Monument for Prohibition of killing at the vicinity of Senso-ji Temple - Taito City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Monument for Prohibition of killing at the vicinity of Senso-ji Temple

住所 :

2 Chome-2 Kaminarimon, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0034, Japan

Postal code : 111-0034

2 Chome-2 Kaminarimon, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0034, Japan
Jake on Google

It is in the precincts of Komagatado, Sensoji Temple.
Hideki Kawamura on Google

紀元二千六百年 記念 淺草寺縁起ニ曰ク徃昔土師臣真中知檜前濱成武等ト宮古川ニ出漁シテ偶 聖觀世音ノ尊像ヲ網中ニ得驚喜措ク能ハズ草堂ニ安置シ禮拜供養シタリト 此地ハ實ニ其ノ遺蹟ニシテ即チ淺草寺創ノ浄域ナリ 其後天慶五年平朝臣公雅淺草寺ノ堂塔ヲ造營シ新ニ此地ニ一堂ヲ建立シテ 馬頭観ノ尊像ヲ安置シ以テ浄域棲息ノ生類ヲ守護得脱セシメント祈願ス 是レ今ノ駒形堂ノ濫觴ナリ 今兹紀元二千六百年ヲ迎ヘ國民相慶シテ悠久肇國ノ聖業ヲ追慕翼賛シ奉リ 祝典ヲ擧行スルニ當リ雷門一丁目材木町ノ有志等相謀リ郷土往古ノ縁由ヲ 原ネ之ヲ石ニ録シテ永ク後世ニ傳ヘン 昭和十五年庚辰十一月奉祝記念日 淺草寺現董大僧正亮順篆額並撰文 天台沙門真亮?書 森田春鶴鐫
2600 AD Memorial Mt. The statue of the sacred world, Akane Nakano, is a surprise measure. This place Ha No Ni Ni No Shishi Nishiite Immediately Chi Asakusa Temple Sono Jodo Nari After that, Tenkei 5th year Taira no Shogun Masamakusa Temple Nodo Pagoda was built. The prayer for protection of the horses and horses Kore Ima no Komagatado No Hakusan Nari Now, the era of the two thousand and six hundred years, is the honor of the people of the nation. Celebration worship service Sulni Tori, Kaminarimon 1-chome, timber-machi no volunteers, etc. Original record of stones 15th Anniversary of the celebration of Kotatsu in November, 1945
Ohshima Yasuhiro on Google

The meaning is that "10 towns of Asakusa 7-chome from Komagata 2-chome is a spiritual place of Asakusa-ji, so it prohibits the killing of fish".
山岡士郎 on Google

Although it is a small kite, it is a very pleasant place along the Sumida River. The ugly and insects seemed comfortable.
Kou K on Google

浅草寺の起原として霊地とされ、生類の殺生を禁止する為、此処駒形堂より北は待乳山聖天・今戸まで、南は諏訪町までの墨田川は禁漁の地となった。 そうです。
It is considered to be a sacred place as the origin of Sensoji Temple, and in order to prohibit the killing of living creatures, the Sumida River from Komagata-do to Matsuchiyama Shoten and Imado in the north and Suwa-cho in the south has become a prohibited fishing area. That's right.
遊輝 on Google

殺生禁断の範囲は、 駒形堂を中心に南は諏訪町、 北は聖天岸迄の十町余 現在の碑は関東大震災後の 昭和2年、土中から発見され 昭和8年、駒形堂再建と同時に 修補されたもの。
The range of forbidden killing is Suwa Town in the south centering on Komagata-do, In the north, there are 10 towns up to St. Tengan The current monument is after the Great Kanto Earthquake Showa 2 In 1938, at the same time as the reconstruction of Komagata-do What was repaired.
Maggie Toy on Google

Thought provoking
Anthony on Google

I think it’s a nice little place that adds to the historical significance of the neighborhood even though it may be an insignificant monument. Ascetically it also contributes to the personality of the area.

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