Mizuno Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Yokohama

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizuno Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-2-9 Ekoda, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 225-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 225-0005
Webサイト : http://www.mizunoseikeigeka.com/

2 Chome-2-9 Ekoda, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 225-0005, Japan
katakorihidoi on Google

水野先生、スタッフが親切。診察のみで処置を受けたわけではないので技術的な点はわかりません。古いクリニックだけど雰囲気は良いです。 駐車場あり。
Mr. Mizuno, the staff are friendly. I don't know the technical point because I wasn't just treated. It is an old clinic but the atmosphere is good. Parking available.
マキバコ金子 on Google

女医の金子医師に診察してもらった。 手の靭帯断裂しているのに湿布も痛み止めもテーピングも何もかもしてくれなかった。 後日、靭帯断裂と他の病院で診断された。 手術の可能性もあり、金子医師には真面目に診察して欲しいと思います。
A female doctor, Dr. Kaneko, consulted me. Even though the ligament of the hand was torn, it didn't do anything with the poultice, the painkiller, or the taping. Later, a ligament rupture was diagnosed at another hospital. Because of the possibility of surgery, I would like Dr. Kaneko to see him seriously.
野桜ワサビ on Google

ドクター、スタッフの方々は親切 優しくとても良いのですが、なんと言っても混んでます。 予約制ではないので院長先生の受診の時は2~3時間待ちは覚悟しなければなりません。 混みすぎていて、予約制ではないので、☆マイナス2です。
The doctors and staff are kind, kind and very good, but it is crowded. Since it is not a reservation system, you have to be prepared to wait 2-3 hours when visiting the director. It's too crowded and it's not a reservation system, so it is ☆ minus 2.
鈴木義人 on Google

It was the worst! I found hernia the third time. It was different from the hospitals up until now! There are too many things I want to say. !! It has changed to another orthopedic surgery! It's totally different. I didn't really want to say bad things
諸岡由紀子 on Google

右手指の腫れで受診。レントゲン異常無しで痛み止めを処方。 症状悪化し、翌日は原因不明で血液検査。 医師の血液採取が下手くそで、血管は腫れ、今でも大きな痣が残ってます。 結果は異常無しだが抗生物質処方。 しかしさらに悪化し、痛みと腫れ、発熱、しびれ、強張りで不眠に。 別の手外科に行き、手根管症候群と判明し治療。 整形外科医なのに、専門外だとわからないものでしょうか。 病名に辿り着くまで苦しみました。 2度と行きません。
A medical examination was performed due to swelling of the right finger. Prescribed painkillers without x-ray abnormalities. The symptom worsened, and the next day, the cause was unknown and a blood test was performed. The doctor's blood sampling is bad, the blood vessels are swollen and still have large bruise. The result was normal, but antibiotics were prescribed. However, it became worse, and pain and swelling, fever, numbness, and tenseness caused insomnia. He went to another hand surgery and was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, and he was treated. I'm an orthopedic surgeon, but I don't know if I'm out of specialty. I suffered until I got to the name of the disease. I will never go again.
坂上仁志 on Google

2020年2月7日、1階の丸正が閉まって地下の駐車場が使えない、その時に、こちらのスタッフが駐車場で道案内をしてくれている その姿がすばらしい!!
On February 7, 2020, Marumasa on the first floor is closed and the underground parking lot can not be used, at this time, this staff is giving directions in the parking lot Its appearance is wonderful!
65 noby on Google

大変混んでいますが、電気治療は早目にやっていただけます。診察はそれなりに待ちます。ただ、スタッフ間の連携も良くできていてスムーズに患者を誘導されています。 診察も短い時間ではありますが、先生の説明もとても的確でわかりやすくとても好感が持てました。短い時間でインフォームドコンセントをきちんとされていて、とても満足感がありました。
It's very crowded, but you can get electrical treatment early. The medical examination will wait as it is. However, the cooperation between the staff is good and the patients are guided smoothly. Although the examination was short, the teacher's explanation was very accurate, easy to understand, and I liked it very much. I was very satisfied with the informed consent in a short time.
yu hasegawa on Google

背中の痛みで来院。混雑していました。 院内には電気治療を行うための広いスペースがあります。 問診票を書き終えるとすぐ、先生ではない方に「電気を当てます」と言われました。全く診察を受けていないことを不安に思い、なぜ電気を当てるのか尋ねたところ「じゃあ先に診察にしますか」と言われました。 なぜ痛みの原因も探らずに治療しようとしたんでしょうか。理由を訊いた際に一転して態度を変えたことにも疑問が残ります。 先生の診察は手際が良く、質問にはすべて答えてくれました。しかし診察の後に「まだ電気当ててないの?早く当てて」と看護師の方に言っていました。診察前に電気を当てるのがここの方針なんでしょうか。 最初から電気治療が目的の方ならいいのでしょうが、私のような何の痛みか分からず来院する人間にはまず診察が必要なんじゃないでしょうか。 もしも理由があって診察せずに電気を当てているのなら、説明が必要なんじゃないでしょうか。それができない限り残念ですが広々とした電気治療スペースが小遣い稼ぎの場にしか見えません。
Visited the hospital with back pain. It was crowded. There is a large space in the hospital for electrical treatment. As soon as I finished writing the questionnaire, I was told by someone who was not a teacher to "turn on electricity." I was worried that I hadn't been examined at all, and when I asked why I would turn on the electricity, I was asked, "Then, do you want to see the doctor first?" Why did you try to treat it without looking for the cause of the pain? The question remains that he changed his attitude when asked why. The doctor's examination was quick and he answered all the questions. However, after the examination, he said to the nurse, "Don't you hit the electricity yet? Hit it early." Is it the policy here to turn on electricity before the examination? It would be nice if the purpose was electrical treatment from the beginning, but I think that a person like me who comes to the hospital without knowing what kind of pain needs to be examined first. If for some reason you are turning on the electricity without seeing it, you need an explanation. It's a shame unless you can do that, but the spacious electrotherapy space looks like a place to earn pocket money.

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