
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大川戸つり堀

住所 :

Kamioba, Mashiko, Haga District, 〒321-4212 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
街 : Tochigi

Kamioba, Mashiko, Haga District, 〒321-4212 Tochigi,Japan
おっさん鮎師 on Google

私が子供の頃から行く釣り堀です。 ほぼ入れ食い状態ですが、大きい鱒はちょっとだけ難しいかな。 釣った魚は内臓処理してくれます。 鱒の塩焼き美味しい料金も安いですよ。 ただし釣った魚は全てお買い上げでリリースしてはいけません。
It is a fishing pond that I have been going to since I was a child. It's almost eaten, but I think it's a little difficult to make a big fish. The fish you catch will be processed for internal organs. Grilled trout with salt The delicious price is also cheap. However, you must not release all the fish you catch by purchase.
Tatsu K on Google

小1の孫娘が魚釣り初体験。二匹釣れて大喜びでした。自然豊かでのどかなシチュエーションを味わいながら子供も大人も楽しめる釣り堀です。 釣り上げた魚は全て買い取るシステムですが、その場で塩焼きにしてくれて食堂でも食べられます。 ちょうど昼時だったので、釣り上げた五匹を塩焼きにして、ざる蕎麦と肉うどんを注文。リーズナブルな価格で美味しかったです。
The granddaughter of elementary school 1 experienced fishing for the first time. I was delighted to catch two of them. It is a fishing pond that both children and adults can enjoy while enjoying the peaceful situation rich in nature. The system is to buy all the fish you catch, but you can also grill them on the spot and eat them in the cafeteria. It was just noon, so I grilled the five fish I caught and ordered Zaru soba and meat udon noodles. It was delicious at a reasonable price.
びん on Google

結構、楽しめる。 釣った魚は、さばいて焼いて くれて、食べれる。 駐車場は広い。
It's quite enjoyable. The fish you catch should be sorted and baked. Give me and eat. The parking lot is large.
aya on Google

Fishing rod 50 yen, bait 50 yen Cospa is the best. I had the fish I caught grilled with salt and made into sashimi. The shop staff was very kind. I want to go again.
JUN JUN on Google

日曜日に行きました オープン9時なので それに合わせるといちばん混まずにいいとおもいます お店のひとも優しく 値段も手頃でした 釣ったらリリースNGです ので たべる必要があるので 釣りすぎに注意です しかし小学2年の息子は非常にたのしかったらしく 大はしゃぎで釣っていました そして 自分で釣ったニジマスをたべて こんなにうまい魚は初めて とのこと(笑) 小さなお子さんがいたらおすすめ!
Went on sunday It's open at 9 o'clock I think that it is best not to mix it according to it The people in the shop are also kind The price was also reasonable If you catch it, it will be released NG So Because I need to eat Be careful not to fish too much However, my son in the second grade of elementary school seems to have been very happy. I was fishing with a lot of fun and Eat the rainbow trout you caught yourself This is the first time for such a delicious fish (Laughs) Recommended if you have small children!
長谷川拓也 on Google

平日の午前中に行きました。 私達と地元の人1人しかお客さんがいない状態でした。店員のおじさんが良い人で色々教えてくれたり、お話ししてくれたりしてすごく楽しく遊ぶことができました。 結果的に2人でおよそ2時間でふつうサイズのニジマス11匹と特大マス1匹が釣れて大満足です。 特大マスとニジマス2匹を調理してもらい現地で食べましたが、臭みがまったく無くてすごく美味しかったです。 特大マスはお刺身にもしてもらえます。お刺身もめちゃくちゃ美味! 残り9匹も塩焼きにしてもらい、お土産として両親兄弟と帰宅後に食べましたが持ち帰りでも十分に美味しかったです。もう少し釣っても良かったくらいでした。 システムは当たり前ですが、釣った分は全て買い取る形なので釣りすぎに注意です。 1〜2時間で充分楽しめると思います。 私達は上記釣果と調理代、飲食代、釣具レンタル代、餌代全て含めて7500円でした。 普通サイズのニジマスの引きもなかなか強くて面白いです。ニジマス釣り初の妻が6匹も釣れました。 特大マスは釣るのが少し難しいですが、ちょっと難易度が高い釣りをしたいお父さんや彼氏さんがやると楽しめると思います。 設備は手洗い場もトイレもありました。 また飲食スペースも完備されていて自動販売機もありました。料理も出しているみたいです。オススメです。
I went there in the morning on weekdays. There was only one customer, we and one local. The uncle of the clerk was a good person and he taught me various things and talked to me, so I had a lot of fun playing. As a result, two people are very happy to catch 11 normal-sized rainbow trout and 1 oversized trout in about 2 hours. I had two oversized trout and rainbow trout cooked and ate them locally, but they had no odor and were very delicious. Oversized trout can be made into sashimi. The sashimi is also insanely delicious! I had the remaining 9 grilled with salt and ate them as souvenirs with my parents and siblings after returning home, but they were delicious enough to take home. I should have caught a little more. The system is natural, but be careful not to overfish because you buy everything you catch. I think you can enjoy it in 1 to 2 hours. We paid 7500 yen including the above fishing results, cooking fee, food and drink fee, fishing tackle rental fee, and bait fee. The pull of a normal size rainbow trout is also quite strong and interesting. I caught 6 rainbow trout fishing first wives. Oversized trout is a little difficult to fish, but I think it will be fun for dads and boyfriends who want to fish a little more difficult. Facilities included a hand-washing area and a toilet. There was also a vending machine with a complete dining space. It seems that they are also serving food. I recommend it.
こあ on Google

コスパがとても良い釣り堀 竿レンタルと練り餌が共に50円で利用できます。 魚も食い付きが良いので子どもも飽きずに釣りを楽しめます。 マスは釣った分だけ買取で、下処理をしてくれます。 頼めば塩焼きにし、その場で釣りたて新鮮なマスを食べられます。(焼き代500円) お店の方がとても丁寧に対応して下さり、また行きたいと思いました。
Cospa is a very good fishing moat Bait batter and pole rental is available both at 50 yen. Since the good with also eat fish you can enjoy fishing without getting tired and children. Trout in the purchase by the amount of caught us with a lower processing. The grilled if you ask, you can eat the fishing fresh fresh trout on the fly. (Baked fee 500 yen) I thought Kudasari, also want to go towards the shop very carefully in response.
Christina Oshima on Google

Perfect activities for both kids and adults.

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