げたての天ぷらがリーズナブルな値段でいただけて、気さくでテキパキとしたサービスがうれしい、お薦めの天ぷら屋。 Bランチ2200円 天ぷら5種(キス、ホタテ、エビ、野菜等)、かき揚げ丼 しじみの味噌汁 お漬物 A定食3300円 ランチとの大きな違いは、アナゴ。 このアナゴが、絶品。 生きている小ぶりなアナゴが、目の前でさばかれ、天ぷらになると、厚みが増し大きくなったように感じる。ふわふわで柔らかで、小骨もなく本当に美味しい。 エビも生きているものが使用される。 小ぶりだが味が良く、カリカリの頭もつく。 かき揚げで締めとなるが、かき揚げ丼か、ライスとかき揚げのセットが選択できる。 かき揚げ丼は、タレが濃いめ。 駐車場は、1台分あり。 #4
じーみん on Google

It was about 6 o'clock on a rainy Sunday night, but it was full. I had a kakiage set meal and was full. I was happy that there were a lot of my favorite shrimp in it. The sashimi looks delicious, so I'd definitely like to ask for it next time.
大塚陽祐 on Google

美味しかった‼️ 衣が薄いから食べたあとも胃が重くない ( ゚ロ゚)!! 揚げたてだから熱々‼️ 塩で食べるときは気をつけて、ふーふーしないと火傷するかも(笑) 今回は天ぷら定食+追加で帆立をいただきました(* ´ ▽ ` *)ノ 普段食べられない穴子の骨せんべいや海老の頭、レアな帆立…良かったなぁ ( ゚Д゚)ウマー 何気に最後のかき揚げ丼についてきた漬け物が好きな味だったよ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ お店の雰囲気も良く、一人で行っても気後れせずにお食事できます。 お財布と相談ですがまた行こうと思います ( ´∀` )b
was delicious! ️ Because the batter is thin, the stomach is not heavy even after eating (Pro) !! It's hot because it's freshly fried! ️ Be careful when eating with salt, and you may get burned if you don't do it (laughs) This time, I had a tempura set meal + an additional scallop (* ´ ▽ `*) ノ Conger eel bone crackers, shrimp heads, rare scallops that you can't usually eat ... It was good. (゚ Д ゚) Ummer I liked the pickles that came with the last kakiage bowl (´ ▽ `) ノ The atmosphere of the restaurant is good, and you can eat without hesitation even if you go alone. I have a consultation with my wallet, but I will go again (´∀ `) b

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