Mookashi Sports Park Field - Moka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mookashi Sports Park Field

住所 :

1900 Kobayashi, Moka, Tochigi 321-4321, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 321-4321

1900 Kobayashi, Moka, Tochigi 321-4321, Japan
真ゆこ on Google

The large playset is Tochigi Ichi (probably), and although it is a little far away, children will be overjoyed to play with it, so I will take it with me. Saturdays and Sundays are full.
のほほん on Google

まず大きさに圧倒されます。 きれいな、それでいてとても大きな複合型遊具。子供たちの冒険心をくすぐる作りになっています。 たくさんの登り口や降り口の数、種類があり飽きません。途中には吊り橋などがあり、子供達が大満足すること間違い無しです。最上階のローラー付き滑り台の高さはかなり高く、なかなか上るまでに疲れますが滑り降りる際の爽快感で疲れを忘れられます。 年齢ごとに遊ぶエリアが3つに別れていて、子供の運動能力に適した場所で遊ばせることができます。 近くにはブランコやその他遊具、そして大人も楽しめる足つぼや健康増進器具が多数配置されています。 トイレも綺麗で休憩用のベンチが多数あり、芝生の場所や日陰も多く、ミストの出るマシンもあるので夏場は大変助かります。 テントやお昼ご飯等を持参してお出掛けしてみてはいかがでしょう。
First of all, I am overwhelmed by the size. A beautiful, yet very large composite playground equipment. It is designed to tickle the adventure of children. There are a lot of entrances and exits, and you will never get tired of them. There is a suspension bridge along the way, and there is no doubt that the children will be very satisfied. The height of the slide with rollers on the top floor is quite high, and it takes a while to get up, but you can forget the fatigue due to the refreshing feeling when you slide down. There are three play areas for each age, so you can play in a place that suits your child's athletic ability. There are many swings and other playground equipment nearby, as well as a lot of foot pots and health promotion equipment that adults can enjoy. The toilets are clean, there are many benches for rest, there are many lawn places and shades, and there are machines that produce mist, so it is very helpful in the summer. Why don't you go out with a tent or lunch?
福田拓子 on Google

On February 21, last year, I stopped by this park for a walk with my son on the last drive of my life, and we talked about various things about the newly completed lap course ❗ this time. I was looking forward to running and went home. the next day. I was hospitalized and left in March.
CTAKE on Google

遊具あり、広い広場ありで、運動も遊びも満足できます。 駐車場も沢山在りますので、こまりません。 車で少し行くと、コンビニやハンバーガー屋もあります。 隣接した徒歩圏内にも、簡易的なワゴン販売の飲食あります。
There are playsets and a large open space, so you can enjoy both exercise and play. There are many parking lots, so it doesn't get too crowded. A short drive will bring you to convenience stores and hamburger shops. There are also simple wagon-sold food and drinks within walking distance.
コー on Google

遊具が年齢別にあり、ハイハイしている子どもから、大人向けの健康遊具があったり、他の公園よりも幅広い年齢の人に楽しめる公園、トイレも比較的きれいで自動販売機もあるが近くにコンビニがないので食べ物は移動しないと手に入らない。駐車場も多く停められる(40台ほど)が、連休とかはお昼前後にいっぱいになる。その時は道路渡った向かいに砂利の駐車スペースがあったりする。 使用者のマナーもいいので安心できるし、レジャーシートやテントがあれば、ゆったり楽しめる。 ただ土地柄なのか風が強い日が多い気がするので、温かい格好は必須。
There are playsets by age, there are healthy playsets for adults from high-high children, parks that can be enjoyed by people of a wider range of ages than other parks, toilets are relatively clean and there are vending machines, but there is a convenience store nearby Because there is no food, you can't get it unless you move. Many parking lots can be parked (about 40 cars), but consecutive holidays are full around noon. At that time, there is a gravel parking space across the road. The manners of the users are good, so you can rest assured, and if you have a leisure seat or tent, you can relax and enjoy yourself. However, I feel that there are many windy days, probably because of the locality, so warm clothing is essential.
山下伸一 on Google

初めて行きましたが、ビックリするくらい 広くて遊具が豊富です。年齢別になって いるので安心です。
I went there for the first time, but I was surprised It is large and has abundant playset. By age I am relieved because I am there.
Keller Costa on Google

Awesome park for kids to play around!
Isyanna Tunggadewi on Google

It's a really huge sports park. There's area for toddler and also for pre-teen to play around. Even adults (me) think this playground is fun. Running track also available with decent path and there's also football/soccer field, archery and tennis court too. There's also facility area for stretching. Restroom and vending machine in every corner.

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