Monkey cafe

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Monkey cafe

住所 :

1, Kita Ward, Nagoya, 〒462-0846 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
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街 : 区画 Aichi

1, Kita Ward, Nagoya, 〒462-0846 Aichi,Japan
倶楽部籠球 on Google

Bad owner
kasuka minamino on Google

休日のランチに利用、ランチはワンコインに1ドリンク付。子供用の食器もあり子連れでも利用しやすいが、ワンオーダー制なので注意。面した通りが休日路上駐車OKなので駐車場にも困らない。 ランチタイム以外は空いていて静か、大学内のお店なので置いてある雑誌が学術系で長居したくなる。
Used for holiday lunch, lunch includes one drink per coin. There are tableware for children and it is easy to use with children, but be careful as it is a one-order system. The streets facing are holiday parking on the street, so parking is not a problem. It's vacant and quiet except at lunchtime, and because it's a university store, you'll want to stay longer at the academic magazines.
M H on Google

We had lunch because we were close to the venue on the day of the TOEIC test. It is reasonable with drinks from around 500 yen. I could relax in a fashionable shop, so I wanted to be more relaxed if there was no exam. It can be used not only by students but also by the general public.
C K on Google

全てのメニューがワンコインでコスパ抜群でした。 名古屋城のある名城公園でのイベントに立ち寄った際にランチを食べに伺いました。 愛知学院大学の学食ですが、学生以外でも自由に利用できます。土日は大学前に路上駐車が可能ですので、車でも来やすいです。学生さんを相手にされているだけあって、安いです。栄駅にある猿カフェにもお邪魔したことがありますが、やはり価格の差なのか、クオリティは栄の方が上なような気もしました。 名古屋の老舗カフェである猿cafeだけあって、店内はとてもお洒落でした。 結婚式の二次会の予約があったようで、長居させてもらえなかったことが残念です。
All menus were excellent with one coin. When I stopped by an event at Meijo Park where Nagoya Castle is located, I asked to eat lunch. It is a school meal at Aichi Gakuin University, but it can be used freely by non-students. On weekends, street parking is possible in front of the university, so it is easy to come by car. It is cheap because there are only students. I also visited the monkey cafe at Sakae Station, but I felt that the quality was better, probably because of the price difference. There was only Monkey Cafe, a long-established cafe in Nagoya, and the shop was very stylish. It seems that there was a reservation for the second party of the wedding and it was a pity that I could not stay long.
Kaoru Trip on Google

とても眺めが良いテラスがあります。 モーニングがあり、ドリンク代でトーストとキャベツの千切り、ゆで卵が付いてきます。 プラス100円〜200円でツナや小倉など付けられます。 隣は名城公園で、眺めが良いのでオススメです。 ランチも500円で提供しています。
There is a terrace with a very nice view. There is a morning, and toast, shredded cabbage, and boiled eggs are included for the drink fee. You can add tuna and Kokura for an additional 100 to 200 yen. Next door is Meijo Park, which is recommended because it has a good view. Lunch is also offered for 500 yen.
腐れ神 on Google

最悪。開店の時間も守れない。誰がリピートしたいと思うの?本当に最悪だと思う。わざわざ早起きしてみんなで楽しみにしてモーニングに来たのに8時40分になっても開かない。本当に腹が立ってしょうがない。 水と砂糖は美味しかった。
terrible. I can't keep the opening time. Who wants to repeat? I think it's really the worst. I got up early and everyone was looking forward to coming to the morning, but it didn't open even at 8:40. I'm really angry. The water and sugar were delicious.
George K. Sandor on Google

Great food, sweets and drinks, nice staff
N A on Google

Good location. We can relax.

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