Monkichi - Shibuya City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Monkichi

住所 :

1 Chome-42-13 Yoyogi, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 151-0053
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 5:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 5:30AM–11PM
Thursday 5:30AM–11PM
Friday 5:30AM–11PM

1 Chome-42-13 Yoyogi, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan
ゆっきーもーりー on Google

前から気になっててランチで伺いました^_^ いつもお店がいっぱいだったのでいつか行きたいなと。 感じのいい店員さん達が迎えてくださり、すぐにお料理も出てきました。 初めてでおすすめを聞き鮭の西京焼き定食900円を頼みました。 ご飯は多さを選べて嬉しかったです。 最近食べた定食で一番美味しくてびっくり。 そして、次の日もランチで伺い、銀ダラの西京焼き定食1100円を頂きました^_^ 口に入れた瞬間、香ばしさと脂の旨味でとろけました。 最高です! これからも通います。
I was worried for a while and asked for lunch ^ _ ^ I always wanted to go because there were so many shops. The pleasant clerk welcomed me and the food was served right away. For the first time, I asked for a recommendation and asked for a salmon Saikyo-yaki set meal of 900 yen. I was happy that I could choose a lot of rice. I'm surprised that the set meal I ate recently was the most delicious. And the next day, I visited for lunch and received a silver-dala Saikyo grilled set meal of 1100 yen ^ _ ^ The moment you put it in your mouth, it melted with the fragrance and the delicious taste of fat. it's the best! I will continue to go.
Daisuke Kobayashi on Google

美味しい魚介系居酒屋。 お刺身は新鮮だし、焼き魚は西京漬け絶妙だし、日本酒の種類はたくさん。 クラフトビールも4種程度ある。 そして何故かだし巻きがやたらうまい。 ランチもディナーもこの価格帯の代々木居酒屋ではなかなか素晴らしい出来。 いつもご馳走様です!
A delicious seafood izakaya. Sashimi is fresh, grilled fish is exquisitely pickled in Saikyo, and there are many types of sake. There are about four kinds of craft beer. And for some reason winding is good. Both lunch and dinner are very good at Yoyogi Izakaya in this price range. It's always a treat!
Aaru Takahashi on Google

ほんとに美味しい日本のお料理なら「もんきち」? あのね、ここね、本当に美味しい。 お料理上手なのよ。 素朴な日本料理中心の、、、食堂?? 居酒屋さんだったんだと思うけど、このご時世でもっぱらランチと持ち帰りがメインみたい。 ご近所では評判の味✨ ランチはいっそがしそう? だけどランチに行ってきました。笑 「銀ダラの左京焼き」 実は前にもこの店には数回きたことあって、 西京焼きのお味噌を自家製で作ってるって言ってたのよね? もうさ。 ほんと甘味と塩分の具合さが最高? ふわっと、仕上がってて、毎日食べたいくらい?? ごはんもすすむわ〜〜〜。 ここのお店のお魚なら、お魚苦手な人でも大好きになりそう✨ 数日間の食事の不摂生が一髪でクリアできそうな栄養バランス? (毎日ちゃんとしなさい。笑) 代々木駅から、、、。5~6分かな。 住宅街に(しかも地下!)あるからなかなか気づかないけど。 本気の名店です。
"Monkichi" for really delicious Japanese food ? Well, here it's really delicious. You're good at cooking. A restaurant with a focus on simple Japanese cuisine? ? I think it was an izakaya, but it seems that lunch and take-out are the main things in this age. A taste that is popular in the neighborhood ✨ Lunch looks good ? But I went to lunch. Lol "Sablefish roasted in Sakyo" Actually, I've been to this shop several times before, You said you made Saikyo-yaki miso homemade ? Already. The sweetness and saltiness are really great ? Fluffy, finished and I want to eat every day ?? Rice is also good ~ ~ ~. If you are a fish in this shop, even people who are not good at fish will love it ✨ A nutritional balance that seems to clear the unhealthy diet for several days with a single hair ? (Do it every day. Lol) From Yoyogi station ... Maybe 5-6 minutes. It's hard to notice because it's in a residential area (and underground!). It is a seriously famous store.
Aya A on Google

きちんと感染症対策をされていて安心できる。 居酒屋などにありがちな“塩辛い濃い味”ではなく、程よい塩梅に味付けされた煮物や焼き物などとても美味しい。 お弁当の電話注文も受け付けている。 (日替わりのメニューは公式のtwitterアカウントで発表している) 夏場はエアコンがきっちり効いているので、女性は羽織物を一枚持っている方がいいかもしれない。
You can rest assured that you have properly taken measures against infectious diseases. The simmered and grilled dishes seasoned with moderately salted plums are very delicious, not the "salty and strong taste" that is often found in izakaya. We also accept telephone orders for bento boxes. (The daily menu is announced on the official twitter account) Women may want to carry a piece of haori, as the air conditioner works well in the summer.
s on Google

ランチで何度か利用しています。 女性1人でも入りやすいので嬉しいです。 料理はどれも本当においしいですし、お店の雰囲気も良く、店員さんも皆優しいです。 ランチメニューは日替わりで、店長さんのTwitter( @monkichi_yoyogi )でも見ることができます? チリチキンやタコライス、お刺身定食や真鯛カブトの煮付けなど、時々珍しいメニューもあったりするので楽しみです。
I use it several times for lunch. I am happy that even one woman can easily enter. The food is really delicious, the atmosphere of the restaurant is good, and the staff are all kind. The lunch menu changes daily, and you can also see it on the store manager's Twitter (@monkichi_yoyogi) ? I am looking forward to the occasional unusual menu such as chili chicken, taco rice, sashimi set meal and simmered red sea bream.
佐々木直人 on Google

赤魚の粕漬け定食です?️ 肉厚な身にしっかり粕漬けの味が染み込んだ逸品です。 副菜にデザートまであり満足感のある昼食でした? 焼き魚を食べたいときはここです‼️ (焼き魚以外もあります?)
It is a set meal of red fish pickled in kasuzuke ?️ It is a gem that the taste of Kasuzuke is firmly infused into the thick body. It was a satisfying lunch with side dishes and dessert ? If you want to eat grilled fish, this is the place! ️ (There are other than grilled fish ?)
masako ohmi on Google

Great bear and seafood.
Xavier Marchand on Google

Fantastic little restaurant. I had a lunch meal with an eel donburi, a miso soup, two small dishes with various vegetables and pickles, and a piece of cake for dessert. Everything in there was excellent, and it cost a grand total of 1400 yens... The donburis come in two sizes but the smaller one is a pretty good portion already.

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